第21章 CHAPTER XI(4)
- A Narrative of the Expedition to Botany Bay
- Watkin Tench
- 3731字
- 2016-03-04 10:21:21
I have already hinted,that the country is more populous than it was generally believed to be in Europe at the time of our sailing.But this remark is not meant to be extended to the interior parts of the continent,which there is every reason to conclude from our researches,as well as from the manner of living practised by the natives,to be uninhabited.It appears as if some of the Indian families confine their society and connections within their own pale:but that this cannot always be the case we know;for on the north-west arm of Botany Bay stands a village,which contains more than a dozen houses,and perhaps five times that number of people;being the most considerable establishment that we are acquainted with in the country.As a striking proof,besides,of the numerousness of the natives,I beg leave to state,that Governor Phillip,when on an excursion between the head of this harbour and that of Botany Bay,once fell in with a party which consisted of more than three hundred persons,two hundred and twelve of whom were men:this happened only on the day following the murder of the two convict rush cutters,before noticed,and his Excellency was at the very time in search of the murderers,on whom,could they have been found,he intended to inflict a memorable and exemplary punishment.The meeting was unexpected to both parties,and considering the critical situation of affairs,perhaps not very pleasing to our side,which consisted but of twelve persons,until the peaceable disposition of the Indians was manifest.After the strictest search the Governor was obliged to return without having gained any information.The laudable perseverance of his Excellency to throw every light on this unhappy and mysterious business did not,however stop here,for he instituted the most rigorous inquiry to find out,if possible,whether the convicts had at any time ill treated or killed any of the natives;and farther,issued a proclamation,offering the most tempting of all rewards,a state of freedom,to him who should point out the murderer,in case such an one existed.
I have thus impartially stated the situation of matters,as they stand,while I write,between the natives and us;that greater progress in attaching them to us has not been made,I have only to regret;but that all ranks of men have tried to effect it,by every reasonable effort from which success might have been expected,I can testify;nor can I omit saying,that in the higher stations this has been eminently conspicuous.The public orders of Governor Phillip have invariably tended to promote such a behaviour on our side,as was most likely to produce this much wished-for event.
To what cause then are we to attribute the distance which the accomplishment of it appears at?I answer,to the fickle,jealous,wavering disposition of the people we have to deal with,who,like all other savages,are either too indolent,too indifferent,or too fearful to form an attachment on easy terms,with those who differ in habits and manners so widely from themselves.Before I close the subject,I cannot,however,omit to relate the following ludicrous adventure,which possibly may be of greater use in effecting what we have so much at heart,than all our endeavours.
Some young gentlemen belonging to the Sirius one day met a native,an old man,in the woods;he had a beard of considerable length,which his new acquaintance gave him to understand,by signals,they would rid him of,if he pleased;stroaking their chins,and shewing him the smoothness of them at the same time;at length the old Indian consented,and one of the youngsters taking a penknife from his pocket,and making use of the best substitute for lather he could find,performed the operation with great success,and,as it proved,much to the liking of the old man,who in a few days after reposed a confidence in us,of which we had hitherto known no example,by paddling along-side the Sirius in his canoe,and pointing to his beard.Various arts were ineffectually tried to induce him to enter the ship;but as he continued to decline the invitation,a barber was sent down into the boat along-side the canoe,from whence,leaning over the gunnel,he complied with the wish of the old beau,to his infinite satisfaction.In addition to the consequences which our sanguine hopes led us to expect from this dawning of cordiality,it affords proof,that the beard is considered by this people more as an incumbrance than a mark of dignity.