中华人民共和国住房和城乡建设部更新时间:2020-09-25 11:18:44
最新章节:12 Safety,Industrial Health and Fire Protection封面
Announcement of Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development of the People's Republic of China
1 General Provisions
2 Terms
3 Basic Requirements
4 Raw Materials,Fluxes,Fuels and Their Preparation
4.1 Entry Requirements of Raw Materials,Fluxes and Fuels
4.2 Receiving and Storage of Raw Materials,Fluxes and Solid Fuels
4.3 Preparation of Fluxes and Fuels
5 Sintering Process
5.1 Process Flow
5.2 Proportioning
5.3 Water Addition,Mixing and Granulating
5.4 Distributing,Ignition and Sintering
5.5 Sintering Exhausting and Flue Gas Cleaning
5.6 Sinter Cake Cooling
5.7 Sinter Sizing
5.8 Product Sinter Storage and Transportation
6 Sintering Equipment
6.1 Proportioning Equipment
6.2 Mixing and Granulating(Nodulizing)Equipment
6.3 Sintering and Cooling Equipment
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6.4 Sinter Sizing Equipment
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7 Energy Saving and Environmental Protection
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7.1 Energy Saving
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7.2 Environmental Production
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8 Electrical Engineering and Automation
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8.1 Electrical Engineering
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8.2 Automation
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9 Auxiliary Facilities
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9.1 General Layout and Transportation
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9.2 Dedusting,Ventilating,Air Conditioning and Heating
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9.3 Water Supply and Drainage
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9.4 Compressed Air Facilities
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9.5 Building and Structure
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10 Product Sinter Quality,Metering,Inspecting,Assaying and Testing
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10.1 Product Sinter Quality
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10.2 Metering
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10.3 Inspection,Assaying and Testing
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11 Equipment Maintenance
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12 Safety,Industrial Health and Fire Protection
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Explanation of Wording in This Code
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List of Quoted standards
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Explanation of Provisions
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Revision Note
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1 General Provisions
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3 Basic Requirements
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4 Raw Materials,Fluxes,Fuels and Their Preparation
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4.1 Entry Requirements of Raw Materials,Fluxes and Fuels
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4.2 Receiving and Storage of Raw Materials,Fluxes and Solid Fuels
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4.3 Preparation of Fluxes and Fuels
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5 Sintering Process
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5.1 Process Flow
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5.2 Proportioning
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5.3 Water Addition,Mixing and Granulating
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5.4 Distributing,Ignition and Sintering
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5.5 Sintering Exhausting and Flue Gas Cleaning
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5.6 Sinter Cake Cooling
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5.7 Sinter Sizing
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5.8 Product Sinter Storage and Transportation
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6 Sintering Equipment
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6.1 Proportioning Equipment
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6.2 Mixing and Granulating(Nodulizing)Equipment
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6.3 Sintering and Cooling Equipment
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6.4 Sinter Sizing Equipment
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7 Energy Saving and Environmental Protection
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7.1 Energy Saving
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7.2 Environmental Production
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8 Electrical Engineering and Automation
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8.2 Automation
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9 Auxiliary Facilities
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9.1 General Layout and Transportation
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9.2 Dedusting,Ventilating,Air Conditioning and Heating
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9.3 Water Supply and Drainage
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9.4 Compressed Air Facilities
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9.5 Building and Structure
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10 Product Sinter Quality,Metering,Inspecting,Assaying and Testing
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10.1 Product Sinter Quality
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10.2 Metering
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10.3 Inspection,Assaying and Testing
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11 Equipment Maintenance
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12 Safety,Industrial Health and Fire Protection
更新时间:2020-09-25 11:18:44