2.2 症状体征名词

Bell征 Bell′s sign
Mackler三联征 Mackler’s triad
Schwartze征 Schwartze sign
鼻道狭窄 rhinostenosis
鼻后滴漏 postnasal drip
鼻睫神经痛 nasociliary neuralgia
鼻梁压迫感 oppressive feeling of nasal bridge
鼻漏 rhinorrhea
鼻腔恶臭 nasal offensive odor
鼻腔反流 nasal regurgitation
鼻塞 nasal obstruction
鼻痛 rhinalgia
鼻小柱过宽 nasal columella broaden
鼻痒 rhinocnesmus
鼻粘连 nasal synechia
闭塞性鼻音 closed rhinolalia
垂体受累症状 pituitary suffers symptom
唇读 lip-reading
打鼾 snore
蝶腭神经痛 sphenopalatine neuralgia
额窦区痛 metopantralgia
恶心、呕吐 nausea and vomiting
耳漏 otorrhea
耳闷 aural fullness
耳鸣 tinnitus
耳痛 otalgia
耳痒 ear itching
二度呼吸困难 degree Ⅱ dyspnea
发声过强 supraenergetic phonation
发声过弱 subenergetic phonation
发声困难 dysphonia
发声无力 phonasthenia
发音含糊不清 vague pronunciation
发音震颤 tremulous pronunciation
反射性咳嗽 reflex cough
肺源性呼吸困难 pulmonary dyspnea
复视 diplopia
复听 diplacusia
共济失调 ataxia
鼓膜充血 tympanic membrane hyperemia
鼓膜增厚 tympanic membrane thickening
喉部刺痛、烧灼感 tingling,burning sensation of throat
喉喘鸣 laryngeal stridor
喉梗阻 laryngeal obstruction
喉上神经痛 superior laryngeal neuralgia
喉痛 laryngalgia
喉下垂 laryngoptosis
喉异感症 paresthesia laryngis
喉阻塞 laryngeal obstruction
呼气性喘鸣 expiratory stridor
呼气性呼吸困难 expiratory dyspnea
呼吸困难 dyspnea
呼吸时吹哨声 whistling with breathing
会厌分叉 bifid epiglottis
会厌过长 epiglottis mecism
会厌缺失 absent epiglottis
混合性呼吸困难 mixed dyspnea
肌病性呼吸困难 myopathia dyspnea
间歇性喉部疼痛 intermittent pain in the throat
间歇性声嘶 intermittent hoarseness
茎突过长 elongated styloid process
颈部包块 cervical mass
痉挛性发声困难 spasmodic dysphonia
痉挛性发音 spasmodic voice
痉挛性呼吸困难 spasmodyspnea
卡哈切迹 Carhart notch
开放性鼻音 rhinolalia aperta
客观性耳鸣 objective tinnitus
口吃 stuttering
眶上神经痛 supraorbital neuralgia
眶下淤血 infraorbital congestion
流脓涕 supprative nasal discharge
面颊麻木、酸胀 cheek numbness and swelling
男性女声 falsetto
脑干受压症状 brainstem pressing symptom
女性男声 androglossia
喷嚏 sneeze
气管痛 trachealgia
器官性发声不良 olophonia
前庭中枢性眩晕 central vestibular vertigo
前庭周围性眩晕 peripheral vestibular vertigo
腮腺包块 parotid gland lump
三凹征 three depression sign
三度呼吸困难 degree Ⅲ dyspnea
筛前神经痛 anterior ethmoidal neuralgia
上颌窦痛 antrodynia
神经性呼吸困难 dyspneoneurosis
失声 aphonia
视觉障碍 dysopia
视力丧失 vision loss
睡眠打鼾 sleep snoring
四凹征 four depression sign
四度呼吸困难 degree Ⅳ dyspnea
听觉过敏 hyperacusis
听力下降 hearing loss
头晕 dizziness
吞咽困难 dysphagia
外鼻畸形 dysmorphosis of external nose
外耳道流脓 external auditory canal with pus
外耳道瘙痒 external auditory canal itch
外耳道血性分泌物 external auditory canal with bloody discharge
吸气性喘鸣 inspiratory stridor
吸气性呼吸困难 inspiratory dyspnea
吸气性软组织凹陷 inspiratory soft tissue depression
涎液分泌过少 spittle hyposecretion
腺样体面容 adenoid face
心源性呼吸困难 cardiac dyspnea
嗅觉倒错 parosmia
嗅觉过敏 hyperosmia
嗅觉减退 hyposmia
嗅觉丧失 anosmia
悬雍垂过长 elongated uvula
悬雍垂裂 staphyloschisis,bifid uvula
悬雍垂下垂 staphyloptosis
血性痰 bloody sputum [又称]血痰
血源性呼吸困难 hematogenous dyspnea
咽部出血 pharyngeal hemorrhage
咽部感觉减退 pharyngeal hypesthesia
咽痛 pharyngalgia
咽异物感 sensation of foreign body in pharynx
言语含糊不清 slurred speech
岩尖综合征 syndrome of petrous apex
眼部胀痛 eye swelling pain
眼球内陷 enophthalmos
一度呼吸困难 degree Ⅰ dyspnea
癔症性呼吸困难 hysterical dyspnea
癔症性失声 hysterical aphonia [又称]癔症性失语
婴儿型会厌 infantile epiglottis
婴幼儿喉喘鸣 laryngeal stridor in infant
原发性打鼾 primary snoring
张口、咀嚼时跳动性耳痛 beating ear pain when mouth chewing
张口呼吸 mouth breathing
枕部、额部胀痛 occipitalia,frontal part swelling pain
中耳积液 middle ear effusion
中毒性呼吸困难 toxic dyspnea
主观性耳鸣 subjective tinnitus
自发性眼震 spontaneous nystagmus
自觉鼻与鼻咽部干燥 consciously dry nose and nasopharynx
自听增强 autophonia