Exercise 23

Unit 1


1.卑躬屈节;屈从 v.__________

2.使羞愧;使尴尬 v.__________

3.减弱;减轻 v.__________

4.退位;失职 v.__________

5.令人憎恨的;令人厌恶的 adj.__________

6.凄惨的;卑躬屈节的 adj.__________

7.声明放弃 v.__________

8.否认;放弃 v.__________

9.放弃;拒绝;克制 n.__________

10.废止,废除 v.__________

11.痛恨;厌恶 v.__________

12.不成功的,失败的 adj.__________

13.大量存在;有许多 v.__________

14.开诚布公的(地) adj./adv.__________

15.擦伤;磨损 v.__________

16.废止,废除 v.__________

17.突然的;唐突的 adj.__________

18.潜逃,逃亡 v.__________

19.赦免…的罪;免除…的责任 v.__________

20.有节制的;饮食有度的 adj.__________

21.戒除;弃权 n.__________

22.有节制的 adj.__________

23.有节制的;禁欲的 adj.__________

24.辱骂;滥用 n./v.__________

25.谩骂的;虐待的 adj.__________

26.不结果实的 adj.__________

27.配件 n.辅助的 adj.__________

28.公开称誉;给予高度评价 v.__________

29.(使)服水土;(使)适应 v.__________

30.赞扬;奖励 n.__________

31.才华高的;技艺高超的 adj.__________

32.(贸然)上前搭讪 v.__________

33.有责任 n.__________

34.逐渐增长;连生 v.__________

35.(利息等)增加;积累 v.__________

36.积聚,积累 v.__________

37.精确的,准确的 adj.__________

38.(精神上的)懒惰;冷漠 n.__________

39.尖刻;严厉 n.__________

40.默然接受,默许 v.__________





4.酗酒 alcohol__________

5.空袭警报 air__________

6.财政津贴 financial__________


8.精神痛苦 mental__________




12.降低公众关注度__________public's concern


14.裁决争端__________a dispute




abhorrent  abate  abrupt  abolish  abound

1.To__________in big cities is a tough job.在大城市中减轻噪音是很难办到的。

2.As far as I'm concerned, the practice of killing rare wild animals for food and money is__________and should be punished by law.就我而言,为获取食物和金钱而猎杀珍稀野生动物的行为绝对可恶,应该受到法律的制裁。

3.The ancient Olympics__________the Roman Emperor Theodosius in 393 AD, after Greece lost its independence.在希腊丧失主权之后,古代奥林匹克运动会被罗马皇帝迪奥多西于公元393年废除。

4.The mountain streams__________fish.山溪里有许多鱼。

5.Most paleontologists suspect that__________in climate led to the mass extinctions.多数古生物学家怀疑是气候的突然变化导致了物种大灭绝。

Unit 2


1.渴求获取财物的;贪婪的 adj.__________

2.宣叛无罪 v.__________

3.辛辣的;难闻的 adj.__________

4.杂技演员 n.__________

5.(尤指思想/感官)敏锐 n.__________

6.敏锐;精明 n.__________

7.使适应;改变 v.__________

8.添加剂 n.__________

9.使腐坏;使混乱 v.__________

10.引证;举出 v.__________

11.拥护者;信徒 n.__________

12.延期;休会 v.__________

13.裁判;判决 v.__________

14.附属物;附件 n.__________

15.青春期的 adj.青少年 n.__________

16.精明的;干练的 adj.__________

17.谄媚,奉承 v.__________

18.(在饮食中)掺杂,掺假 v.__________

19.出现;到来 n.__________

20.偶然的;非计划中的 adj.__________

21.注意,留意;提及 v.__________

22.明智的;可取的 adj.__________

23.提倡,拥护 v.拥护者 n.__________

24.使(土壤、水等)透气 v.__________

25.空中的;从飞机上的 adj.__________

26.做作的;假装的 adj.__________

27.使隶属 v.附属机构 n.__________

28.隶属关系;从属 n.__________

29.粘上,贴上 v.词缀 n.__________

30.折磨;痛苦 n.__________

31.后果;创伤 n.__________

32.大张着嘴 adj.__________

33.议程表;议事日程 n.__________

34.合计 n.总计;合计 v.__________

35.使受委屈;使痛苦 v.__________

36.敏捷的,灵活的 adj.__________

37.激动的;焦虑不安的 adj.__________

38.不可知论的 adj.不可知论者 n.__________

39.兴奋期待的;急于了解的 adj.__________

40.宜人的;欣然同意的 adj.__________


1.abhorrent   beneficent   imminent   detestable   calculable   despicable

2.abject   abnormal   abstruse   bemused   cultivated   wretched

3.abduct   abjure   abrade   announce   renounce   pronounce

4.abolish   vanish   diminish   abduct   abrogate   absorb

5.abominate   abhor   ablaze   loathe   soothe   nominate

6.abstruse   abstemious   temperate   absent   considerate   sedate


Group 1

1.acquisitive   a.the ability to think, see or hear clearly

2.acquit   b.to confuse somebody

3.acuity   c.a person who supports a political party or set of ideas

4.addle   d.wanting very much to buy or get new possessions

5.adherent   e.to declare sb.to be not guilty

Group 2

1.adjudicate   a.the coming of an important event, person, invention, etc.

2.adroit   b.sensible and a good idea in order to achieve something

3.adulterate   c.to be a judge in a competition

4.advent   d.skilful and clever, especially in dealing with people

5.advisable   e.to make food or drink less pure by adding another substance to it

Unit 3


1.疟疾 n.__________

2.困扰;使患病 v.__________

3.密封的,不透气的 adj.__________

4.虽然,尽管 conj.__________

5.侥幸的;偶然的 adj.__________

6.警惕的 adj.警报 n.__________

7.减轻(尤指情绪) v.__________

8.过敏的 adj.__________

9.减轻;缓和 v.__________

10.配给;分配 v.__________

11.津贴;补助 n.__________

12.吸引人的,迷人的 adj.__________

13.改变;更改 v.__________

14.合并;混合 v.__________

15.(尤指大量)积聚 v.__________

16.环境;气氛 n.__________

17.埋伏;伏击 n.伏击 v.__________

18.和蔼的,亲切的 adj.__________

19.和睦;友好 n.__________

20.健忘症 n.__________

21.大赦,特赦 n.__________

22.足够的;充足的 adj.__________

23.放大;详述 v.__________

24.使娱乐;逗某人笑 v.__________

25.无痛觉,痛觉丧失 n.__________

26.类比;比拟 n.__________

27.辅助的;附属的 adj.__________

28.麻醉的 adj.麻醉剂 n.__________

29.极度痛苦;苦恼 n.__________

30.苛责;非难 v.__________

31.有生命的 adj.使生机勃勃 v.__________

32.活力;动画制作 n.__________

33.敌意,仇恨;愤怒 n.__________

34.使(金属、玻璃等)退火 v.__________

35.消灭;歼灭 v.__________

36.宣布;发表;声称 v.__________

37.使恼怒;打搅,骚扰 v.__________

38.宣告无效;取消 v.__________

39.匿名;名字不公开 n.__________

40.居先;先行 n.__________


1.富于   abound   a.acumen

2.废除奴隶制   abolish   b.in

3.唐突的回答   abrupt   c.funds

4.辅助装置   accessory   d.amnesia

5.积累资金   accumulate   e.slavery

6.政治才干   political   f.device

7.辅助设施   ancillary   g.answer

8.选择性遗忘   selective   h.facility


analogy  allowance  ambience  annul  alleviate

1.The drug__________of Mary's broken leg.这个药缓解了玛丽断腿的痛苦。

2.I have a good__________that will make it easy for me to buy a nice house.我有一笔丰厚的退休金,可以让我轻而易举地买一栋漂亮的房子。

3.The manager tries to create__________in the office.经理努力在办公室营造一种愉快的氛围。

4.The teacher__________between the lens of a camera and the lens of an eye.老师把相机的镜头和眼球的晶体作了类比。

5.The signature in the agreement was fake, so the judge__________.因为协议中的签名是假的,因此法官宣判合约无效。

Unit 4


1.颂歌;国歌 n.__________

2.古怪的;滑稽的 adj.__________

3.预料;预期 v.__________

4.铁砧 n.__________

5.沉着,镇定 n.__________

6.虚构的 adj.__________

7.道歉;谢罪 v.__________

8.叛教者;变节者 n.__________

9.呼吁;有吸引力;上诉 v.__________

10.申请人 n.__________

11.任命;委任 v.__________

12.估量;估价;评价 v.__________

13.学徒 n.__________

14.围裙;停机坪 n.__________

15.易于…的;恰当的 adj.__________

16.钩状的;鹰喙状的 adj.__________

17.仲裁;公断 v.__________

18.弓箭手 n.__________

19.典型 n.__________

20.热烈的;激情的 adj.__________

21.贵族 n.__________

22.芳香,香气 n.__________

23.唤醒;激发 v.__________

24.提讯;控告 v.__________

25.十足的;坏透的 adj.__________

26.布置;排列 v.大量 n.__________

27.逮捕;阻止 v.__________

28.纵火(罪),放火(罪) n.__________

29.人工制品;手工艺品 n.__________

30.奸计;诡计 n.__________

31.人造的;假的 adj.__________

32.苍白的;没有血色的 adj.__________

33.愚蠢的;笨的 adj.__________

34.斜视地;瞟 adv.__________

35.歪斜的(地) adj./adv.__________

36.诽谤,中伤 n.__________

37.有抱负者 n.__________

38.渴望;有志(成为) v.__________

39.猛烈攻击;袭击 n./v.__________

40.集合;装配,组装 v.__________


1.admonish   adventure   adulate   flatter   flutter   appraise

2.advocate   adrift   adorn   refurbish   reassure   recommend

3.annul   annoy   annotate   irritate   irradiate   irrigate

4.allocate   dislocate   relocate   distribute   attribute   contribute

5.alleviate   levy   elevate   colonize   economize   ease

6.agile   fragile   senile   eligible   nimble   humble


Group 1

1.anticipate   a.complete and confident composure

2.aplomb   b.to attract or interest somebody

3.apocryphal   c.to say one is sorry

4.apologize   d.to expect something

5.appeal   e.well known, but probably not true

Group 2

1.appoint   a.very enthusiastic and showing strong feelings

2.appraise   b.suitable or appropriate in the circumstances

3.apt   c.to choose somebody for a job or position of responsibility

4.archetype   d.to assess the value or quality

5.ardent   e.the most typical example of a particular kind of person or thing