Ministry of Water Resources People's Republic of China更新时间:2021-10-22 22:53:39
1 General
2 Quantity of Water Resources
2.1 Precipitation
2.2 Surface Water Resources
2.3 Groundwater Resources
2.4 Total Quantity of Water Resources
3 Water Storage
3.1 Large and Medium-sized Reservoirs
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3.2 Shallow Groundwater in the Plain Areas of Northern China
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3.3 Groundwater Drawdown Cones in the Plain Areas
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4 Development and Utilization of Water Resources
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4.1 Water Supply
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4.2 Water Use
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4.3 Water Consumption and Wastewater Discharge
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4.4 Water Use lndices
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5 Water Quality
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5.1 Rivers
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5.2 Lakes
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5.3 Reservoirs
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5.4 Water Function Zones
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5.5 Provincial-border Water Bodies
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5.6 Centralized Drinking Water Sources
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5.7 Groundwater
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6 Important Water Events
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6.1 Opinions on Implement the Strictest System for Water Resources……
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6.2 National Agricultural Water-Saving Outlines……
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6.3 The Twelfth Five-Year Plan for Water Development Promulgated
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6.4 National Conference on Water Resources Work Convened
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6.5 The Twelfth Five-Year Plan for……
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6.6 The Embodiment for the……
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6.7 Preparation for Water Resources Protection Plan Initiated
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6.8 Water-S aving and Grain-Increasinq……
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6.9 The Embodiments for the National Water Resources Monitoring Capacity Construction Projects……
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6.10 Actions on Quality Imp rovement and Popularization ……
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6.11 The Prevention and Control Plan for Water……
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6.12 Water-Ecology Civilization Construction Experiment unit Initiated
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Editorial Board
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更新时间:2021-10-22 22:53:39