
  • Dreams & Dust
  • 佚名
  • 245字
  • 2016-03-02 16:28:51

LEADER no more, be judged of us!

Hailed Chief, and loved, of yore--Youth, and the faith of youth, cry out:

Leader and Chief no more!

We dreamed a Prophet, flushed with faith, Content to toil in pain If that his sacrifice might be, Somehow, his people's gain.

We saw a vision, and our blood Beat red and hot and strong:

"Lead us (we cried) to war against Some foul, embattled wrong!"

We dreamed a Warrior whose sword Was edged for sham and shame;

We dreamed a Statesman far above The vulgar lust for fame.

We were not cynics, and we dreamed A Man who made no truce With lies nor ancient privilege Nor old, entrenched abuse.

We dreamed . . . we dreamed . . . Youth dreamed a dream!

And even you forgot Yourself, one moment, and dreamed, too--Struck, while your mood was hot!

Struck three or four good blows . . . and then Turned back to easier things:

The cheap applause, the blatant mob, The praise of underlings!

Praise . . . praise . . . was ever man so filled, So avid still, of praise?

So hungry for the crowd's acclaim, The sycophantic phrase?

O you whom Greatness beckoned to . . .

O swollen Littleness Who turned from Immortality To fawn upon Success!

O blind with love of self, who led Youth's vision to defeat, Bawling and brawling for rewards, Loud, in the common street!

O you who were so quick to judge--Leader, and loved, of yore--Hear now the judgment of our youth:

Leader and Chief no more!