Chapter 1 Internationalization Index of Renminbi
1.1 RMB internationalization index and its principles
1.2 The compilation principles of RMB internationalization index
1.3 The compilation method of RMB internationalization index
1.4 The level of RMB internationalization since 2010
1.5 Comparisons among internationalization index of major currencies
Chapter 2 Current Situation of RMB Internationalization
2.1 RMB cross—border trade settlement
2.2 RMB transactions in international financial market
2.3 The current situation of direct investment and securities investment
2.4 RMB swap by monetary authorities
2.5 RMB in global foreign exchange reserves
2.6 Exchange rate of RMB
2.7 Current situation of China's capital account openness
Chapter 3 Important Incidents and Their Influences
3.1 Realize overall cross—border trade settled in Renminbi
3.2 Start experiment units of cross—border Renminbi capital flow
3.3 Renminbi prepares to serve as reserve currency
3.4 Building Hong Kong offshore Renminbi market
Special column 3—1 Hong Kong and Shanghai:competition and cooperation
Special column 3—2 Deviation between CNH and CNY
3.5 Foreign exchange trade with small currencyis developing
Chapter 4 Annual Hot Issues on the Internationalization of Renminbi
4.1 Does the internationalization of RMB require the continuousexpected appreciation of RMB?
4.2 Does it necessary to open a public capital account as the prerequisite of RMB internationalization?
4.3 What is the need of building Hong Kong offshore RMB market?
Chapter 5 Historical Opportunities of the Internationalization of Renminbi
5.1 The continuous growth of China's total economy and foreigntrade scale
5.2 Most developed countries in the western world have falleninto economic recession
Special column 5—1 USA:From subprime crisis to economic crisis
Special column 5—2 How the debt crisis spread to the entire Euro zone
5.3 The promotion of the emerging countries' economies haspushed the reform of international monetary system
5.4 The large scale of foreign exchange reserve has built thecredit foundation of internationalization of Renminbi
Special column 5—3 Controversial ways of using foreign exchange reserves
5.5 The inclusiveness spirit in the Chinese culture
Special column 5—4 Jungle principle of western countries and the Confucian principle of China
Special column 5—5 Cultural reflection on Japan's history
Chapter 6 Challenges of the Internationalization of Renminbi
6.1 Imbalances in the model of economic development andeconomic structure
6.2 Vulnerability of the domestic financial system
6.3 Severe external economic environment
Chapter 7 Conclusions and Suggestions
7.1 Major conclusions
7.2 Long—term strategies of the internationalization of Renminbi
7.3 Short—term strategies of the internationalization of Renminbi
Appendix 1 A Summary of Views:An Interpretation of Internationalization of the RMB
1.1 What are the benefits of internationalization of the RMB?
1.1.6 Enhance Chinese political influence
1.2 How much it may cost in internationalization of the RMB?
1.3 Are conditions of internationalization of the RMB mature?
1.4 How to deal with the prospects and impacts ofinternationalization of the RMB?
1.5 Path and strategy of internationalization of the RMB
1.6 A number of hot issues in the internationalization processof the RMB
Appendix 2 Review of the Internationalization of World's Major Currencies
2.1 Historical review
2.2 Comparison of the internationalization process amongworld's major currencies
2.3 The development patterns and comparison
2.4 The experience of the internationalization of world's majorcurrencies
Appendix 3 RMB Cross—border Business Innovation of the Bank of Communications
3.1 Innovation opens up Chinese financial reform
3.2 Innovation promotes international development strategy
3.3 Innovation promotes excellent financial services
3.4 Create and experiment RMB cross—border business
3.5 Innovation leads RMB cross—border business
3.6 Expectations
Appendix 4 RMB Internationalization Chronicle
更新时间:2020-08-13 19:35:11