- 中国-中东欧国家(16+1)合作五年成就报告:2012~2017年(英文版)
- 刘作奎 黄平等
- 443字
- 2020-08-29 07:37:10
II Local cooperation between China and countries in the Central and Eastern Europe is vigorously carried out
Local cooperation is the unique feature and highlight of cooperation between China and countries in Central and Eastern Europe and makes up the asymmetry of market size between two sides. Actually, the market sizes of some provinces and cities in China are close to those of some countries in Central and Eastern Europe, their governments are willing to cooperate with China who has much potential, and seek new market opportunity. In recent years, provinces or cities such as Hebei, Chongqing, Chengdu, Suzhou and Ningbo focus on their own features and the opening-up requirements from opposite sides, promote cooperation with Central and Eastern Europe and acquire series of positive achievements which are listed as follows.
Firstly, the amount of our sister cities is increasing. China's local governments have established more and more sister cities with countries in Central and Eastern Europe, the cooperation friendship is firmly enhanced between two sides. By December 7, 2017, China has established 60 pairs of sister city relations with Central and Eastern European countries at the provincial level, and as for the urban level, there are 100 pairs.
Secondly, promoted by the bilateral cooperation, more and more direct fl ights are opened between China and countries in Central and Eastern Europe such as Beijing to Warsaw, Beijing to Budapest, Beijing to Czech, Shanghai to Czech, Chengdu to Czech, Beijing to Belgrade and so on. The increase of direct flights facilitates the economic and trade communication and personnel exchanges between two sides.
Thirdly, many China-Europe Expresses went into services between cities in China and Central and Eastern Europe such as Suzhou to Warsaw, Yiwu to Riga, Chengdu to Lodz, Changsha to Budapest and so on, and more and more China-Expresses are going through countries in Central and Eastern Europe. Though there exist various problems in the operation of China-Europe Express, but the open of the expresses promotes the economic and trade cooperation between two sides and enhances the connection between various parts of China and Central and Eastern European countries.
Last but not the least, local cooperation has gradually become the driving force to promote the economic and trade communication and people-to-people exchange. For instance, China-CEEC Investment and Trade Expo held by Ningbo for three consecutive years have made great contribution to China-CEEC economic and trade cooperation, Suzhou held the fifth Summit of China and Central and Eastern European Countries, Chongqing and Hebei held the Local Leaders' Meeting of China and Central and Eastern European Countries, Beijing actively promotes the 16+1 Capital Mayor Summit, and all of these contribute to the local cooperation.