大英博物馆 British Museum
竖琴 Lyre
乌尔皇室游戏棋盘 Royal Game of Ur
玉琮 Jade Cong
北威尔士黄金披风 Mold Ceremonial Gold Cape
Katebet木乃伊 Katebet Mummy
年轻的门农 The Younger Memnon
亚述大洪水泥板The Flood Tablet
亚述国王巴尼拔猎狮 Lion Hunt of Ashurbanipal
奥克瑟斯宝藏 Oxus Treasure
命运三女神 Parthenon Sculptures
罗塞塔石碑 The Rosetta Stone
女史箴图 Admonitions Scroll
萨顿胡船棺葬出土铁兜鍪The Sutton Hoo Ship Burial
刘易斯西洋棋 Lewis Chessmen
斯隆星盘 The Sloane Astrolabe
伊费圣王铜制头像 King of Ife
圣荆棘圣物箱 The Holy Thorn Reliquary
景泰蓝瓷坛 Cloisonné Jar with Dragons
绿松石马赛克双头蛇 Turquoise Serpent
日本武士盔甲 Samurai Armour
国家美术馆 National Gallery
阿尔诺芬尼夫妇像 The Arnolfini Portrait
圣罗马诺之战 The Battle of San Romano
基督受洗 The Baptism of Christ
维纳斯与玛尔斯 Venus and Mars
埋葬基督 The Entombment
莱奥纳尔多·罗雷丹总督Doge Leonardo Loredan
岩间圣母 The Virgin of the Rocks
粉色圣母 The Madonna of the Pinks
酒神巴库斯和阿里阿德涅 Bacchus and Ariadne
大使 The Ambassadors
以马忤斯的晚餐 The Supper at Emmaus
34岁时的自画像 Self Portrait at the Age of 34
圣乌苏拉启航的海港 Seaport with the Embarkation of Saint Ursula
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镜前的维纳斯 The Rokeby Venus
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站在维金纳琴前的女子 A Young Woman Standing at a Virginal
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安德鲁斯夫妇 Mr and Mrs Andrews
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石匠的院子 The Stonemason’s Yard
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阿涅尔的浴者 Bathers at Asnières
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向日葵 Sunflowers
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维多利亚和阿尔伯特博物馆 Victoria and Albert Museum
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格洛斯特烛台 The Gloucester Candlestick
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阿尔达比勒挂毯 The Ardabil Carpet
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长袍 Robe
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提波之虎 Tippoo’s Tiger
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参孙杀死非利士人 Samson Slaying a Philistine
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婚礼长裙 Wedding Dress
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美惠三女神 The Three Graces
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俱乐部椅,B3号 Club Chair Model B3
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胸针 Brooch
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国家肖像美术馆 National Portrait Gallery
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国王亨利七世 King Henry Ⅶ
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国王亨利八世 King Henry Ⅷ
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女王伊丽莎白一世 Queen Elizabeth Ⅰ
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威廉·莎士比亚 William Shakespeare
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安东尼·凡·戴克爵士 Sir Anthony van Dyck
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勃朗特三姐妹 The Brontë Sisters
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维多利亚女王 Queen Victoria
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玛格丽特·撒切尔 Margaret Thatcher
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杰梅茵·格里尔 Germaine Greer
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T.S.艾略特 T.S.Eliot
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泰特英国馆 Tate Britain
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乔温娜·巴西利Giovanna Baccelli
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弗列特福磨坊 Flatford Mill
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跳蚤的鬼魂 The Ghost of a Flea
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海上宁静-安葬 Peace-Burial at Sea
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奥菲莉娅 Ophelia
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珀尔赛福涅 Proserpine
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夏洛特女士 Lady of Shalott
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蓝和金的夜曲:老巴特西桥夜景 Nocturne in Bule and Gold:Old Battersea Bridge
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以受难为题的三张习作 Three Studies for Figures at the Base of a Crucifixion
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水花四溅 A Bigger Splash
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泰特现当代美术馆 Tate Modern
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生病的孩子 The Sick Child
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曼陀铃 Mandora
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B与红的构成(二号) Composition B(No.Ⅱ)with Red
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秋季食人 Autumnal Cannibalism
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哭泣的女人 Weeping Woman
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静物 Still Life
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月光下的女人和鸟 Women and Bird in the Moonlight
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14号 Number 14
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蜗牛 The Snail
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考陶尔德美术馆 Courtauld Gallery
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老扬·勃鲁盖尔一家 Family of Jan Brueghel the Elder
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草地上的野餐 The Luncheon on the Grass
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女神游乐厅的吧台 A Bar at the Folies-Bergère
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有大松树的圣维克多山 Montagne Sainte-Victoire with Large Pine
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玩牌者 The Card Players
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梦想 The Dream
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擦粉的年轻女子Young Woman Powdering Herself
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耳朵上扎绷带的自画像 Self-Portrait with Bandaged Ear
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华勒斯典藏馆 Wallace Collection
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冷酒器 Wine Cooler
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微笑的骑士 Laughing Cavalier
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彩虹风景 The Rainbow Landscape
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时光音乐之舞 Dance to the Music of Time
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提图斯,艺术家的儿子 Titus The Artist’s Son
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秋千 The Swing
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肯伍德宅邸 Kenwood House
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多塞特第三伯爵理查德·萨克维尔Richard Sackville,3rd Earl of Dorset
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皮特尔·凡·登·布勒克 Pieter van den Broecke
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艺术家肖像 Portrait of the Artist
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吉他演奏者The Guitar Player
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何奥公爵夫人玛丽 Mary Countess Howe
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安格斯坦家的孩子们 The Angerstein Children
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杜尔维奇美术馆 Dulwich Picture Gallery
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参孙和达利拉 Samson and Delilah
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被捉奸的女人 The Woman Taken in Adultery
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大卫的胜利 The Triumph of David
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维纳斯、玛尔斯和丘比特Venus Mars and Cupid
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窗边的女孩 Girl at a Window
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花之少女 The Flower Girl
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年轻的女人 Young Woman
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伊丽莎白和玛丽·林利 Elizabeth and Mary Linley
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女王美术馆 The Queen's Gallery
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皇家艺术研究院 Royal Academy of Arts
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旧市政厅美术馆 Guildhall Art Gallery
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蛇形美术馆 Serpentine Gallery
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白教堂美术馆 Whitechapel Gallery
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设计博物馆 Design Museum
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海沃德美术馆 Hayward Gallery
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附录 Appendix
更新时间:2022-05-20 15:01:01