TPO 20



critics认为“let it burn”的policy会产生3种damage。let-3 × 听力最有可能否认这三个危害。下文肯定会具体展开这些damage。


火灾对树木和其他植被产生了灾难性的影响。× vege 听力可能会说letit burn并不会必然造成这种影响。


毁掉了wildlife,而且还破坏了栖息地,让它们无法迁回。× wildlife + habitat 听力可能会说let it burn并不会必然造成这种永久的对wildlife的损害。


毁掉了旅游价值,影响了经济。× tour,↓$ 听力可能会说letit burn并不会必然造成对tourism的破坏。


not just destructive but also creative已经表明本文是要说“let it burn”的好处,不用记录。fundamentally a good one是废话。无需笔记

First,准备讨论对植被的破坏。in time colonized by new plants,指出烧光之后有新植被出现,became more diverse表明对植被的好处——多样化。the fire created an opportunity for certain plants that couldn't grow otherwise给出了为什么产生多样化的理由,要是没有火,有些植物在这里就活不了。For example,接下来一定是说某种植物有了新的机会成活。smaller plants that needed open,unshaded space体现了新的物种能存活,因为有了适合它们存活的区域。another example,应该和前面需要听到的结构差不多。seeds…won't germinate unless…heat反映火给某些物种带来了高温,使得它们发芽。So those plants started appearing体现了这一点,是废话,如果刚才没听懂germinate,则这里可以弥补。new plants → diverse,机会small plants, open space, heat → start to grow


It's a similar story with the animals隐蔽地转向了第二点,要讨论大火对动物的影响。“not only did their population recover,but the fire also created new opportunities.”已经实现了否定阅读的作用。For instance肯定要体现如何recover或new opportunity。small plants…created…habitat for certain small animals感觉已经体现了opportunity。predators that depended on them for food说明进一步被影响的生物。certain food chains actually became stronger这显然总结了刚才的例子。animals recover, new机会, small plants → small animals → predator, food chain strong

本段逻辑梳理:大火其实帮助了动物的生长,动物的数量恢复了,且为新的物种提供了生长的机会。比如,大火所催生的small plants为一些small animals提供了栖息地,而相应地它们的捕食者有了生存的条件,于是这种food chain反而更加稳固。

last,准备听旅游业。would be a problem…if they happened every year,虚拟语气已经表明反驳策略。肯定会说,鉴于大火不会每年发生,所以影响不会大。But they don't是废话。unusual combination of factors也是废话。各种rainfall,strong wind等都只是展开unusual factors,是废话。This combination has not occurred since继续是废话,体现unusual。not seen such a fire since继续是废话。Visitors came back to the park next year and each year after that才是关键反击,旅游业没有受损。not every year, unusual combination, visitors came back



This passage points out three negative impacts caused by the“let it burn”policy. However,the lecturer denies each of these three points and argues that the fire might actually bring positive results.听力不仅说fire没产生阅读所说的坏处,反而指出了一些好处,所以用了这个结构。

For starters, according to the lecturer, the fire was actually beneficial rather than harmful to the local vegetation, because it provided new opportunity for a more diverse range of plant species to grow. For instance, the open habitat created after the fire facilitated small plants; likewise, seeds of some species started growing thanks to the heat of the fire.

As for the animal species, while the article suggests that wildlife might have been permanently damaged, the lecturer points out that their population has recovered. Further, she believes that new species have an opportunity to flourish. For instance, the new, small plants allowed certain small animals to appear, which in turn benefited their predator species. Consequently, certain food chains became stronger.

Last, the lecturer insists that tourism has not suffered from the fire. The reason is that the fire in 1988 was a rare event which could take place only because the coincidental combination of several factors. Since 1988, no such fire happened, and tourists returned each year after the fire.