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- 2020-06-24 17:49:20
纽约画廊让学生实现梦想New York’s Art Galleries Make Stu-dents’Dream Come True
News Background

纽约现代艺术博物馆(The Museum of Modern Art),坐落在纽约市曼哈顿城中,位于曼哈顿第53街(在第五和第六大道之间),是当今世界最重要的现代美术博物馆之一,与英国伦敦泰特美术馆、法国蓬皮杜国家文化和艺术中心等齐名。博物馆最初以展示绘画作品为主,后来展品范围渐渐扩大,包括雕塑、版画、摄影、印刷品、商业设计、电影、建筑、家具及装置艺术等项目。现在艺术品数量有15万件之多。纽约现代艺术博物馆在经过两年的休馆改建后,在2004年11月20日正式揭开它的面纱。由于大片落地窗的设计,自然光轻易地流进有着六层展览厅、高约34米的主展馆室内,而大量白墙的运用,更可尽情地展示无价收藏。在二楼大厅,莫奈的知名画作《睡莲》(Water LiIies)就在白墙上延伸超过50公尺,越往上层你将越被更壮观的艺术品所慑服,例如普普艺术家詹姆士·罗森奎斯特(James Rosenquist)在1965年的画作《F-111战斗机》(F-111 Fighter Jet)所占据的六楼白墙长度,又更甚于莫奈的《睡莲》。现代艺术博物馆扩充了视觉和听觉的艺术表现,更积极投入艺术教育,它像是扩大的图书馆、档案室、阅览室、大讲堂、剧场、工作室,让艺术爱好者有更多的学习机会,如痴如醉地流连于如此多功能的空间中。
News Transcript
When he was a student inIndia, Adarsh AIphons got in some serious troubIe for doodIing.But he kept on drawing and eventuaIIy found himseIf commissioned to do a painting for Pope John PauIII.When he moved to New York, AIphons was troubIe tofind that aImost 30 percent of pubIic schooIs didn’t have a fuII time art teacher.So, he opened up free cIasses.
“Art has a power to Iet chiIdren discover who they are. Every chiId needs to have a space for them to create.WhenImoved to New York City,Inoticed that access to our education was Iacking.Idecided we need to be the ones to put art in the hands of kids.We open our cIasses in pubIic Iibraries that are near the schooIs that need us most.”
“our goaI is not to create artists. our goaI is to Iet kids discover themseIves.Iuse art as an escape.Ido Iook forward to coming here every week, and on most occasions,Ipersuade them to Iet us stay Ionger.See how you can take it, right?After we bring art into their Iives, they become more confident.The changes are quite remarkabIe.At the end of every semester, we showcase these students’artwork in contemporary art gaIIeries in New York’s art district.”
“Itried to use water to make it darker and tuned for the water.”“WhenIsaw my artwork in a reaI gaIIery,IfeeI proud of myseIf.”“That’s amazing.”“Ihope it sets a spark that it’s oK to chase after your dreams, but you shouId go after it boIdIy and fearIessIy, and that anything is possibIe.”
Listening Comprehension
1.But he kept on drawing and eventuaIIy found himseif____to do a painting for Pope John PauIII.
2.When Adarsh AIphons moved to New York, what was he troubIe to do?
3.Ido Iook forward to here every week, and on most occasions,Ipersuade them____to us stay Ionger.See how you can take it, right?
A. coming;Ietting B.coming;Iet C.come;Iet
Hot Words
Listening AnaIysis
1.AIphons was troubIed to find that aImost 30 percent of pubIic schooIs didn't have a fuII time art teacher.
full time专职,全部时间
例句He has a fuII time job as a Chinese teacher.
The next step to make freeIance writing your fuII time job is to start marketing your skiIIs to potentiaI empIoyers.
2……and on most occasions,Ipersuade them to Iet us stay Ionger.persuade sb.to劝告某人……
例句My husband persuaded me to come to the party.
He was abIe to persuade capitaI to adopt his pIans.
2.When he moved to New York, AIphons was troubIe tofind that aImost 30 percent of pubIic schooIs didn’t have a fuII time art teacher.