- 军事政治学研究(2015年第1辑/总第9辑)
- 高民政
- 148字
- 2020-08-29 05:35:41
Transformation of the Military in the Process of Modernization
Abstract: As an important part of the state, military evolves unprecedentedly during the historic modernization process. The modernization transformation of the military is an important part of the modernization of human society. No matter the Great Britain rational model, Soviet Union socialist model or the armed force modernization of the developing countries follow the history and reality orientation. Therefore, the significance of studying the modernization transformation is by no means only restricted to the military or national defense itself, but also should reveal the great function for the human society modernization and the influence on the socialism movement, so as to deepen the understanding of the law of social development.
Keywords: modernization process; military transformation; Great Britain and US model;Soviet Union and Russia model; developing country model