- 商务谈判英语 看这本就够了
- 张玛丽
- 3666字
- 2020-06-24 19:25:46
Chapter 6 The Non-Dealer 谈判傀儡
For Your Information
If negotiations are a part of your job, you'll definitely run into these guys from time to time. These are people who attend or even set up negotiation sessions just to make it appear as if they're willing to bargain, when they really aren't.Their idea of give and take is you give and I take.
中译 如果谈判是你工作的一部分,你一定会不时地碰到这种人,这种人会参加或筹划谈判过程,但只是想让别人以为他们愿意沟通,其实他们并不想要谈判。他们心目中对施与受的看法是:“你给,我拿。”
They're easy to spot. In most situations, the parties state what they're willing to do to make the deal, then make adjustments, moving closer to the other's position until they match.The non-dealer spends his time talking about everything except the deal, or why his offer is already so good you'd be a fool not to accept it.
中译 这些人很好识别。在大多数情况下,谈判各方都会表明自己为了达成交易,愿意做何种程度的让步,然后大家会调整自己的立场,越来越靠近对方的立场,直到大家达成共识为止。这些不愿意谈交易的人,把时间花在讨论除了交易之外的事情,他会告诉你,他提供的条件已经很棒,所以你不接受的话,就是傻瓜一个。
I've negotiated with a non-dealer several times and it's always been the same. Sometimes, he listened to everything I said and repeated his offer.Other times, he'd say our two offers were very close anyway, and suggest I give a little and accept his offer.He would tell me how nice a guy heis and I should take his offer for that reason, or that he might have made an even worse offer so I should be happy with what I got.
中译 我曾经和一个谈判傀儡谈判过好几次。每次结果都是一样。有时他会听我说完每件事,然后又将他的提议重复一次。其他时候,他则是说我们的提议实在很接近,会建议我再让步一点,接受他的提议。他会跟我说,他是个好人,我应该要接受他的提议,要不然他会提出更差的提议,这样我就会知道他之前提出的建议还真不错。
Non-dealers aren't fools;they're actually very clever. The strategy is to wear you down to the point you just give up and agree to his terms, and it works.Most people are fair and assume others are too.They come to the table to make a deal and expect everyone is trying to play fair.As the talks go on, their desire to make the deal work becomes stronger and they become so frustrated that they're willing to do anything to make a deal.
中译 谈判傀儡不是傻瓜,实际上他们非常聪明。他们的计策就是要一直磨你,让你吃不消,就会放弃,同意他们的条件,这种做法常常奏效。大多数的人都很公平,他们认为别人也是这样。他们来到谈判桌谈交易,希望每个人都会遵守公平的原则。随着谈话的进展,他们想要交易成功的希望会越来越强烈。一碰上了这种谈判傀儡,他们会很有挫败感,常常会为了达成交易,而愿意做出一切让步。
That's when the non-dealer makes a concession, usually it's something he already has to do anyway or a hollow gesture that doesn't mean anything. But it's a concession, and the other side is eager to end the talks so they jump on it and walk away happy that they got something.Later, when they examine the deal they made, they may realizethey got nothing.Or, they just give in or walk away empty handed.
中译 在这个时候,谈判傀儡就会提出让步,通常这些都是他早已准备好要做的让步,有时这只是做个幌子,根本没有什么实质的让步。但当他这么做时,对方会因为等不及要结束谈判,然后一口就答应,离开时还很高兴,以为自己赚到了。稍后,等到他们再细细回顾交易内容时,他们会发现自己什么也没得到。另一种可能是他们就这样放弃了,然后空手而归。
Thankfully, few people negotiate like this. They're usually well known and unpopular.A simple background check should tell you if you're going up against one.They're tough to beat.Countering them with a better offer sends a signal to the non-dealer that they are winning.The only way to beat a non-dealer is to use his own game against him.
中译 值得庆幸的是,很少人是这样谈判的,这种人通常都臭名远扬、不受人欢迎。简单的背景调查,就可以知道你碰上的是不是这样的人。要打赢这种人很难。再提供更好的提议,就等于告诉谈判傀儡,他们赢了。要打败这种人唯一的方式,就是“以其人之道,还治其人之身”。
Once I had a client who was in a bad way with no room to maneuver. I made our best offer and remained as firm as the non-dealer.After two hours of no movement, the non-dealer made a counter offer.It wasn't what I was supposed to get but it was a lot more than anyone else ever got.If you're representing someone else, you should tell that client about this situation so he can accept the counter.If it comes, he's unlikely to leave it on the table for long.If he looks at his counter offer too closely, he'll see it as a defeat andtake it back.Any concession from a non-dealer is a win.I recommend taking the offer just for the bragging rights.
中译 有一次我的客户处于劣势,一点谈判的空间都没有。我们提出了最好的提议,并跟对方一样毫不妥协。在僵持了两个小时以后,那个谈判傀儡提出了还价。内容不是我预想的那样,但是和别人相比,那结果已经好太多了。如果你代表他人,就应该据实以告,这样他才会接受。一旦对方开出新条件,他不会等你很久。因为他可能再仔细评估后,他就会发现这是一个败笔,而收回提议。凡是谈判傀儡所做出的让步,对另一方来说都算赢了。我的建议是接受还价,之后再慢慢收回权益。
Dialog 1
It's frustrating to try to deal with a non-dealer. Regardless of what you offer, the non-dealer won't change their tune.It's like talking to a stone wall.Sometimes, this situation occurs when you're dealing with someone ordered to negotiate with you, but without the authority to change the offer.The following dialog is typical of trying to deal with a non-dearer.Peter is the non-dealer, and Paula tries to get a better deal.
Peter:This is an excellent offer. I don't know why you don't just accept it.
Paula:It's not even close to reasonable, and you know it.
Peter:I know no such thing. Our selling price is within the appraised value.
Paula:Appraised by who?You?The owner?
Peter:That's correct. We studied the issue and determined the old value was far less than fair.The new value is much more realistic.
Paula:But there is not one single appraisal firm in town that agrees with you. And none of them say they understand your formula.
Peter:Look, I'm not here to debate the formula that we use to set the price.
Our offer is what it is. If you think it's too much, then you don't have to buy.
Paula:It's not like we can just walk away from the property. We already have a serious investment in it.
Peter:Then, I suggest you accept our offer. Lots of people have.
Paula:The offer we made was ten times the old appraisedvalue.
We figure that's more than fair. Why won't you accept that?
Peter:Because we don't think it's fair. We set a price according to our formula and we're going to stick by it.
Paula:That's ridiculous. No one can afford your price.Not even God has enough money to pay your price.
Dialog 2
In this dialog, Peter, the non-dealer, is talking with Paula, he remained firm. Peter needs the deal as much as Paula and after several hours of stalled talks, he sees Paula won't give any more, so he makes a counter offer.
Peter:I still don't see why you don't just accept the deal. It's a good one.
Paula:I don't think so.
Our counter offer is more than generous and I don't know why you insist on this ridiculous price your formula gives you.
Peter:It's not ridiculous;it's fair.
Paula:I don't think so. My client is firm on this point.If that's your best offer, we'll take the matter to arbitration.
Peter:There's no reason why we would agree to arbitration.
Paula:Whatever, then, we'll wait until you come down to a more reasonable price. All I know is this price is not going to fy.
Peter:Very well, I'll tell you what I'll do.
You can have the property for 20%off our asking price. That's my best price.
Paula:All right, I'll talk to my client and get back to you.
Dialog 3
In the above dialog, Paula won her concession and she should have taken it there and then, but didn't. She went back to her client and got an okay to take the offer but when she called Peter, it was late Friday afternoon and he had already gone home.The following dialog takes place Monday morning over the phone, Peter had the whole weekend to look at what happened and decides he may have made a mistake.
Paula:Hi, Peter, how was your weekend?
Peter:Not bad, took the family to the beach, it was nice. How about you?
Paula:My husband and I went out for dinner and a movie, that's about it. But it was good.We saw the new Mel Gibson movie.I recommend it.
Peter:Thanks, I'll keep that in mind. So, what can I do for you?
Paula:Well, I tried to call you Friday afternoon but you had already left the offce.
Peter:I waited for your call, but by fve I fgured it was a no go so that's what I told the owner.
Paula:I had a little trouble getting a hold of my client and it was pretty late when we finally connected. He said to accept the offer.
Peter:I'm sorry, Paula, but that offer is no longer on the table.
Paula:I told you I'd get back to you, and I'm doing that now.
Peter:That offer was only good for the day. That was Friday and this is Monday.I'm sorry but it's too late.
Paula:Are you serious?
Peter:Sorry, but I've already talked to my client.
Vocabulary 重要词汇
spot 察觉;认出
frustrating 累人的;受挫的
appraised 评估的
realistic 实际的
formula 公式
debate 辩论
concession 让步
hollow gesture 缺乏诚意的姿态
stick by 忠于;坚持
stalled talk 固定的说话模式
arbitration 仲裁;调停
a no go 拒绝提案