导读 当爱召唤你时
Chapter1 当爱召唤你时 When Love Beckons You
男人来自火星,女人来自金星 Whispering Love
爱因艰难而美好 Love Is Difficult
单纯如歌的爱 Our Love Is Simple as a Song
用虔诚的爱来迎接今天 I Will Greet This Day with Love in My Heart
童年时的旅行 Childhood
当青春逝去时 Man’s Youth
你所记得的 All You Remember
对待时间的不同观点 Two Views of Time
不要担心时光飞逝 I Dread the End of the Year
朋友深交也要慎交 Choice of Companions
错误的感觉 An Illusion
当你徘徊在人生路口 The Two Roads
你一辈子的妈妈 Those Childhood Days
Chapter2 用爱拥抱世界 Embrace the World with Love
友谊之树常青 How to Heal a Friendship
有关“家”的定义 Home
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我一辈子的老师 The Best Teacher I Ever Had
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“母亲”的意义 Not“Just a Mom”
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友谊没有任何偏见 Friendship
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最深的友谊 Friendship
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爱的赞美诗 The Gift of Love
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用爱拥抱世界 Three Kinds of Love
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爱情是一部电话 Love Is a Telephone
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致我最爱的人 To A.P.Kern
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希望你一切都好 I Wish You Well
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我用自己的方式去爱你 Love
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婚姻的最佳境界 Making Marriage the Best It Can Be
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你应该知道的男人秘密 Do You Really Understand Men?
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父母的三种类型 Three Types of Parents
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男人不要装聋 Husband Should Hear Wife Shouldn’t Take It Seriously
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Chapter3 假如你爱得够深 If You Love Her Enough
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每周写一封爱的信 Once a Week Write a Heartfelt Letter
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你就这样地来吧 Come as You Are
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缺点也是一种美丽 The Art of Imperfection
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多一点儿朋友,多一点儿兴趣 Make New Friends as Possible as You Can
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世间最美丽的心 The Most Beautiful Heart
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母爱可以创造奇迹 The Miracle of Mother’s Love
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心碎后怎么办 How Do You Mend a Broken Heart
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朋友的意义 Friends
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假如你爱得够深 If You Love Her Enough
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友情的神奇力量 Be Kind
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幸福指数 Happiness Index
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婚姻美满度对健康的影响 A Happy Marriage Can Help Mend Physical Wounds
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生活中浪漫的插曲 Romantic Interlude
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有爱的心永无寒霜 Keep Walking in Sunshine
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爱的翅膀 Let Go Love
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亲昵语言缔造美满婚姻 The Little Words That Work Marriage Magic
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向他倾诉 Telling Him
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哥哥的心愿 The Wish of Brother
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给曾祖母的玩具娃娃 A Doll for Great-grandmother
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爱的礼物 A Gift of Love
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新妈妈 New Mom
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心灵的愈合 The Healing
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母爱的真谛 The Essence of Mother-love
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胜利者 The Winner
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最美的祝福 I Wish You Enough
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琳达的情人节 Secret Admirer
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忘却吧,伤痛 Opening the Door
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埃玛的鸭子 Emma’ s Ducks
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甘达尔山监狱的歌声 The Gift of Music
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友情无价 Friends Forever
更新时间:2021-04-15 18:52:11