- TKT 剑桥英语教学能力认证考试全真模拟试题
- 周超 Madelize Bekker主编
- 2597字
- 2020-08-29 22:17:21
Practice Test 2
For questions 1—6, match the example language with the grammatical terms listed A—G.
Mark the correct letter (A—G) on your answer sheet.
There is one extra option which you do not need to use.

For questions 7—11, match the underlined words in the text below with the grammatical terms listed A—F.
Mark the correct letter (A—F) on your answer sheet.
There is one extra option which you do not need to use.
Grammatical terms
A collective noun
B uncountable noun
C proper noun
D abstract noun
E compound noun
F plural noun
(7) Ingrid waited at the (8) farm gate. While she was waiting, she thought about the twelve missing (9) sheep and wondered where they could possibly have gone. It was a complete (10) mystery. The neighbouring farmer had not seen them; he surely would have noticed a few stray sheep in amongst his (11) herd of cows.
For questions 12—17, choose the correct word(s) to complete each definition of lexical terms.
Mark the correct letter (A, B or C) on your answer sheet.
12 ______is a group of words that are about the same topic.
A A lexical set
B A phrase
C A synonym
13 A group of words that come from the same base word is called ______
A a minimal pair
B a multi-word verb
C a word family
14 Collocations, fixed expressions and idioms are all different kinds of ______
A chunks
B compounds
C conjunctions
15 A homophone has the same ______as another word.
A meaning
B sound
C spelling
16 A suffix is added ______ of a word to make a new word.
A at the beginning
B in the middle
C at the end
17 A clause usually consists of a subject and ______ .
A an infinitive
B a finite verb
C a phrasal verb
For questions 18—25, look at the questions about phonology and the three possible answers listed A, B and C.
Choose the correct option (A, B or C).
Mark the correct letter (A, B or C) on your answer sheet.
18 Which word is stressed on the middle syllable
A probable
B commotion
C afternoon
19 Which set of words is a minimal pair
A we're—weir
B think—thing
C bit—beetle
20 Which word contains a diphthong
A boy
B bought
C banner
21 Which word contains a schwa sound in connected speech
A toxic
B phonology
C girlfriend
22 Which is the correct phonemic script for superman
A /su:pamaen/
B /su:p\:ma:n/
C /su:pamean/
23 Which set of words has linking in connected speech
A that sandy beach
B it's salt and pepper
C the pepper pot
24 How many phonemes are there in the word disturbing
A six
B seven
C eight
25 Which word has a voiced consonant
A cyst
B pot
C they
For questions 26—31, read the conversation between a mother and her daughter in a clothing store. Match the underlined sentences with the functions listed A—G.
Mark the correct letter (A—G) on your answer sheet.
There is one extra option which you do not need to use.
A predicting
B making an excuse
C making a suggestion
D expressing an opinion
E asking for clarification
F asking for an opinion
G accepting a suggestion
Mother: How do you think this jacket looks on me? (26) Do you like it
Daughter: (27) Oh, it's great. I love the colour.
Mother: And the style
Daughter: It isn't quite right.
Mother: (28) You mean it doesn't fit me, or what
Daughter: Well, it's a bit tight on you … (29) you could try a bigger size.
Mother: (30) Okay, why not I'll have a look at those ones over there.
Daughter: (31) I bet the next size up will be just perfect.
For questions 32—37, match the teacher's comments with the aspects of speaking listed A, B, C and D.
Mark the correct letter (A, B, C or D) on your answer sheet.
You need to use some options more than once.
Aspects of speaking
A interaction
B connected speech
C appropriacy
D accuracy
Teacher's comments
32 He uses too much idiomatic language. When he gives his presentation, he will have to be more formal.
33 She needs to look up and make eye contact when she is speaking.
34 He speaks in a monotone, pronouncing every syllable of every word with equal stress.
35 She needs to remember to use the past tense consistently when talking about her experiences.
36 He is good at using his hands and body to express himself, especially when he does not understand.
37 Her use of contractions makes her speech sound very natural.
For questions 38—42, match the readers'statements with the terms about reading listed A—F.
Mark the correct letter (A—F) on your answer sheet.
There is one extra option which you do not need to use.
Terms about reading
A using reference materials
B intensive reading
C inferring
D skimming
E scanning
F extensive reading
38 I am looking in the newspaper to find out what time the film starts.
39 I am looking through a book in the library to decide if I want to borrow it.
40 From the way this author writes, I get the feeling he doesn't like people in authority.
41 I need to look up this word in the dictionary.
42 I am enjoying reading this novel I got for my birthday.
For questions 43—46, look at the advice for motivating learners and the three classroom activities listed A, B and C.
Two of the activities match the advice. One activity does NOT match the advice.
Mark the activity (A, B, or C) which is NOT appropriate on your answer sheet.
43 Create interest.
A Use a variety of materials and activities.
B Select tasks and topics that appeal to the students.
C Be a sensitive and patient teacher.
44 Encourage learner autonomy.
A Do a lot of quizzes in class.
B Get students to organise their own learning process.
C Welcome questions and other participation from students.
45 Create a positive classroom atmosphere.
A Acknowledge all student contributions.
B Establish a safe, secure environment.
C Invite native speakers to give talks.
46 Set goals.
A Find out students'aims and needs.
B Highlight the usefulness of every task.
C Establish a number of particular learning targets for the students.
For questions 47—51, match the teachers'comments with the types of mistakes they are talking about listed A—F.
Mark the correct letter (A—F) on your answer sheet.
There is one extra option which you do not need to use.
Types of mistakes
A grammatical slip
B lexical developmental error
C pronunciation slip
D fossilised grammatical error
E lexical interference error
F lexical slip
47 A student in my class said, ‘I went to the library and bought a new book.'For some reason, this student and others from this language background often say library when they mean bookshop.
48 A normally very accurate and competent student arrived in class this morning in a great state of excitement and said, ‘My friend has win the lottery!'
49 I have one or two fluent students who, despite having made a lot of progress, still consistently say things like, She never come home on time.
50 I overheard a student say that she was going to tell a yolk but she immediately corrected herself and said, ‘I meant “joke”—I'm going to tell a joke.'
51 One student said to another this morning, ‘My bottom's in my bag—ah, bottle, I should have said, “My bottle's in my bag”.'
For questions 52—57, match the learners'statements with the types of learning needs listed A—G.
Mark the correct letter (A—G) on your answer sheet.
There is one extra option which you do not need to use.
A exam strategies
B learning gap
C cultural background
D professional needs
E security
F workload
G previous learning experience
52 I don't think I ever learnt how to use modals appropriately, so I avoid using them altogether.
53 I am a very shy person and I feel embarrassed if I have to talk in front of other students, so I never ask questions in class.
54 I never answer a question unless the teacher asks me directly because that would not be polite in my country.
55 The teacher gives us big projects to do at home but every day after class I have to help my parents in their shop so there is never enough time to finish them.
56 My English comprehension is good, but I always run out of time before I finish the reading test so I get a low score.
57 I want to learn more business English and job-related technical vocabulary so that I can apply for promotion.
For questions 58—63, look at the terms about introductory activities and presentation techniques and the three possible examples listed A, B and C.
Choose the example (A, B or C) which matches the term.
Mark the correct letter (A, B or C) on your answer sheet.
58 Guided discovery.
A The teacher asks the students to underline all the examples of comparative adjectives in a text and work out the rule for making comparative forms.
B The teacher mimes something she has difficulty doing and asks the class to describe the action.
C The students look at pictures and, in pairs, decide on what the objects are.
59 Eliciting.
A The teacher asks students to have another look at their essays and try to improve the style and content.
B The teacher plays a recording of two people arguing and asks the students if they know what the argument was about.
C The teacher shows pictures of simple actions. She prompts the students by saying ‘Yesterday I…'
60 Controlled practice.
A Students talk about what they did at the weekend. The teacher walks around correcting inaccurate use of the past tense.
B Students do a role-play based on a recorded conversation they listened to.
C Students listen to jazz chants and repeat them, trying to use the same pronunciation and intonation.
61 Ice breaker.
A As students enter the room, the teacher asks them to sit down and fill in a form with their personal details.
B As students enter the room, the teacher asks them to shake hands with other students and introduce themselves.
C As students enter the room, the teacher asks them to hand in their homework.
62 Test-teach-test.
A The teacher explains the rules about using some or any. Students do an exercise using some or any. The teacher tests the students on the target language.
B The students do a task on the target language some or any. The teacher explains the rules about using some or any. The students do a task filling in gaps with some or any.
C The teacher tests the students on the target language of the previous lesson. She teaches the new language (when to use some or any). The students do a test on the new language.
63 Focus on form.
A The teacher displays a set of useful language items and asks students to predict how likely it is that these items would occur in spoken language.
B The teacher gives students a task-based learning activity, such as a role-play, in which the students should ideally use modals.
C The teacher models accurate pronunciation of contractions of auxiliary verbs and the class repeats.
For questions 64—69, match the teacher's instructions to the activities A—G.
Mark the correct letter A—G on your answer sheet.
There is one extra option which you do not need to use.
A mingling
B categorisation
C making a mind map
D sentence completion
E extension task
F brainstorming
G surveys
Teacher's instructions
64 You need to fill in the missing words at the end to finish the sentences.
65 When I show you the topic, write down as many ideas or as much language related to the topic as you can in 5 minutes.
66 Look at the words on the board and group them according to what you think they have in common.
67 Walk around the class and find out whether the other students ate breakfast today.
68 Ask six people what kind of films they like and record their answers on this questionnaire.
69 For more practice, I'd like you to write down 5 things you're going to do tomorrow. You can use any of the language we've been practising.
For questions 70—74, look at the terms about assessment and the three activities listed A, B and C.
Two of the activities are examples of the term. One activity is NOT an example.
Mark the letter (A, B or C) which is NOT an example of the term on your answer sheet.
70 Placement test.
A The enrolment process at the school includes a written language test.
B Students discuss with their teacher any specific problems they have with English.
C Students all have an oral interview to decide which level of class they go into.
71 Progress test.
A The students have just finished the first five units in their course book and their teacher gives them a test on the grammar points they have covered.
B The teacher gives a vocabulary test to find out how many words students can remember from the first half of the course.
C At the end of the term, the students take a test based on the content of the course book they have used.
72 Peer assessment.
A Students read each other's essays and give feedback on language and paragraphing.
B Students fill in a questionnaire that asks them to rate their own performance.
C Students work in pairs evaluating the strengths of each other's learning strategies.
73 Formal assessment.
A The teacher observes students while they work in pairs and provides feedback to some of them on their performance.
B At the end of term, students present their research findings in the form of an oral presentation and receive a mark that forms part of their final grade.
C The teacher sets a reading skills'test and gives the students marks according to how many questions they answered correctly.
74 Proficiency test.
A The manager of the call centre interviewed all job applicants to assess whether their spoken English will be clear to outside callers.
B The college requires all students who have applied for entry to sit a reading test to see if their reading comprehension is at a suitable level for tertiary study.
C The students sat an end-of-year exam to assess how well they had learnt the work covered in the syllabus.
For questions 75—80, match the tasks with the types of tasks listed A—G.
Mark the correct letter (A—G) on your answer sheet.
There is one extra option which you do not need to use.
PPPTask types
A mind map
B jumbled sentence
C cloze
D sentence transformation
E giving antonyms
F information transfer
G categorising