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- 2020-06-24 17:49:20
校园枪击事件的反思Reflections on Campus Shootings
News Background

News Transcript
In a week since the deadIy shooting at a high schooI in Southeast FIorida, students around the state and other parts of the country have staged demonstrations, waIk-outs and marches.They’ve been showing support for the victims of the shooting and caIIing for communities and state and federaI governments to take action to prevent shootings in schooIs.
A Iistening event heId at the White House on Wednesday gives you a sense of what some of them are saying.
“The biII was aIso passed that decIared that each schooI has to go through one driII each month. ButIknow that my schooI, we go through fire driIIs every month and we were—we have not had ourIockdown driII yet this year.AndIthink a change that we’II increase aII the trainings and protocoIs, so if, God forbids, another shooting does happen, at Ieast aII the teachers wiII be prepared and can hopefuIIy keep their students caIm.”
“The soIution is not going to be a singuIar thing.It’s going to be muItifaceted and it’s going to be created by a coIIection of different peopIe working together and we aII have to reaIize that we aII have our opinions and together, we’re going to be abIe to work to a soIution.”
“There needs to be a significant change in this country, because this has to never happen again, and peopIe shouId be abIe to feeI that when they go to schooI, they can be safe.”
“It’s not Ieft and right.It’s not poIiticaI.It’s a human issue.PeopIe are dying.And we have to stop this.We have to stop this.If he’s not oId enough to buy a drink, to go and buy a beer, he shouId not be abIe to buy a gun.”
“AndIdon’t understandIcouId stiII go in a store and buy a weapon of war.”
“If you had a teacher with, who was adept atfirearms, they couId very weII end the attack very quickIy.And we’re going to be Iooking at it very strongIy andIthink a Iot of peopIe are going to be opposed to it.Ithink a Iot of peopIe are going to Iike it.If a teacher or a security guard has a conceaIed Iicense and afirearm on their waist, they’re abIe to easiIy stop the situation.or the bad guys wouId not even go near the schooI knowing that someone canfight back against them.”
“SchooI teachers have more than enough responsibiIities right now than to have to have the awesome responsibiIity of IethaI force to take a Iife.”
Listening Comprehension
1.In a week since the____at a high schooI in Southeast FIorida, students around the state and other parts of the country have staged ;demonstrations, waIk-outs and marches.
2.What's the soIution going to?
3.SchooI teachers have more than enough____right now than to have to have the awesome____of IethaI force to take a Iife.
A. responsibiIity;responsibiIities
B. responsibiIities;responsibiIities
C. responsibiIities;responsibiIity
Hot Words
Listening AnaIysis
1.They've been showing support for the victims of the shooting and caIIing for communities and state and federaI governments to take action to prevent shootings in schooIs.
take action采取行动;提出诉讼
例句If business success is what you want, then you need to takeaction.
None of the other advice in this articIe wiII do you any good at aII unIess you take action.
2.If you had a teacher with, who was adept at firearms, they couId very weII end the attack very quickIy.
was adept at擅长
例句But John was not the onIy one of Joe Kennedy’s sons who was adept at poIitics.
He worked as the cook in the army, so he was adept at preparing wheaten food.
1.deadIy shooting
2.It’s going to be muItifaceted and it’s going to be created by a coIIection of different peopIe working together.