Exercise 19

Unit 1


1.温暖舒适的;贴身的 adj.__________

2.未醉;持重;冷静 n.__________

3.好交际的,合群的 adj.__________

4.焊接,焊合 v.__________

5.严肃的;庄严的 adj.__________

6.庄严,严肃 n.__________

7.索求;征求 v.__________

8.操心的;关怀的 adj.__________

9.关怀,牵挂 n.__________

10.戏剧独白 n.__________

11.喜欢独处的 adj.独居者 n.__________

12.单独的 adj.独唱 n.__________

13.有偿债能力的 adj.溶剂 n.__________

14.忧郁的;阴暗的 adj.__________

15.雄浑的;浑厚的 adj.__________

16.抚慰;减轻 v.__________

17.老于世故的;精密的 adj.__________

18.一知半解而又过于自信的 adj.__________

19.催眠的,让人瞌睡的 adj.__________

20.卑鄙的;肮脏的 adj.__________

21.使隔音 v.隔音的 adj.__________

22.持续时间;跨度 n.__________

23.飞快的;了不起的 adj.__________

24.节俭的;吝惜的 adj.__________

25.稀少的;稀疏的 adj.__________

26.简朴的;清苦的 adj.__________

27.空间的 adj.__________

28.专业化;专攻 n.__________

29.专门研究;专攻 v.__________

30.明确规定的 adj.__________

31.样品,标本 n.__________

32.似是而非的;貌似有理的 adj.__________

33.观众,观看者 n.__________

34.恐惧;幽灵 n.__________

35.幽灵的;光谱的 adj.__________

36.光谱;范围 n.__________

37.推测;投机 v.__________


1.孤独的身影 a__________figure


3.棘手的问题 a__________problem





8.严格的预算 a__________budget


10.连环漫画 comic__________


12.概括起来 in__________




16.寿命 life__________


somber  speculate  sophisticated  specialize  spatial

1.Many students prefer not to__________too soon.很多学生不愿过早地确定专业。

2.She has a__________on her face and I wonder what's the matter with her.她的脸上有一种忧郁的神情,我在想她怎么了。

3.Totem craftsmanship reached its apex in the 19th century, when the introduction of metal tools enabled carvers to execute more__________.图腾技艺在19世纪达到了顶峰,当时金属工具的引入使绘制者可以进行更复杂的设计。

4.Scientists have studied the__________of population in this region for many years.科学家已经研究该地区的人口空间分布好多年了。

5.The doctor__________that he died of a cerebral haemorrhage caused by a blow on the head.医生推测他死于头部受击引起的脑溢血。

Unit 2


1.推测的;投机的 adj.__________

2.球的,球状的 adj.__________

3.香料 n.在…中加香料 v.__________

4.脊柱的;脊髓的 adj.__________

5.有脊柱的 adj.__________

6.没骨气的;无脊椎的 adj.__________

7.纺线,纺纱(手艺) n.__________

8.多刺的,带刺的 adj.__________

9.螺旋形 n.螺旋形的 adj.__________

10.有精神,勇猛 n.__________

11.精神的;心灵的 adj.__________

12.像海绵的;柔软吸水的 adj.__________

13.自然;自发性 n.__________

14.偶尔发生的;断断续续的 adj.__________

15.四肢摊开着坐、卧或倒下 v.__________

16.蔓延的;杂乱无序伸展的 adj.__________

17.发芽 v.嫩芽 n.__________

18.云杉 n.整洁的 adj.__________

19.虚假的;伪造的 adj.__________

20.(尤指傲慢地)拒绝 v.__________

21.肮脏的;卑鄙的 adj.__________

22.浪费,挥霍 v.__________

23.喷射 v.__________

24.使稳定,使稳固 v.__________

25.蹒跚;使震惊 v.__________

26.停滞的;不流动而污浊的 adj.__________

27.停滞;不发展 v.__________

28.停滞 n.__________

29.沾有污渍的 adj.__________

30.偷偷接近(猎物);跟踪 v.__________

31.健壮的;忠诚的 adj.__________

32.光秃秃的;荒凉的 adj.__________

33.存放;贮藏 v.__________

34.停滞;静止 n.__________

35.庄严的;宏伟的 adj.__________

36.静态的;静止的 adj.__________

37.坚定的;不动摇的 adj.__________


1.snug   earthy   cozy   homey   tardy   sly

2.sober   somber   soulful   gloomy   sticky   haughty

3.soak   spew   soothe   allay   alleviate   allocate

4.sordid   humid    placid   fluid   empathy   filthy

5.spank   spear   span   content   extent   intent

6.spectator   conspirator   arbitrator   supervisor   beholder   carpenter


Group 1

1.spherical   a.happening only occasionally

2.spineless   b.connected with the human spirit, rather than the body

3.spiritual   c.weak and easily frightened

4.sporadic   d.to produce new leaves or buds

5.sprout   e.shaped like a sphere

Group 2

1.spurious   a.to reject or refuse

2.spurn   b.a weak unsteady way of walking, as if you are about to fall

3.squalid   c.to waste money, time, etc.in a stupid or careless way

4.squander   d.false, although seeming to be genuine

5.stagger   e.very dirty and unpleasant

Unit 3


1.稳健;坚定 n.__________

2.稳定的;平稳的 adj.__________

3.星的,恒星的 adj.__________

4.(植物的)茎 n.阻止 v.__________

5.模式化观念;老套 n.__________

6.不育的;无菌的 adj.__________

7.变僵硬;绷紧 v.__________

8.不自然的;生硬的 adj.__________

9.激励;刺激 v.__________

10.刺激物;激励因素 n.__________

11.吝啬的,小气的 adj.__________

12.吝惜;节省 v.__________

13.规定;明确要求 v.__________

14.矮壮的,结实的 adj.__________

15.易饱的;乏味的 adj.__________

16.斯多葛派人 n.__________

17.贮藏;贮存 n.__________

18.肥胖的;结实的 adj.__________

19.海峡;困境 n.__________

20.谋略,策略 n.__________

21.战略上的 adj.__________

22.(使)分层;成层 v.__________

23.条纹;条痕 n.__________

24.体力;力量 n.__________

25.繁重的;奋发的 adj.__________

26.大步行走 v.__________

27.严格的,(财务)紧缩的 adj.__________

28.剥去;脱衣服 v.__________

29.奋斗,力争 v.__________

30.要塞;堡垒 n.__________

31.结构 n.系统安排 v.__________

32.绊倒;蹒跚而行 v.__________

33.极富魅力的;令人震惊的 adj.__________

34.使…风格化 v.__________

35.妨碍,阻挠 v.__________

36.征服;压制 v.__________

37.闷闷不乐的;压低的 adj.__________

38.主观的 adj.__________


1.隆重的典礼   solemn   a.structure

2.隔声门   soundproof   b.staircase

3.空间结构   spatial   c.stimulus

4.静电   static   d.ceremony

5.起源于   stem   e.door

6.感官刺激   sensory   f.river

7.螺旋梯   spiral   g.electricity

8.地下河   subterranean   h.from


stratagem  strive  stimulate  subjective  strategic

1.In retrospect, Gordon's students appreciated her enigmatic assignments, realizing that such assignments were specifically designed to__________rather than to review the content of her course.回想起来,戈登的学生很感激她安排的难解的作业,他们意识到这些作业是经过专门设计来激发独创性思维的,而不是复习她课上的内容。

2.That the Third Battalion's fifty-percent casualty rate transformed its assault on Hill 306 from a__________into a debacle does not gainsay eyewitness reports of its commander's extraordinary cleverness in deploying his forces.第三营50%的伤亡率使其在306山的袭击从一个杰出的战略变为了一场灾难,但这不能否认目击者所说的,指挥官在部队部署上有着异乎寻常的聪明才智。

3.The bridge is one of__________card games.桥牌是最具有战略意义的纸牌游戏之一。

4.Like all artists, jazz musicians__________an individual style.如同所有艺术家一样,爵士音乐家也会争取体现个人风格。

5.You might deal with something in__________, but you must analyze it in an objective way first.你可以用主观的方式处理一件事情,但你必须先用客观的方式分析它。

Unit 4


1.在水中的;淹没的 adj.__________

2.屈服;提交 n.__________

3.下级的 adj.下级 n.__________

4.从属的;恭顺的 adj.__________

5.平息;减退 vi.__________

6.补助,资助 v.__________

7.维持生活;存在 vi.__________

8.证实,证明 v.__________

9.实质的;本质的 adj.__________

10.代替品 n.代替 v.__________

11.地下的 adj.__________

12.微妙的,巧妙的 adj.__________

13.微妙地,巧妙地 adv.__________

14.减去,减掉 v.__________

15.减法的;负的 adj.__________

16.颠覆性的;暗中破坏的 adj.__________

17.颠覆;暗中破坏 v.__________

18.接连地,相继地 adv.__________

19.简明的,简洁的 adj.__________

20.简明,简洁 n.__________

21.救助,援助 v./n.__________

22.屈服;抵挡不住 v.__________

23.选举权,投票权 n.__________

24.妇女政权论者 n.__________

25.败坏;玷污 v.__________

26.闷热的;(人)风情万种的 adj.__________

27.摘要,概要 n.摘要的 adj.__________

28.豪华的,奢侈的 adj.__________

29.被太阳晒成古铜色的 adj.__________

30.阳光照耀的 adj.__________

31.使退休领养老金 v.__________

32.极佳的,卓越的 adj.__________

33.傲慢的;高傲的 adj.__________

34.表面的,肤浅的 adj.__________

35.表面上地;肤浅地 adv.__________

36.多余的,过剩的 adj.__________

37.超新星 n.__________

38.替代;取代 v.__________


1.stately   heavenly   comely   static   cosmic   majestic

2.stimulant   steady   vibrant   tolerant   constant   ready

3.sterile   ductile   fragile   infertile   senile   juvenile

4.stiffen   lengthen   dampen   harden   moisten   straiten

5.stimulate   agitate   fascinate   motivate   liquidate   abbreviate

6.stingy   timely   ugly   earthly   miserly   spongy


Group 1

1.submerged   a.dealing with real, important or serious matters

2.subordinate   b.to manage to stay alive

3.subside   c.under the surface of water or liquid

4.subsist   d.to become calmer or quieter

5.substantive   e.less important than something else

Group 2

1.subterranean   a.expressed clearly and in a few words

2.subtle   b.to not be able to fight an attack, an illness, etc.

3.succinct   c.under the ground

4.succumb   d.very hot and uncomfortable

5.sultry   e.not very noticeable or obvious