
The gale brought Hail.Big round ice balls fell from the sky!

Bunny dashed away from the hail as fast as her baby bunny legs could hop.She hopped even farther into the forest and got more lost.It seems Bunny was very good at getting lost.

Bunny saw insects-butterflies,bees and flies.They were caught in the wind and could not fly away.They were blowing in circles.Bunny wanted to help free them,but she was not good at catching flying things.

Bunny asked Jay bird for help.She was good at asking for help.Jay had an idea.Let the jaunty wind blow the flower's seeds to the insects.The insects can ride the seeds out of the gale,just like driving a car.

Finally the wind stopped.Now Bunny wanted her family.She was not good at being alone.Kitten said catnip was magic and could help,but Kitten went crazy when she ate it.She rolled around and fell asleep before Bunny could ask how to use catnip to find her family.

Bunny wanted to eat catnip.She asked Lizard where it was.Lizard was so lazy he didn't even lift his head when he told Bunny it was in the garden with a fence around it to keep cats out.No problem thought Bunny.She was good at finding holes in fences.