- 常用临床医学名词(2018年版)
- 北京市卫生健康委信息中心 中华医学会
- 21124字
- 2021-04-05 01:25:14
3.1 疾病诊断名词
1型糖尿病性牙周炎 type 1 diabetes periodontitis [又称]伴1型糖尿病型牙周炎 △
2型糖尿病性牙周炎 type 2 diabetes periodontitis [又称]伴2型糖尿病型牙周炎 △
Down综合征牙周病损 Down syndrome with periodontal lesion
HIV相关龈炎 HIV associated gingivitis
艾滋病相关牙周炎 HIV associated periodontitis
class Ⅰ malocclusion,Angle class Ⅰ malocclusion [又称]中性错

class Ⅱ division 1 malocclusion [又称]远中错
伴上切牙唇倾 △

class Ⅱ division 1 subdivision malocclusion [又称]远中错
伴单侧上切牙唇倾 △

class Ⅱ division 2 malocclusion [又称]远中错
伴上切牙舌倾 △

class Ⅱ division 2 subdivision malocclusion [又称]远中错
伴单侧上切牙舌倾 △

class Ⅱ malocclusion,Angle class Ⅱ malocclusion [又称]远中错

class Ⅲ malocclusion,Angle class Ⅲ malocclusion [又称]近中错

class Ⅲ subdivision malocclusion [又称]单侧近中错

分类 Angle classi fication of malocclusion

拔除引起的牙列缺损或缺失 defect or loss of dentition due to extraction
拔牙创出血 bleeding of extraction wound
拔牙创骨组织出血 bone tissue bleeding of extraction wound
拔牙创软组织出血 soft tissue bleeding of extraction wound
拔牙术后并发症 complication of post-extraction
白毛舌 white hairy tongue
白色海绵状斑痣 white sponge naevus [又称]白皱褶病 △,软性白斑 △,家族性白色皱襞黏膜增生 △
白色水肿 leukoedema
白细胞功能异常牙周病损 leukocyte dysfunction associated with periodontal damage
白血病相关龈病损 leukemia related gingiva lesion
斑釉牙 mottled enamel
瘢痕粘连 cicatricial adhesion
半侧面部肢体发育不良 hemifacial microsomia [又称]半侧小面畸形 △
半侧下颌肥大 hemimandibular hypertrophy
半侧颜面萎缩 hemifacial atrophy
半脱位 subluxation [又称]亚脱位 △
伴糖尿病的牙周炎 periodontitis associated with diabetes mellitus
爆裂性骨折 blow-out fracture [又称]击出性和击入性骨折 △
鼻背缺损 nasal dorsum defect
鼻部皮肤良性肿瘤 benign neoplasm of skin of nose
鼻唇囊肿 nasolabial cyst
鼻继发性畸形 acquired deformity of nose
鼻腔生物学行为未定肿瘤 neoplasm of uncertain behavior of nasal cavity
鼻腔肿瘤 neoplasm of nasal cavity
鼻软骨生物学行为未定肿瘤 neoplasm of uncertain behaviour of nasal cartilage
鼻软骨肿瘤 neoplasm of nasolabial cyst
鼻血肿 haematoma of nose
close bite [又称]锁

边缘性龈炎 marginal gingivitis
扁桃体肥大 hypertrophy of tonsils
变性型唾液腺肿大症 degenerative sialosis
剥脱性龈炎 desquamative gingivitis
不可复性关节盘移位 non reversible articular disc displacement
不良习惯性牙磨损 dental abrasion due to bad habit
不完全性腭裂 incomplete cleft lip and palate
不完善牙髓治疗 imperfect endodontic treatment
部分脱出 partial dislocation
残根 residual root
残根埋伏 embedded residual root
残冠 residual crown
残片 tooth fragment [又称]牙碎片 △
残髓炎 residual pulpitis
残余囊肿 residual cyst [又称]残余牙根囊肿 △
残余牙根脓肿 residual radicular abscess
侧方移位 lateral displacement
猖獗龋 rampant caries
长面综合征 long face syndrome
长头(畸形) long head
陈旧性颌骨骨折 old jaw fracture
陈旧性颈淋巴结结核 old cervical lymphoid tuberculosis
陈旧性颏部骨折 old chin fracture
陈旧性髁突骨折 old fracture of condyle
陈旧性颅骨骨折 old skull fracture
陈旧性面骨骨折 old facial bone fracture
陈旧性面神经损伤 old facial nerve injury
陈旧性颞下颌关节脱位 old dislocation of temporomandibular joint
陈旧性颧弓颧骨骨折 old zygomatic and arch fractures
陈旧性下颌骨骨折 old mandibular fracture
成人龈囊肿 gingival cyst of adult
成牙本质细胞层空泡性变 vacuolar degeneration of odontoblastic layer
成釉细胞癌 ameloblastic carcinoma
成釉细胞瘤 ameloblastoma
成釉细胞肉瘤 ameloblastic sarcoma
成釉细胞纤维瘤 ameloblastic fibroma
成釉细胞纤维肉瘤 ameloblastic fibrosarcoma
成釉细胞纤维牙瘤 ameloblastic fibro-odontoma
成釉细胞牙瘤 ameloblastic odontoma
成釉细胞牙肉瘤 ameloblastic odontosarcoma
迟萌 delayed eruption of tooth [又称]牙齿迟萌 △
持续性呕吐致牙酸蚀 persistent vomiting induced dental erosion
充填体缺损(牙髓治疗后) defect of filling(after endodontic treatment)
出牙综合征 teething syndrome
传统性牙磨损 traditional abrasion of teeth
traumatic occlusion

创伤后鼻畸形 post-traumatic malformation of nose
创伤后鼻缺损 post-traumatic defect of nose
创伤后唇畸形 post-traumatic malformation of lip
创伤后颌骨畸形 traumatic deformity of jaw
创伤后颌面部瘢痕 post-traumatic scar of facial region
创伤后眼睑畸形 post-traumatic malformation of eyelid
创伤后眼睑缺损 post-traumatic defect of eyelid
创伤性鼻切断 traumatic abscission of nose
创伤性腭裂 traumatic cleft palate
创伤性腭瘘 traumatic fistula of palate
创伤性溃疡 traumatic ulceration [又称]创伤性口腔黏膜溃疡 △
创伤性颧眶畸形 traumatic zygomaticoorbital deformity
创伤性血疱 traumatic bloody bulla
垂直阻生 impaction verticalis
唇、口腔和咽生物学行为未定肿瘤 neoplasm of uncertain behavior of lip,oral cavity and pharynx
唇癌 lip cancer
唇瘢痕 lip scar
唇部淋巴管畸形 labial lymphatic malformation
唇部淋巴管瘤 labial lymphangioma
唇部肿物 labial mass
唇挫伤 labial contusion
唇恶性黑色素瘤 malignant melanoma of lip [又称]唇恶性黑素瘤 △
唇恶性肿瘤 malignant tumor of lip
唇腭裂术后颌骨发育不全 jaw bone hypoplasia after repairing of cleft lip and palate
唇腭裂术后上颌骨发育不全 maxillary hypoplasia after repairing of cleft lip and palate
唇肥厚 pachychilia
唇蜂窝织炎 labial cellulitis
唇过长 long lip
唇过短 short lip
唇和口腔浅表损伤 superficial injury of lip and oral cavity
唇黑色素细胞痣 melanocytic nevus of lip [又称]唇黑素细胞痣 △
唇红缘交界性肿瘤 borderline tumor of vermilion border
唇红缘良性肿瘤 benign tumor of vermilion border
唇红缘原位癌 carcinoma in situ of vermilion border
唇畸形 lip deformity
唇疾病 disease of lip
唇继发恶性肿瘤 subsequent malignant neoplasm of lip
唇交界性肿瘤 borderline tumor of lip
唇结核 labial tuberculosis
唇皲裂 rhagadia labialis
唇开放性外伤 open injury of lip
唇溃疡 ulceration of lip
唇连合恶性肿瘤 malignant tumor of labial commissure
唇良性肿瘤 labial benign tumor
唇裂 cleft lip
唇裂伤 lip laceration
唇裂术后鼻畸形 nasal deformity post cleft lip operation
唇鳞状上皮增生 labial squamous hyperplasia
唇瘘 fistula labialis [又称]唇窦 △
唇囊肿 labial cyst
唇内面恶性肿瘤 malignant tumor of inner surface of lip
唇内面颊侧面恶性肿瘤 malignant neoplasm of cheek side of lip
唇内面口腔面恶性肿瘤 oral malignant neoplasm of oral side of lip
唇内面良性肿瘤 benign neoplasm of inner surface of lip
唇内面黏膜恶性肿瘤 malignant neoplasm of inner surface of lip
唇内面系带恶性肿瘤 malignant neoplasm of lip frenum
唇黏膜良性肿瘤 benign tumor of labial mucosa
唇黏液囊肿 labial mucocele
唇疱疹 herpes labialis [又称]唇单纯疱疹 △,复发性唇疱疹 △,复发性疱疹性口炎 △
唇皮肤良性肿瘤 lip skin benign tumor
唇皮肤原位癌 lip skin carcinoma in situ
唇肉芽肿 granuloma of lip
唇损伤 lip injury
唇疼 pain of lip
唇息肉 polyp of lip
唇系带附件异常 abnormal attachment of labial frenum
唇系带良性肿瘤 labial frenum benign tumor
唇血管畸形 labial vascular malformation
唇血管瘤 labial hemangioma
唇龈沟恶性肿瘤 malignant neoplasm of labiogingival groove
唇原位癌 carcinoma in situ of lip
唇原位黑色素瘤 melanoma in situ of lip [又称]唇原位黑(色素)瘤 △
丛状型成釉细胞瘤 plexiform ameloblastoma
挫入 intrusive luxation
malocclusion,pathoocclusion [又称]错
畸形 △

错位牙 misalignment of teeth
大口畸形 macrostomia
大头畸形 macrocephaly [又称]巨头畸形 △
大唾液腺恶性肿瘤 malignant neoplasm of major salivary gland [又称]大涎腺恶性肿瘤 △
大唾液腺交界性肿瘤 borderline tumor of major salivary gland [又称]大涎腺交界性肿瘤 △
大唾液腺良性肿瘤 benign tumor of major salivary gland [又称]大涎腺良性肿瘤 △
单侧不完全唇裂 unilateral incomplete cleft lip
单侧不完全性牙槽突裂 unilateral incomplete alveolar cleft
单侧唇裂 unilateral cleft lip
单侧冠状缝早闭 unilateral coronal synostosis
单侧髁突发育不全 unilateral condylar hypoplasia
单侧髁突增生 unilateral condylar hyperplasia
单侧面横裂 unilateral transverse facial cleft
单侧面斜裂 unilateral oblique facial cleft
单侧人字缝早闭 unilateral lambdoid synostosis
单侧上肢缺肢畸形 unilateral amelia of upper limb
单侧完全性牙槽突裂 unilateral complete alveolar cleft
单侧小下颌畸形 unilateral mandibular micrognathia
单侧牙槽突隐裂 unilateral occult alveolar cleft
单侧隐形唇裂 unilateral occult cleft lip
单纯疱疹 herpes simplex [又称]原发性疱疹性口炎 △,急性疱疹性龈口炎 △,复发性疱疹性口炎 △,复发性唇疱疹 △
单纯性牙周炎 simple periodontitis
单形性腺瘤 monomorphic adenoma
导管内乳头状瘤 intraductal papilloma
导管乳头状瘤 duct papilloma
倒置阻生 inverted impaction
低龄儿童龋 early childhood caries,ECC
低位乳牙 submerged deciduous teeth [又称]乳牙未萌 △
地丝菌口炎 geotrichosis stomatitis
地图舌 geographic tongue [又称]游走性舌炎 △,地图样舌 △
第四磨牙 fourth molar [又称]第四臼齿 △
第一恒磨牙异位萌出 first permanent molar ectopic eruption
蝶窦恶性肿瘤 sphenoid sinus malignant tumor
蝶骨恶性肿瘤 sphenoid bone malignant tumor
蝶骨骨折 sphenoid bone fracture
顶骨恶性肿瘤 malignant neoplasm of parietal bone
短面综合征 short face syndrome
短头畸形 brachycephaly [又称]平头畸形 △
断根 root fracture [又称]根折 △
多发龋 multiple caries
多发性纤维上皮增生 multiple fibroepithelial hyperplasia
多生牙 supernumerary tooth [又称]额外牙 △
多涎 sialorrhea,ptyalism [又称]唾液外溢症 △
多形性低度恶性腺癌 polymorphous low-grade denocarcinoma,terminal duct carcinoma,lobular carcinoma [又称]终末导管癌 △,小叶癌 △
多形性腺瘤 pleomorphic adenoma,mixed tumor [又称]混合瘤 △
额部皮肤恶性肿瘤 forehead skin malignant neoplasm
额窦恶性肿瘤 frontal sinus malignant tumor
额窦骨折 frontal sinus fracture
额缝早闭 metopic synostosis
额骨恶性肿瘤 frontal bone malignant tumor
额骨粉碎性骨折 comminuted fracture of frontal bone
额骨外伤性缺损 traumatic defect of frontal bone
恶性成釉细胞瘤 malignant ameloblastoma
恶性多形性腺瘤 malignant mixed tumor [又称]恶性混合瘤 △
腭白斑 leukoplakia of palate
腭扁桃体恶性肿瘤 malignant neoplasm of palatine tonsil
腭部瘢痕组织 scar tissue of palate
腭部恶性肿瘤 malignant tumor of roof of mouth [又称]口顶恶性肿瘤 △
腭部溃疡 ulcer of palate
腭部炎性假瘤 inflammatory pseudotumor of palate
腭垂恶性肿瘤 uvula malignant tumor [又称]悬雍垂恶性肿瘤 △
腭垂肥大 hypertrophy of uvula [又称]悬雍垂肥大 △
腭垂继发恶性肿瘤 uvula secondary malignant tumor [又称]悬雍垂继发恶性肿瘤 △
腭垂良性肿瘤 uvula benign tumor [又称]悬雍垂良性肿瘤 △
腭垂囊肿 cyst of uvula [又称]悬雍垂囊肿 △
腭垂息肉 polyp of uvala [又称]悬雍垂息肉 △
腭恶性肿瘤 malignant neoplasm of palate
腭骨骨折 palatine bone fracture [又称]腭部骨折 △
腭骨结核 tuberculosis of ossa palatinum
腭骨囊肿 palatine bone cyst
腭后天畸形 acquired deformity of palate
腭继发恶性肿瘤 secondary malignant neoplasm of palate
腭交界性肿瘤 borderline tumor of palate
腭卡波西肉瘤 Kaposi sarcoma of palate
腭开放性损伤 open injury of palate [又称]上腭开放性损伤 △
腭溃疡穿孔 perforation due to ulceration of palate
腭良性肿瘤 benign neoplasm of palate
腭裂 cleft palate [又称]先天性腭裂 △
腭隆凸 torus palatinus
腭黏膜角化不良 dyskeratosis of palatine mucosa
腭黏膜息肉 mucosal polyp of palate
腭黏膜炎 stomatitis of palatine mucosa
腭乳头囊肿 palatine papilla cyst
腭舌弓恶性肿瘤 malignant neoplasm of palatoglossal arch
腭生物学行为未定肿瘤 neoplasm of uncertain behavior of palate
腭血肿 hematoma of palate
腭咽闭合不良 velopharyngeal insufficiency [又称]腭咽闭合不全 △
腭移植皮瓣坏死 transplanted flap necrosis of palate
腭正中囊肿 median palatal cyst
耳部结缔组织良性肿瘤 benign neoplasm of connective tissue of ear
耳部肿物 mass of ear
耳郭损伤 injury of auricle
耳黑素细胞痣 melanophoric nevus of ear
耳结缔组织生物学行为未定肿瘤 neoplasm of uncertain behavior of connective tissue of ear
耳结缔组织肿瘤 neoplasm of connective tissue of ear
耳淋巴结继发恶性肿瘤 secondary malignant neoplasm of auricular lymph node
耳皮肤原位癌 carcinoma in situ of skin of ear
耳浅表损伤 superficial injury of ear
发育性颌骨疾患 developmental disorder of jaw
发育性牙变色 colour change during tooth formation
发育性牙源性囊肿 developmental odontogenic cyst
cross bite,counter bite [又称]反咬合 △

范德沃德综合征 Van der Woude syndrome [又称]唇陷窝-唇裂 △,唇窝-唇裂与腭裂综合征 △
方颏畸形 square chin deformity
放射性颌骨骨坏死 osteoradionecrosis of jaw [又称]放射性颌骨坏死 △
放射性颌骨骨髓炎 radioactive osteomyelitis of jaw
放射性口炎 radiation stomatitis [又称]放射性口腔黏膜炎 △,放射治疗诱发性口腔黏膜炎 △
放射性牙釉质病 irradiated enamel
放射性咽炎 radioactive pharyngitis
非流行性腮腺炎假瘤 non epidemic mumps pseudotumor [又称]腮腺炎性假瘤 △
非龋性牙体缺损 noncarious tooth defect
非牙源性牙痛 non-odontogenic tooth pain
非真性血管瘤,血管畸形 pseudohaemangioma,vascular malformation
氟牙症 dental fluorosis,mottled enamel [又称]氟斑牙 △
复发性阿弗他溃疡 recurrent aphthous ulcer [又称]复发性阿弗他口炎 △,复发性口腔溃疡 △,复发性口疮 △
复发性坏死性黏膜腺周围炎 periadenitis mucosa necrotica recurrens [又称]重型复发性阿弗他溃疡 △,腺周口疮 △
复杂冠根折 complicated crown-root fracture
副鼻窦肿瘤 neoplasm of accessory sinuses
覆合覆盖关系异常 anomaly of overjet and overbite
干槽症 dry socket
干髓术后牙 teeth after pulp mummification
感染性口角炎 infective angular cheilitis
高位埋伏阻生上颌第三磨牙 embedded maxillary third molar of high site
个别乳磨牙早失 premature of individual primary tooth
根侧牙周囊肿 lateral periodontal cyst
根分歧病变 furcation involvement [又称]根分叉病变 △
根管治疗牙 teeth after root canal therapy
根尖周囊肿 periapical cyst
根尖周脓肿 periapical abscess [又称]根尖脓肿 △
根尖周脓肿伴窦道 periapical abscess with sinus tract [又称]根尖周脓肿伴有窦道 △
根尖周脓肿伴有黏膜窦道 periapical abscess with sinus tract of mucosa
根尖周脓肿伴有皮肤窦道 periapical abscess with cutaneous sinus
根尖周脓肿不伴有窦道 periapical abscess without sinus
根尖周肉芽肿 periapical granuloma [又称]根尖肉芽肿 △
根尖周牙骨质异常增生 periapical cemental dysplasia [又称]根尖周牙骨质结构不良 △
根尖周炎 apical periodontitis,periapical periodontitis,apical paradentitis
根尖周致密性骨炎 periapical condensing osteitis
根龋 root caries
根纵裂 vertical root fracture [又称]根裂 △
骨和骨髓继发性恶性肿瘤 secondary malignant neoplasm of bone and bone marrow
骨化性纤维瘤 ossifying fibroma
骨开窗 fenestration
骨开裂 dehiscence
骨外成釉细胞瘤 extraosseous ameloblastoma [又称]外周性成釉细胞瘤 △
骨性Ⅰ类畸形 skeletal deformity classⅠ [又称]骨性中性错

骨性Ⅱ类畸形 skeletal deformity classⅡ [又称]骨性远中错

骨性Ⅲ类畸形 skeletal deformity classⅢ [又称]骨性近中错

骨性颞下颌关节强直 bony ankylosis of TMJ [又称]骨性强直 △
骨样牙本质 osteoid dentin
固连牙 ankylosed tooth [又称]牙骨粘连 △
关节囊扩张伴关节盘附着松弛 dilatation of joint capsule with laxity of attachment of articular disc
关节盘穿孔、破裂 perforation and rupture of articular disc
管状腺瘤 canalicular adenoma
冠-根比例异常 anomaly of crown-root ratio
冠折露髓(复杂冠折) crown fracture with pulp involving(complicated crown fracture)
冠周脓肿 pericoronal abscess
冠周炎 pericoronitis
光化性唇炎 actinic cheilitis [又称]日光性唇炎 △
广泛坏死性口底蜂窝织炎 widespread necrotizing cellulitis of floor of mouth
过敏性接触性口炎 allergic contacted stomatitis
过敏性口炎 allergic stomatitis
含牙囊肿 dentigerous cyst

颌骨闭合异常 abnormal jaw closure [又称]异常颌闭合 △
颌骨不对称 jaw asymmetry
颌骨出血性囊肿 haemorrhagic cyst of jaw
颌骨大小畸形 anomaly of jaw size
颌骨动脉瘤性囊肿 aneurysmal cyst of jaw
颌骨动脉瘤样骨囊肿 aneurysmal bone cyst of jaw [又称]颌骨动脉瘤性骨囊肿 △
颌骨多发性骨髓瘤 multiple myeloma of jaw bone
颌骨发育不足 jaw hypoplasia
颌骨放线菌病 maxillar actinomycosis [又称]颌面部放线菌病 △
颌骨骨髓炎 osteomyelitis of jaw [又称]颌骨骨炎 △
颌骨骨移植后组织瓣坏死 tissue flap necrosis after jaw bony transplantation
颌骨骨质增生 hyperostosis of jaw
颌骨含牙囊肿 dentigerous cyst of jaw
颌骨后天畸形 acquired deformity of jaw
颌骨坏死 osteonecrosis of jaw
颌骨畸形 jaw deformity
颌骨疾病 jaw disease
颌骨继发恶性肿瘤 secondary malignant neoplasm of jaw
颌骨交界性肿瘤 borderline tumor of jaw [又称]颌面部骨生物学行为未定肿瘤 △
颌骨结缔组织恶性肿瘤 connective tissue malignant tumor of jaw
颌骨结缔组织继发恶性肿瘤 secondary malignant neoplasm of jaw connective tissue
颌骨结核 tuberculosis of jaw
颌骨巨细胞修复性肉芽肿 giant cell reparative granuloma of jaw bone [又称]颌骨巨细胞肉芽肿 △
颌骨瘤样纤维组织增生 tumor like fibrous tissue hyperplasia of jaw
颌骨囊肿 cyst of jaw [又称]上颌骨囊肿 △,下颌骨囊肿 △,巨脑畸形-颌骨囊肿 △
颌骨潜伏性骨囊肿 latent bone cyst of jaw
颌骨缺损 jaw defect
颌骨肉芽肿 granuloma of jaw [又称]颌肉芽肿 △
颌骨死骨 sequestrum of jaw
颌骨外生骨疣 exostosis of jaw
颌骨先天畸形 congenital jaw malformation
颌骨纤维性发育不良 fibrous hypogenesis of jaw
颌骨纤维异常增殖症 fibrous dysplasia of jaw [又称]颌骨纤维结构不良 △
颌骨血管畸形 vessel malformation of jaw bone
颌骨血外渗性囊肿 haemorrhagic cyst of jaw
颌骨牙源性角化囊肿 odontogenic keratocyst of jaw
颌骨牙源性囊肿 odontogenic cyst of jaw
颌骨炎性窦道 fistula of jaw inflammation
颌骨炎性增生 inflammatory hyperplasia of jaw
颌骨中心性癌 central carcinoma of jaw [又称]颌骨原发性鳞癌 △
颌骨中心性巨细胞病变 central giant cell lesions of jaw
颌骨肿物 mass of jaw,jaw mass
颌间间隙 intermaxillary space
颌间挛缩 intermaxillary contraction
颌裂 cleft jaw
颌面部爆炸伤 maxillofacial blast injury
颌面部骨动脉瘤性骨囊肿 aneurysmal bone cyst of maxillofacial bone [又称]动脉瘤样骨囊肿 △
颌面部骨恶性肿瘤 malignant neoplasm of maxillofacial bone
颌面部骨良性肿瘤 benign neoplasm of maxillofacial bone
颌面部骨源性恶性肿瘤 maxillofacial bone malignant tumor
颌面部核武器伤 maxillofacial nuclear weapon injury
颌面部化学武器伤 chemical weapon injury of maxillofacial region
颌面部间隙感染 maxillofacial spacial infection
颌面部淋巴瘤 lymphoma of maxillofacial region
颌面部枪弹伤 maxillofacial gunshot wound
颌面部软组织恶性肿瘤 malignant neoplasm of soft tissue in maxillofacial region
颌面部软组织缺损 maxillofacial soft tissue defect
颌面部烧伤 maxillofacial burn
颌面部战伤 maxillofacial battle injury
颌面磨损 occlusal attrition
颌面缺损 maxillofacial defect [又称]颜面缺损 △
颌下淋巴结肿大 enlarged lymph node of base of submandibular
颌下腺脓肿 abscess of submandibular gland
黑毛舌 black hairy tongue
黑色素神经外胚瘤 melanotic neuroectodermal tumor
喉咽肿瘤 hypopharynx tumor
后天性额骨畸形 acquired frontal bone deformity
后天性颊畸形 acquired buccal deformity
后天性颏畸形 acquired chin deformity
后天性颅骨畸形 acquired skull deformity
后天性面部畸形 acquired facial deformity
后天性前额畸形 acquired deformity of forehead
后天性小口畸形 acquired microstomia
后天牙列缺失Ⅰ类 acquired edentulous jaw,class Ⅰ
后天牙列缺失Ⅱ类 acquired edentulous jaw,class Ⅱ
后天牙列缺失Ⅲ类 acquired edentulous jaw,class Ⅲ
后天牙列缺失Ⅳ类 acquired edentulous jaw,class Ⅳ
后天牙列缺损Ⅰ类 acquired partial edentulous jaw,class Ⅰ
后天牙列缺损Ⅱ类 acquired partial edentulous jaw,class Ⅱ
后天牙列缺损Ⅲ类 acquired partial edentulous jaw,class Ⅲ
后天牙列缺损Ⅳ类 acquired partial edentulous jaw,class Ⅳ
posterior open bite

posterior crosstibe,posterior lock bite [又称]舌侧反

化脓性颌骨骨髓炎 pyogenic osteomyelitis of jaw
化脓性腮腺炎 pyogenic parotitis
化脓性牙髓炎 suppurative pulpitis
化脓性牙龈炎 pyogenic gingivitis
化学性急性牙周损伤 chemical acute periodontal disease
坏死性溃疡性口炎 necrotizing ulcerative stomatitis
坏死性唾液腺化生 necrotizing sialometaplasia [又称]坏死性涎腺化生 △
环形龋 ring caries
环状软骨骨折 fracture of cricoid cartilage [又称]环状软骨断裂 △
黄毛舌 yellow hairy tongue
喙突骨折 coracoid process fracture
混合性牙瘤 complex odontoma
获得性牙列缺损 acquired dentition defect
肌筋膜疼痛 myofascial pain [又称]肌筋膜痛 △
肌上皮癌 myoepithelial carcinoma
肌上皮岛 myoepithelial island
肌上皮瘤 myoepthelioma
基底细胞癌 basal cell carcinoma
基底细胞腺癌 basal cell adenocarcinoma
基底细胞腺瘤 basal cell adenoma
基底细胞型成釉细胞瘤 basal cell type of ameloblastoma
畸形舌侧尖 talon cusp [又称]畸形舌尖 △
畸形舌侧窝 invaginated lingual fossa
畸形舌沟 invaginated lingual sulcus
畸形中央尖 abnormal central cusp
急性多发性龈脓肿 acute multiple gingival abscess
急性非特异性龈炎 acute non-specific gingivitis
急性根尖周炎 acute apical periodontitis
急性光化性外耳炎 acute actinic otitis externa
创伤 acute occlusal trauma

急性化脓性边缘性颌骨骨髓炎 acute suppurative marginal osteomyelitis of jaw
急性化脓性根尖周炎 acute suppurative apical periodontitis
急性化脓性腮腺炎 acute pyogenic parotitis
急性化脓性中央性颌骨骨髓炎 acute suppurative central osteomyelitis of jaw
急性坏死溃疡性龈炎 acute necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis [又称]急性坏死性溃疡性龈炎 △
急性坏死性溃疡性龈口炎 acute necrotizing ulcerative gingivostomatitis [又称]坏死性龈口炎 △
急性浆液性根尖周炎 acute serous apical periodontitis
急性浆液性牙髓炎 acute serous pulpitis
急性链球菌性龈口炎 acute streptococcal gingivostomatitis
急性腮腺炎 acute parotitis
急性外耳道炎 acute otitis externa
急性下颌下淋巴结炎 acute submaxillary lymphadenitis
急性牙槽骨骨炎 abscess of parotid gland [又称]腮腺脓肿 △
急性牙髓炎 acute pulpitis
急性龈乳头炎 acute papillary gingivitis
棘皮瘤型成釉细胞瘤 acanthomatous ameloblastoma
继发龋 recurrent caries
家族性和周期性白细胞缺乏症牙周病损 family and periodic leukocyte deficiency associated with periodontal damage
家族性巨颌症 cherubism
颊白斑 leukoplakia of cheek
颊部穿透伤 perforating wound of cheek
颊部恶性肿瘤 buccal malignant tumor [又称]颊恶性肿瘤 △
颊部交界性肿瘤 borderline tumor of cheek
颊部良性肿瘤 buccal benign tumor
颊部瘘管 buccal fistula
颊部软组织缺损 buccal soft tissue defect
颊部血管畸形 buccal vascular malformation
颊部炎性假瘤 inflammatory pseudotumor of cheek
颊部肿物 mass of cheek
颊侧牙龈恶性肿瘤 buccal gingival malignant tumor
颊沟后天畸形 acquired deformity of buccal groove
颊和唇咬伤 lip and buccal biting
颊间隙感染 buccal space infection
颊间隙感染伴脓肿 buccal space infection with abscess
颊开放性损伤 buccal open injury [又称]颊和颞下颌区开放性伤口 △
颊溃疡 ulcer of cheek
颊囊肿 buccal cyst [又称]颊部囊肿 △
颊黏膜恶性肿瘤 buccal mucosa malignant neoplasm
颊黏膜继发恶性肿瘤 secondary malignant neoplasm of buccal mucosa
颊黏膜良性肿瘤 benign tumor of buccal mucosa
颊黏膜脓肿 buccal mucosa abscess [又称]颊部脓肿 △
颊黏膜原位癌 carcinoma in situ of cheek mucosa
颊系带附着异常 buccal frenum attachment abnormality
颊向阻生 buccoangular impaction
颊移植皮瓣坏死 transplanted flap necrosis of cheek
颊原位癌 carcinoma in situ of cheek
颊组织部分缺损 partial defect of buccal tissue
颊组织洞穿性缺损 buccal tissue perforating defect
颊组织撕脱伤 avulsion injury of buccal tissue
甲状软骨骨折 fracture of thyroid cartilage [又称]甲状软骨断裂 △
甲状舌管囊肿 thyroglossal cyst
假关节形成 pseudoarticulation formation
尖头多趾并趾畸形 Carpenter syndrome
简单冠根折 uncomplicated crown-root fracture
浆细胞龈炎 plasma cell gingivitis [又称]浆细胞性龈炎 △
接触性变应性口炎 contact allergic stomatitis [又称]接触性口炎 △
结合牙 concrescence of tooth
结节性白斑 nodular leukoplakia
近中埋伏下颌第三磨牙 mesioangular embedded lower third molar
近中[向]阻生 mesioangular impaction
颈部表皮样囊肿 epidermoid cyst of neck
颈部多处浅表损伤 multiple superficial injuries of neck
颈部多间隙感染 multi-space infection of neck
颈部恶性黑色素瘤 malignant melanoma of neck
颈部恶性肿瘤 neck malignant neoplasm
颈部坏死性筋膜炎 necrotizing fasciitis of neck
颈部继发恶性肿瘤 secondary malignant neoplasm of neck [又称]颈部继发性恶性肿瘤 △
颈部间隙感染 space infection of neck
颈部间隙感染伴脓肿 neck space infection with abscess
颈部结缔组织恶性肿瘤 malignant neoplasm of cervical connective tissue
颈部结缔组织良性肿瘤 connective tissue benign tumor of neck [又称]颈结缔组织良性肿瘤 △
颈部结缔组织生物学行为未定肿瘤 neoplasm of uncertain behavior of connective tissue of neck
颈部结缔组织肿瘤 neoplasm of connective tissue of neck
颈部局部肿物 localized mass of neck
颈部良性肿瘤 cervical benign tumor
颈部淋巴管畸形 lymphatic malformation of neck
颈部淋巴管瘤 cervical lymphangioma
颈部淋巴结继发恶性肿瘤 secondary malignant tumor of cervical lymph node
颈部淋巴结结核 lymphoid tuberculosis of neck [又称]颈淋巴结结核 △
颈部皮肤恶性肿瘤 malignant tumor of neck skin
颈部皮肤脓肿 abscess of skin of neck
颈部皮脂腺囊肿 neck sebaceous cyst
颈部气管软骨骨折 cervical tracheal cartilage fracture [又称]开放性气管软骨断裂 △
颈部神经损伤 cervical nerve injury
颈部血管畸形 neck vascular malformation
颈部血管瘤 cervical hemangioma
颈部脂肪瘤 neck lipoma
颈动脉损伤 injury of carotid artery
颈交界性肿瘤 borderline tumor of neck
颈静脉交界性肿瘤 borderline tumor of jugular
颈静脉球交界性肿瘤 borderline tumor of jugular bulb [又称]颈静脉球性质未定肿瘤 △
颈皮肤原位癌 neck skin carcinoma in situ [又称]颈部皮肤原位癌 △
颈蹼 webbing of neck
净齿剂牙磨损 dental abrasion due to dentifrice [又称]刷牙磨损 △
净止龋 arrested caries
静脉畸形 venous malformation
局部牙周引起的牙列缺损或缺失 defect or loss of denture due to local periodontal disease
局限性淋巴结增大 localized enlarged lymph node
局限性牙槽骨骨炎 localized alveolar osteitis
局灶性上皮增生 focal epithelial hyperplasia
咀嚼肌结核 masticatory muscle tuberculosis
咀嚼肌群痉挛 spasm of masticatory muscle
巨唇 macrocheilia
巨大牙骨质瘤 gigantiform cementoma
巨颌 macrognathia
巨舌 macroglossia [又称]巨舌症 △
巨细胞肉芽肿 giant cell granuloma
巨细胞透明血管病 giant cell hyaline angiopathy
巨细胞性牙龈瘤 giant cell epulis
巨牙症 macrodontia [又称]过大牙 △
具有颌面赝复体 presence of maxillofacial prosthesis [又称]存在颌面修复体 △
具有口腔修复体(完全/部分) presence of dental prosthetic device(complete/partial) [又称]存在口腔修复体(完全/部分) △
具有牙根和颌骨植入物 presence of tooth-root and mandibular implant [又称]存在牙根和下颌骨植体 △
具有牙科辅助性修复体 presence of dental ancillary prosthetic device [又称]存在牙科辅助性修复体 △
具有牙种植体植入物 presence of dental implant [又称]存在牙种植体 △
具有牙种植修复体(完全/部分) presence of dental implant prosthesis(complete/partial) [又称]存在牙种植修复体(完全/部分) △
嚼肌肥大 masseteric hypertrophy [又称]咬肌肥大 △
均质性白斑 homogeneous leukoplakia
菌斑性龈炎 plaque-induced gingivitis
开放性唇部损伤 open lip injury
开放性耳后损伤伴异物 open wound of behind ear with foreign body
开放性眶骨骨折 open fracture of orbital bone
开放性颧骨骨折 open fracture of zygomatic bone
开放性腮腺管断裂 open rapture of parotid duct
开放性外耳道损伤 open wound of acoustic duct
开放性牙槽骨骨折 open fracture of alveolar bone
畸形 open bite deformity

颏部畸形 chin malformation
颏垂直向发育不足 vertical deficiency of chin
颏垂直向发育过度 vertical hypergenesis of chin
颏后缩 chin retrusion [又称]颏后缩畸形 △
颏继发恶性肿瘤 chin secondary malignant neoplasm
颏前后向发育不足 anterior and posterior deficiency of chin
颏前后向发育过度 anterior and posterior hypergenesis of chin
颏前突 chin protrusion
颏水平向发育不足 horizontal chin deficiency
颏水平向发育过度 horizontal chin hypergenesis
颏下恶性肿瘤 malignant neoplasm of submental area
颏下间隙感染 submental space infection
颏下间隙感染伴脓肿 submental space infection with abscess
颏下淋巴结结核 submental lymph node tuberculosis
颏下慢性淋巴结炎 submental chronic lymphadenitis [又称]慢性颏下淋巴结炎 △
颗粒细胞型成釉细胞瘤 granular cell type ameloblastoma
髁颈下骨折 subcondylar fracture
髁突粉碎性骨折 comminuted condylar fracture
髁突骨炎 inflammation of condyle
髁突骨折 condyle fracture [又称]下颌骨髁突骨折 △
髁突基部骨折 condylar base fracture
髁突颈部骨折 condylar neck fracture
髁突良性肿瘤 condyle benign tumor [又称]髁突骨瘤 △
髁突囊内骨折 intracapsular condyle fracture
髁突囊肿 condylar cyst
壳状牙 shell tooth
可复性盘移位 reversible disc displacement
可复性牙髓炎 reversible pulpitis
克鲁宗综合征 Crouzon’s syndrome [又称]鹦鹉头综合征 △,Virchow综合征 △,先天性尖头并指(趾)畸形综合征 △,狭颅综合征 △
口臭 fetor oris
口底多间隙感染 cellulitis of floor of mouth
口底恶性肿瘤 malignant tumor of floor of mouth
口底交界性肿瘤 mouth floor borderline tumor
口底良性肿瘤 benign tumor of floor of mouth
口底皮样囊肿 dermoid cyst of floor of mouth
口底前部恶性肿瘤 malignant tumor of anterior floor of mouth
口底炎性假瘤 inflammatory pseudotumor of floor of mouth
口底移植皮瓣坏死 mouth floor transplanted flap necrosis
口底原位癌 carcinoma in situ of floor of mouth
口蜂窝织炎和脓肿 mouth cellulitis and abscess
口干燥症 xerostomia
口和咽烧伤 burn of mouth and pharynx
口呼吸习惯 mouth breathing habit
口角炎 angular cheilitis
口内异物 oral foreign body
口前庭恶性肿瘤 malignant tumor of oral vestibule [又称]口腔前庭恶性肿瘤 △
口腔白斑病 oral leukoplakia
口腔白色角化症 white keratosis in oral cavity [又称]口腔白角化病 △
口腔表皮样囊肿 oral epidermoid cyst
口腔病灶感染 oral focal infection
口腔不良习惯 deleterious oral habit
口腔动静脉畸形 arteriovenous malformation of oral cavity
口腔恶性肿瘤 oral malignant neoplasm
口腔发育性(非牙源性)囊肿 oral developmental(non-odontogenic)cyst [又称]口腔区域发育性(非牙源性)囊肿 △
口腔感染 oral infection
口腔颌面部蜂窝织炎和脓肿 oral and maxillofacial cellulitis and abscess
口腔黑斑 oral melanoplakia [又称]口腔黑斑症 △,黏膜黑斑 △
口腔红斑 oral erythroplakia [又称]增殖性红斑 △,红色增殖性病变 △,奎来特红斑 △
口腔继发恶性肿瘤 secondary malignant neoplasm of oral cavity
口腔颊黏膜恶性肿瘤 malignant neoplasm of buccal mucosa of oral cavity
口腔结核 oral tuberculosis
口腔静脉畸形 venous malformation of oral cavity
口腔良性肿瘤 oral benign tumor
口腔淋巴上皮囊肿 lymphoepithelial cyst of oral cavity
口腔瘘管 oral fistula
口腔囊肿 oral cyst [又称]口腔区囊肿 △
口腔内淋巴管畸形 oral lymphatic malformation [又称]口腔淋巴管畸形 △
口腔内淋巴管瘤 oral lymphangioma [又称]口腔淋巴管瘤 △
口腔内脓肿 oral abscess [又称]口腔脓肿 △
口腔内血管增生 oral vascular hyperplasia
口腔黏膜出血 oral mucous hemorrhage
口腔黏膜恶性肿瘤 oral mucous malignant neoplasm
口腔黏膜过度角化 hyperkeratosis of oral mucosae
口腔黏膜化脓性肉芽肿 pyogenic granuloma of oral mucosa
口腔黏膜浆细胞肉芽肿 plasma cell granuloma of oral mucosa
口腔黏膜结节病 sarcoidosis of oral mucosa
口腔黏膜开放性损伤 open injury of oral mucosa [又称]唇和口腔开放性伤口 △
口腔黏膜溃疡 ulcer of oral mucosa [又称]口腔黏膜炎(溃疡性) △
口腔黏膜肉芽肿和类肉芽肿损害 granuloma of oral mucosa and granuloma-like lesions
口腔黏膜色素异常 pigment disorder on oral mucosa [又称]釉质裂(非复杂牙冠裂) △
口腔黏膜色素痣 melanocytic nevus of oral mucosa [又称]口腔黏膜色素痣 △
口腔黏膜嗜酸性肉芽肿 eosinophilic granuloma of oral mucosa
口腔黏膜下纤维性变 oral submucous fibrosis,OSF [又称]口腔黏膜下纤维化 △
口腔黏膜炎性增生 inflammatory hyperplasia of oral mucosa [又称]口腔炎性肿块 △
口腔黏液腺囊肿 oral mucocele [又称]口腔黏液囊肿 △
口腔念珠菌病 oral candidiasis [又称]口腔念珠菌感染 △
口腔皮肤瘘 fistula from oral cavity to skin
口腔皮样囊肿 oral dermoid cyst
口腔浅表损伤 oral superficial injury
口腔软组织移植皮瓣坏死 oral soft tissue transplanted flap necrosis
口腔软组织异物 foreign body of soft tissue of oral cavity
口腔上颌窦瘘 oroantral fistula
口腔生物学行为未定肿瘤 neoplasm of uncertain behavior of oral cavity
口腔修复体边缘不良 dental restoration failure of margin
口腔修复体导致的过敏 allergy to existing dental restoration
口腔修复体美观缺陷 poor aesthetic of existing dental restoration
口腔修复体外形不良 poor counter of dental restoration
口腔修复体悬突 overhanging of dental restoration
口腔修复体折裂 fractured dental restoration
口腔血管畸形 oral vascular malformation
口腔血管瘤 oral hemangioma
口腔原位癌 oral carcinoma in situ
口腔肿物 oral mass
口腔周围浆细胞增多综合征 syndrome of circumorificial plasmacytosis
口咽癌 oropharyngeal cancer
口咽侧壁恶性肿瘤 malignant neoplasm of lateral wall of oropharynx
口咽恶性肿瘤 malignant tumor of oropharynx
口咽后壁恶性肿瘤 malignant tumor of posterior oropharynx wall
口咽连接部恶性肿瘤 malignant neoplasm of oral-pharyngeal junction
口咽良性肿瘤 benign tumor of oropharynx
口炎 stomatitis
眶骨恶性肿瘤 malignant neoplasm of orbital bone
眶距过宽征 orbital hypertelorism
眶上神经损伤 injury of nervus supraorbitalis
眶下间隙感染 infraorbital space infection
眶下间隙感染伴脓肿 infraorbital space infection with abscess
溃疡性白斑 ulcerous type of leukoplakia
溃疡性口炎 ulcerative stomatitis
溃疡性龈炎 ulcerous gingivitis
肋骨分叉-基底细胞痣-颌骨囊肿综合征 bifid rib-basal cell nevus-jaw cyst syndrome [又称]痣样基底细胞癌综合征 △,Gorlin综合征 △
梨状窦恶性肿瘤 malignant tumor pyriform sinus
犁骨恶性肿瘤 vomer malignant tumor
李弗特Ⅰ型骨折 Le Fort Ⅰ fracture,horizontal fracture of maxilla [又称]上颌骨(牙槽突)水平骨折 △
李弗特Ⅱ型骨折 Le Fort Ⅱ fracture,pyramidal fracture of maxilla [又称]上颌骨(中央)锥体骨折 △
李弗特Ⅲ型骨折 Le Fort Ⅲ fracture,transverse fracture of maxilla [又称]上颌骨(高位)横断骨折 △
粒细胞缺乏症牙周病损 agranulocytosis associated with periodontal damage
良性成牙骨质细胞瘤 benign cementoblastoma [又称]成牙骨质细胞瘤 △
良性淋巴上皮病变 benign lymphoepithelial lesion [又称]Mikulicz病 △
良性脂肪瘤样肿瘤 benign lipomatous tumor
裂纹舌 fissured tongue [又称]舌裂 △,沟纹舌 △,皱襞舌 △,脑回舌 △
邻面磨损 wear of approximal of teeth [又称]牙邻面磨耗 △
临床牙冠过短 short clinical crown of tooth
淋巴瘤性乳头状囊腺瘤 papillary cystadenoma lymphomatosum [又称]Warthin瘤 △
鳞状细胞乳头状瘤 squamous cell papilloma
流行性腮腺炎 epidemic parotitis
流行性腮腺炎并发下颌下腺炎 epidemic parotitis and submandibular sialadenitis
流涎 sialorrhea [又称]流涎症 △
颅底脑脊液瘘 cerebrospinal fluid leak of base of skull
颅缝早闭 craniosynostosis [又称]颅骨缝早闭 △
颅骨恶性肿瘤 malignant neoplasm of skull
颅骨和颌面部骨恶性肿瘤 malignant neoplasm of skull and maxillofacial bone
颅骨交界性肿瘤 borderline neoplasm of skull
颅骨良性肿瘤 benign tumor of skull
颅骨血管畸形 vascular malformation of skull
颅骨血管瘤 skull hemangioma
颅骨脂肪瘤 lipoma of skull
颅面骨恶性肿瘤 craniofacial bone malignant neoplasm
罗森米窝恶性肿瘤 Rosenmüller′s fossa malignant tumor [又称]咽隐窝恶性肿瘤 △
滤泡型成釉细胞瘤 follicular ameloblastoma
埋伏牙 embedded tooth
慢性闭锁性牙髓炎 chronic closed pulpitis [又称]牙髓炎 △
慢性唇炎 chronic cheilitis [又称]慢性非特异性唇炎 △
慢性复发性腮腺炎 chronic recurrent parotitis
慢性根尖周炎 chronic periapical periodontitis
慢性化脓性边缘性颌骨骨髓炎 chronic pyogenic marginal osteomyelitis of jaw
慢性化脓性中央性颌骨骨髓炎 chronic pyogenic central maxilla osteomyelitis
慢性颈淋巴结炎 chronic cervical lymphadenitis
慢性颈淋巴结炎急性发作 acute occurrence of chronic cervical lymphadenitis
慢性颈淋巴结炎急性发作伴脓肿 acute occurrence of chronic cervical lymphadenitis with abscess
慢性颏下淋巴结炎急性发作 acute occurrence of submental chronic lymphadenitis
慢性颏下淋巴结炎急性发作伴脓肿 acute occurrence of submental chronic lymphadenitis,followed with abscess
慢性溃疡性牙髓炎 chronic ulcerative pulpitis [又称]慢性牙髓炎 △
慢性腮腺淋巴结炎 chronic parotid lymph node phlogistic
慢性腮腺淋巴结炎急性发作 acute occurrence of parotid gland chronic lymphadenitis
慢性腮腺淋巴结炎急性发作伴脓肿 acute occurrence of parotid gland chronic lymphadenitis,followed with abscess
慢性腮腺炎 chronic parotitis
慢性舌下腺炎 chronic sublingual gland inflammation
慢性唾液腺炎 chronic sialadenitis [又称]慢性涎腺炎 △
慢性外耳道炎 chronic external otitis
慢性下颌下淋巴结炎急性发作 acute occurrence of submandibular chronic lymphadenitis
慢性下颌下淋巴结炎急性发作伴脓肿 acute occurrence of submandibular chronic lymphadenitis,followed with abscess
慢性下颌下腺炎 chronic submaxillaritis [又称]慢性颌下腺炎 △
慢性牙髓炎 chronic pulpitis
慢性牙龈炎 chronic gingivitis
慢性牙周炎 chronic periodontitis
慢性增生性牙髓炎 chronic hyperplastic pulpitis
慢性阻塞性腮腺炎 chronic obstructive parotitis
毛舌 hairy tongue
毛状白斑 hairy leukoplakia
梅-罗综合征 Melkersson-Rosenthal syndrome [又称]唇舌水肿及面瘫综合征 △
萌出期囊肿 eruption cyst [又称]萌出性囊肿 △
萌出性龈炎 eruption gingivitis
米库利奇病 Mikulicz disease [又称]泪腺-唾液腺肥大综合征
面部挫伤 contusion of face
面部恶性肿瘤 facial malignant tumor
面部矫形术后畸形 post-operative deformity of facial orthopedic surgery
面部结缔组织恶性肿瘤 facial connective tissue malignant neoplasm
面部结缔组织良性肿瘤 facial connective tissue benign tumor
面部结缔组织生物学行为未定肿瘤 neoplasm of uncertain behavior of connective tissue of face
面部良性肿瘤 facial benign tumor
面部裂伤 facial laceration
面部淋巴结继发恶性肿瘤 secondary malignant neoplasm of facial lymph node
面部皮肤恶性黑色素瘤 facial cutaneous malignant melanoma
面部皮肤恶性肿瘤 facial cutaneous malignant neoplasm
面部皮肤继发恶性肿瘤 secondary malignant neoplasm of facial cutaneous
面部皮肤疖 furuncle of facial cutaneous
面部皮肤脓肿 abscess of facial cutaneous
面部皮肤痈 carbuncle of facial cutaneous
面部皮样囊肿 facial dermoid cyst
面部皮脂腺囊肿 sebaceous cyst of face [又称]皮脂腺囊肿 △
面部浅表异物 superficial foreign body of face
面部软组织挫伤 contusion of soft tissue of face
面部损伤 facial injury [又称]开放性面部损伤 △
面部特指部位的原位黑色素瘤 melanoma in situ of specified part of face
面部血管瘤 haemangioma of face
面部原位黑色素瘤 facial melanoma in situ [又称]面部原位黑(色素)瘤 △
面部脂肪瘤 facial lipoma
面部肿物 mass of face
面骨骨质增生 hyperostosis of facial bone
面骨继发恶性肿瘤 secondary malignant neoplasm of facial bone
面骨良性肿瘤 benign tumor of facial bone
面和颈近中囊肿 medial cyst of of face and neck
面横裂 transverse facial cleft
面肌纤维颤搐 facial myokymia
面继发恶性肿瘤 secondary malignant neoplasm of face
面交界性肿瘤 borderline tumor of face
面结缔组织肿瘤 neoplasm of connective tissue of face
面颈部瘢痕挛缩伴鼻移位 scar contracture of facial and neck with nasal transposition
面颈部瘢痕挛缩伴唇外翻 scar contracture of facial and neck with cheilectropion
面颈部瘢痕挛缩伴唇移位 scar contracture of facial and neck with lip transposition
面颈部瘢痕挛缩伴眼睑外翻 scar contracture of facial and neck with ectropion
面颈部动静脉畸形 arteriovenous malformation of face and neck
面颈部静脉畸形 venous malformation of face and neck
面颈部皮肤瘢痕粘连 cicatricial adhesion of skin of facial and neck
面颈部皮肤瘘 fistula of skin of facial and neck
面颈部皮样囊肿 dermoid cyst of oral and neck
面裂囊肿 facial cleft cyst
面淋巴结核 tuberculosis of face
面皮肤交界性肿瘤 facial skin borderline tumor [又称]皮肤动态未定或动态未知的肿瘤 △
面皮肤原位癌 facial skin carcinoma in situ
面神经损伤 facial nerve injury
面受压 compression facies [又称]扁脸 △
面斜裂 oblique facial cleft
膜龈异常 mucogingival deformity
磨耗小平面 facet in dental wear
磨牙后区恶性肿瘤 malignant neoplasm of retromolar area
磨牙后区继发恶性肿瘤 secondary malignant tumor of retromolar area
磨牙后区良性肿瘤 benign neoplasm of retromolar area
磨牙症 bruxism [又称]夜磨牙症 △
难萌牙 tooth eruption difficulty
难治性牙周炎 refractory periodontitis
囊性成釉细胞瘤 cystic ameloblastoma
内翻性导管乳头状瘤 inverted ductal papilloma
逆行性牙髓炎 retrograde pulpitis
黏膜病毒性感染 virus infection of mucosa
黏膜良性淋巴组织增生病 benign lymphadenosis of mucosa [又称]黏膜良性淋巴组织增生 △
黏膜下腭裂 submucous cleft palate
黏膜型孢子丝菌病 mucous type of sporotrichosis
黏液表皮样癌 mucoepidermoid carcinoma
黏液囊肿 mucous cyst
黏液腺癌 mucinous adenocarcinoma
黏液性囊腺瘤 mucinus cystadenoma
念珠菌性唇炎 candidal cheilitis
颞部结缔组织恶性肿瘤 malignant neoplasm of temporal connective tissue
颞部良性肿瘤 temporal benign tumor
颞部皮肤恶性肿瘤 temporal cutaneous malignant tumor
颞骨恶性肿瘤 temporal bone malignant neoplasm
颞骨良性肿瘤 benign tumor of temporal bone
颞颌关节混合型强直 TMJ mixed ankylosis
颞间隙感染 temporal space infection
颞间隙感染伴脓肿 temporal space infection with abscess
颞下颌关节创伤性关节炎 traumatic TMJ
颞下颌关节骨关节病 TMJ osteoarthrosis [又称]颞下颌关节疾患 △
颞下颌关节滑膜软骨瘤病 synovial chondromatosis of TMJ
颞下颌关节滑膜炎 synovitis of TMJ
颞下颌关节化脓性关节炎 pyogenic arthritis of TMJ
颞下颌关节急性滑膜炎 acute synovitis of TMJ
颞下颌关节类风湿关节炎 rheumatoid arthritis of TMJ
颞下颌关节扭伤和劳损 sprain and strain of temporomandibular joint
颞下颌关节前脱位 anterior dislocation of TMJ
颞下颌关节强直 TMJ ankylosis
颞下颌关节损伤 TMJ trauma [又称]开放性颞下颌损伤 △
颞下颌关节外耳道疝 external auditory canal hernia of TMJ
颞下颌关节紊乱病 TMJ disorder
颞下颌关节炎性疾病 TMJ inflammatory disease
颞下间隙感染 infratemporal space infection
颞下间隙感染伴脓肿 infratemporal space infection with abscess
牛牙样牙 taurodontism
扭转错位 torsiversion
疱疹性咽峡炎 herpangina
疱疹性龈口炎 herpetic gingivostomatitis
疱疹样阿弗他口炎 herpetiform aphthous stomatitis [又称]疱疹样口炎 △
皮肤和皮下组织的毛囊囊肿 follicular cyst of skin and subcutaneous tissue
皮肤继发性恶性肿瘤 secondary malignant neoplasm of skin
皮肤血管瘤 hemangioma of skin
皮脂腺淋巴腺瘤 sebaceous lymphadenoma [又称]皮脂淋巴腺瘤 △
皮脂腺异位症 Fordyce’s disease [又称]异位皮脂腺 △,福代斯病 △
偏侧咀嚼习惯 unilateral mastication habit
偏颌畸形 laterognathism of mandible
平滑面龋 smooth surface caries
其他颞下颌关节炎 other hyposiagonarthritis
其他舌疾病 other diseases of tongue
气管插管后喉水肿 laryngeal edema after tracheal intubation
气管开放性损伤 open injury of trachea [又称]开放性气管损伤 △
气管切开术后拔管困难 difficult decannulation after tracheotomy
气管切开术后气道阻塞 airway obstruction after tracheotomy
前扁桃体柱恶性肿瘤 malignant tumor of anterior column of tonsil
anterior/posterior crossbite

anterior cross bite

anterior open bite

潜行性龋 undermining caries
浅龋 minor dental caries
切牙管囊肿 incisive canal cyst
侵袭性牙周炎 aggressive periodontitis
球菌性口炎 coccigenic stomatitis
球状上颌囊肿 globulomaxillary cyst [又称]球上颌囊肿 △
龋 caries
龋失补 decayed,missing and filled
龋失补牙 decayed,missing and filled tooth
龋失补牙面 decayed,missing and filled surface
龋源性露髓 caries with pulp exposure
颧弓骨折 zygomatic arch fracture
颧骨恶性肿瘤 malignant neoplasm of zygomatic bone [又称]面颊部恶性肿瘤 △
颧骨肥大 zygomatic hypertrophy
颧骨骨折 zygomatic fracture
颧骨过低 low zygomatic bone
颧骨过宽 broad zygomatic bone
颧骨过窄 narrow zygomatic bone
颧骨结核 zygomatic tuberculosis
颧骨良性肿瘤 zygomatic benign tumour
颧骨上颌骨联合体骨折 maxillary and zygomatic complex fracture
缺牙引起的颌骨牙槽嵴中度萎缩 moderate atrophy of mandible edentulous alveolar ridge
妊娠期龈炎 pregnancy gingivitis
融合牙 fused tooth
肉芽性骨炎 granulating osteitis
肉芽肿性唇炎 granulomatous cheilitis,cheilitis granulomatosa
肉芽肿性牙龈瘤 epulis granulomatosa [又称]巨细胞性牙龈瘤 △
乳齿过早脱落 premature of shedding of primary tooth [又称]乳牙早失 △
乳头状囊腺癌 papillary cystadenocarcinoma
乳头状囊腺瘤 papillary cystadenoma
乳头状唾液腺瘤 sialadenoma papilliferum
乳头状增生 papilliferous hyperplasia
乳突恶性肿瘤 malignant tumor of mastoid process
乳突良性肿瘤 benign tumor of mastoid process
乳牙外伤 trauma of primary teeth
乳牙滞留 retained deciduous tooth
乳牙中龋 moderate dental caries of primary tooth
软腭穿通伤 soft palatal penetrating wound
软腭的鼻咽后面恶性肿瘤 malignant tumor of soft palate behind nasopharynx
软腭的鼻咽上面恶性肿瘤 malignant tumor of soft palate above nasopharynx
软腭恶性肿瘤 malignant neoplasm of soft palate
软腭肥厚 hypertrophy of soft palate
软腭脓肿 soft palatal abscess
软腭肿瘤放疗后畸形 soft palate deformity after radiotherapy
软化牙本质 soft dentin
腮腺导管结石 parotid duct stone
腮腺导管瘘 parotid duct fistula
腮腺导管损伤 parotid duct injury
腮腺恶性肿瘤 parotid gland malignant neoplasm
腮腺肥大 hypertrophy of parotid gland
腮腺管扩张 sialectasia of parotid duct
腮腺继发恶性肿瘤 secondary malignant neoplasm of parotid gland
腮腺交界性肿瘤 borderline tumor of parotid gland [又称]腮腺生物学行为未定肿瘤 △
腮腺结核 parotid tuberculosis
腮腺良性肿瘤 parotid benign neoplasm
腮腺淋巴管畸形 parotid lymphatic malformation
腮腺淋巴管瘤 parotid lymphangioma/angiolymphoma [又称]腮腺淋巴瘤 △
腮腺淋巴结继发恶性肿瘤 parotid lymph node secondary malignant neoplasm
腮腺淋巴结结核 parotid tuberculous lymphadenitis
腮腺淋巴上皮囊肿 parotid lymphoepithelial cyst
腮腺囊肿 parotid cyst
腮腺肉芽肿性淋巴结炎 granulomatous inflammation of parotid lymph node [又称]肉芽肿性淋巴结炎 △
腮腺损伤 parotid injury
腮腺唾液潴留 saliva retention of parotid gland [又称]腮腺涎腺潴留 △
腮腺腺体结石 parotid gland calculus
腮腺腺体瘘 parotid gland fistula [又称]腮腺瘘 △
腮腺血管畸形 vascular malformation of parotid gland
腮腺血管瘤 hemangioma of parotid gland
腮腺炎 parotitis
腮腺脂肪瘤 parotid gland lipoma
腮腺肿物 parotid neoplasm
鳃弓综合征 branchial arch syndrome
鳃裂恶性肿瘤 malignant neoplasm of branchial cleft
鳃裂囊肿 branchial cleft cyst [又称]先天性鳃裂囊肿 △
鳃瘘 branchial fistula [又称]鳃裂瘘管 △,先天性鳃裂瘘 △,先天性鳃裂瘘管 △
三角头畸形 trigonocephaly
三叶头畸形 cloverleaf skull deformity
色素沉着息肉综合征 Peutz-Jeghers syndrome [又称]黑斑息肉综合征 △
筛窦恶性肿瘤 malignant neoplasm of ethmoid sinus
筛窦骨折 fracture of ethmoid sinus
筛窦内异物 ethmoid sinus foreign body [又称]筛窦异物 △
筛骨恶性肿瘤 ethmoid bone malignant neoplasm
上唇唇红缘恶性肿瘤 malignant neoplasm in vermilion border of upper lip [又称]外上唇唇红缘恶性肿瘤 △
上唇恶性肿瘤 malignant neoplasm of external upper lip [又称]外上唇恶性肿瘤 △
上唇黏膜恶性肿瘤 upper lip mucosa malignant neoplasm [又称]上唇内面黏膜恶性肿瘤 △
上唇系带恶性肿瘤 malignant neoplasm of maxillary labial frenum
上腭穿孔 perforation of palate
上腭炎性肿物 inflammatory mass of palate
上颌低位阻生第三磨牙 impacted maxillary third molar of deep site
上颌窦恶性肿瘤 maxillary sinus malignant neoplasm
上颌窦骨折 maxillary sinus fracture
上颌窦继发恶性肿瘤 maxillary sinus secondary malignant neoplasm
上颌窦良性肿瘤 maxillary sinus benign neoplasm
上颌窦囊肿 maxillary cyst
上颌窦内异物 foreign body in maxillary sinus [又称]上颌窦异物 △
上颌窦脓肿 abscess of maxillary sinus
上颌窦息肉 antral polyp
上颌窦肿物 maxillary sinus mass
上颌恶性肿瘤 malignant tumor of maxilla
上颌高位阻生第三磨牙 impacted mandibular third molar of high site
上颌骨LeFortⅠ型骨折 LeFortⅠ fracture of maxilla
上颌骨垂直向发育不足 vertical hypodevelopment of maxilla
上颌骨垂直向发育过度 vertical overdevelopment of maxilla
上颌骨恶性肿瘤 malignant tumor of maxilla
上颌骨发育过度 maxillary hyperplasia
上颌骨粉碎性骨折 maxillary comminuted fracture
上颌骨骨折 fracture of maxilla
上颌骨畸形 maxillary deformity
上颌骨继发恶性肿瘤 secondary malignant neoplasm of maxilla
上颌骨良性肿瘤 benign tumor of maxilla
上颌骨囊肿 maxillary cyst
上颌骨前后向发育不足 sagittal hypodevelopment of maxillary
上颌骨前后向发育过度 sagittal overdevelopment of maxillary hypergenesis
上颌骨矢状骨折 maxillary sagittal fracture
上颌骨水平向发育不足 horizontal maxillary deficiency
上颌骨水平向发育过度 horizontal maxillary hypergenesis
上颌骨纤维增生 fibrous dysplasia of maxilla [又称]上颌骨骨纤维异常增殖症 △
上颌骨血管畸形 maxillary vascular malformation
上颌骨血管瘤 maxillary hemangioma
上颌后缩 maxillary retrusion,maxillary retrognathism
上颌后缩伴下颌前突 maxillary retrusion with mandibular protrusion
上颌结节肥大 hypertrophy of maxillary tuberosity
上颌巨颌症 maxillary macrognathism
上颌开放性损伤 open injury of maxilla
上颌梨状孔发育不良 maxillary piriform aperture dysplasia
上颌前部多生牙 supernumerary teeth of maxillary anterior site
上颌前部埋伏牙 embedded teeth of maxillary anterior site
上颌前部阻生牙 impacted teeth of maxillary anterior site
上颌前突 maxillary protrusion
上颌前突伴下颌后缩 maxillary protrusion with mandibular retrusion [又称]上颌前突伴下颌后缩畸形 △
上颌无牙区牙槽嵴轻度萎缩 mild atrophy of maxilla edentulous alveolar ridge
上颌无牙区牙槽嵴中度萎缩 moderate atrophy of maxilla edentulous alveolar ridge
上颌无牙区牙槽嵴重度萎缩 severe atrophy of maxilla edentulous alveolar ridge
上颌牙弓狭窄 intraversion of maxillary
上颌中位阻生第三磨牙 moderate impaction of medium site
上呼吸道消化道恶性肿瘤 malignant neoplasm of upper respiratory and digestive tract
上皮-肌上皮癌 epithelial-myoepithelial carcinoma [又称]腺肌上皮瘤 △,富含糖原腺癌 △
上下颌齿槽前突畸形 bimaxillary dentoalveolar protrusion
上下颌前突畸形 bimaxillary protrusion
上牙龈恶性肿瘤 malignant neoplasm of upper gum
烧伤后唇畸形 lip deformity after burn injury
舌白斑 leukoplakia of tongue
舌白色水肿 leukoedema of tongue
舌瘢痕 lingual scar
舌背恶性肿瘤 malignant neoplasm of dorsum of tongue
舌扁桃体恶性肿瘤 malignant neoplasm of lingual tonsil
舌扁桃体良性肿瘤 benign tumor of lingual tonsil
舌出血 glossorrhagia
舌创伤性溃疡 traumatic ulcer of tongue
舌挫裂伤 contusion and laceration of tongue
舌淀粉样变 lingual amyloidosis
舌恶性淋巴瘤 malignant neoplasm of tongue
舌恶性肿瘤 malignant neoplasm of tongue [又称]舌癌 △
舌肥大 glossohypertrophia
舌腹恶性肿瘤 malignant neoplasm of ventrum of tongue
舌根、咽部、喉部恶性肿瘤 malignant neoplasm of root of tongue,pharynx and larynx
舌根癌 carcinoma of tongue root
舌根肥大 hypertrophy of tongue root
舌根交界性肿瘤 borderline tumor of tongue root
舌根淋巴结肿大 lymph node tumefaction of tongue root
舌贯通伤 penetrating wound of tongue
舌后三分之一恶性肿瘤 malignant neoplasm of posterior one third of tongue
舌会厌褶恶性肿瘤 malignant neoplasm of glossoepiglottic fold [又称]舌会厌皱襞恶性肿瘤 △
舌活动部分恶性肿瘤 malignant neoplasm of movable part of tongue
舌畸形 lingual malformation
舌及口底开放性损伤 open injury of tongue and floor of mouth
舌继发恶性肿瘤 secondary malignant neoplasm of tongue
舌尖恶性肿瘤 malignant neoplasm of tongue tip
舌尖及侧缘的恶性肿瘤 malignant neoplasm of tongue tip and flange
舌尖瘘管 fistula of tip of tongue
舌结核 tuberculosis of tongue
舌-口底恶性肿瘤 malignant neoplasm of tongue and mouth floor [又称]舌、口底恶性肿瘤 △
舌溃疡 ulcer of tongue
舌良性过度角化症 benign hyperkeratosis of tongue
舌良性肿瘤 glossal benign neoplasm
舌淋巴管畸形 glossal lymphatic malformation
舌淋巴管瘤 glossal lymphangioma
舌淋巴组织增生 lymphoproliferation of tongue
舌鳞状上皮增生 lingual squamous epithelium hyperplasia
舌囊肿 lingual cyst
舌脓肿 lingual abscess
舌肉芽肿 tongue granuloma
舌乳头肥大 hypertrophy of tongue papillae
舌乳头萎缩 atrophy of tongue papillae
舌乳头炎 lingual papillitis
舌神经断裂 lingual nerve fracture
舌损伤 tongue injury
舌体断裂伤 body of tongue rupture
舌系带过短 ankyloglossia,tongue tie [又称]先天性舌系带短缩 △
舌系带损伤 injury of frenulum linguae
舌下间隙感染 sublingual space infection
舌下间隙感染伴脓肿 sublingual space infection with abscess
舌下静脉曲张 sublingual varices
舌下神经断裂 hypoglossal nerve rupture
舌下神经损伤 hypoglossal nerve injury
舌下腺恶性肿瘤 malignant neoplasm of sublingual gland
舌下腺继发恶性肿瘤 secondary malignant neoplasm of sublingual gland
舌下腺囊肿 ranula
舌下腺原位癌 carcinoma in situ of sublingual gland
舌向埋伏上颌第三磨牙 linguoangular embedded maxillary third molar
舌向阻生 linguoangular impaction
舌血管畸形 glossal vascular malformation [又称]先天性舌血管畸形 △
舌血管瘤 glossal hemangioma
舌咽神经损伤 glossopharyngeal nerve injury
舌炎性肿块 glossal inflammatory mass
舌叶乳头增生 lingual papillary hyperplasia
舌异物 foreign body of tongue
舌原位癌 carcinoma in situ of tongue
舌缘恶性肿瘤 malignant neoplasm of margin of tongue
舌脂肪瘤 glossal lipoma
舌肿物 glossal mass
舍格伦综合征 Sjogren syndrome [又称]干燥综合征 △
深覆盖 deep overjet
deep overbite

深龋 severe dental caries
深窝沟 deep pit and fissure
剩余牙槽嵴萎缩 residual alveolar ridge atrophy [又称]余留牙槽骨萎缩 △
矢状缝早闭 sagittal synostosis
始基囊肿 primordial cyst [又称]颌骨始基囊肿 △
嗜酸性腺癌 oncocytic adenoma
嗜酸性腺瘤 oxyphilic adenoma
手术后恶性肿瘤化学治疗 postoperative chemotherapy of malignant neoplasm
手术前恶性肿瘤化学治疗 pre-operation chemotherapy for malignant neoplasm
双侧不完全性牙槽突裂 bilateral incomplete alveolar cleft
双侧部分硬腭裂 bilateral part cleft of hard palate
双侧唇裂 bilateral cleft lip
双侧冠状缝早闭 bilateral coronal synostosis
双侧混合型唇裂 bilateral mixed cleft lip
双侧面横裂 bilateral transverse facial cleft
双侧面斜裂 bilateral oblique facial cleft
双侧颞下颌关节强直 ankylosis of bilateral temporomandibular joint
双侧完全性腭裂伴唇裂及牙槽嵴裂 bilateral complete cleft of palate associated with cleft lip and alveolus
双侧完全性牙槽突裂 bilateral complete alveolar cleft
双侧牙槽突隐裂 bilateral microform alveolar cleft
双唇[症] double lip [又称]先天性重唇 △
双颌后缩畸形 bimaxillary retrognathism
双颌前突 bimaxillary protrusion [又称]双颌前突畸形 △
双生牙 geminated tooth
双突颌畸形 prognathism of mandible and maxilla
水平阻生牙 horizontal impacted teeth
睡眠呼吸暂停低通气综合征 sleep apnea hypopnea syndrome [又称]阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停低通气综合征 △
睡眠呼吸暂停综合征 sleep apnea syndrome
吮指习惯 finger and thumb sucking habit
斯塔夫尼囊肿 Steve’s cyst
四环素牙 tetracycline pigmentation teeth
松弛嵴 flabby ridge
塑化术后牙齿 teeth after pulp plasticization
髓腔闭锁 atresia of pulp cavity
髓腔狭窄 stenosis of pulp cavity
锁骨上淋巴结继发恶性肿瘤 secondary malignant tumor of supraclavicular lymph node [又称]锁骨上继发恶性肿瘤 △
胎生牙 natal tooth [又称]诞生牙 △
苔藓样反应 lichenoid reaction
糖尿病性急性牙周脓肿 diabetic acute periodontal abscess [又称]糖尿病性牙周脓肿 △
糖尿病性牙周炎 diabetic periodontitis [又称]糖尿病伴牙周炎 △
特发性牙酸蚀 idiopathic erosion of teeth
特纳牙 Turner tooth [又称]个别恒牙的釉质发育不全 △
头部多处浅表损伤 multiple superficial injuries of head
头部多处软组织刺伤 multiple soft tissue puncture wounds of head
头部多处软组织挫裂伤 multiple soft tissue contusions of head
头部多处软组织切割伤 multiple soft tissue concis injuries of head
头部多处软组织撕脱伤 multiple soft tissue avulsion injuries of head
头部多处软组织外伤性缺损 multiple soft tissue traumatic defects of head
头部多处软组织异物嵌入 foreign body embedded in multiple soft tissues of head
头部继发恶性肿瘤 head secondary malignant tumor
头部结缔组织恶性肿瘤 head connective tissue malignant tumor
头部结缔组织生物学行为未定肿瘤 neoplasm of uncertain behavior of connective tissue of head
头部结缔组织肿瘤 neoplasm of connective tissue of head
头部局部肿物 head focal mass
头部皮肤继发恶性肿瘤 secondary malignant neoplasm of skin of head
头部浅表损伤 superficial injury in head
头部脂肪瘤 head lipoma
头结缔组织良性肿瘤 head connective tissue benign tumor
头颈部瘢痕 head and neck scar
头颈部恶性肿瘤 malignant tumor of head and neck
头颈部良性肿瘤 benign tumor of head and neck
头颈部囊肿 cyst of head and neck
头颈部血管畸形 head and neck vascular malformation [又称]先天性头颈部血管畸形 △
头颈皮肤恶性肿瘤 head and neck skin malignant tumor
头面部皮肤擦伤 abrasion of skin of head and face
头面部皮肤色素沉着 pigmentation of skin of head and face
头面部浅表血管损伤 superficial vessel injury of head and face
头面部深部血管损伤 deep vessel injury of head and face
头面部深部组织异物嵌入 foreign body in deep head and facial tissue
头面颈部淋巴管畸形 head and face lymphatic malformation
头面颈部淋巴管瘤 head and face lymph duct tumor
头面颈部周围神经生物学行为未定肿瘤 neoplasm of uncertain or unknown behaviour of peripheral nervous system of head,face and neck
头面颈部自主神经生物学行为未定肿瘤 neoplasm of uncertain or unknown behaviour of autonomic nervous system of head,face and neck region
头面血管畸形 head and face vascular malformation [又称]面颈部微血管畸形 △
头面血管瘤 head and face hemangioma
头皮擦伤 scalp scratch
头皮恶性黑色素瘤 malignant melanoma of scalp
头皮恶性肿瘤 scalp carcinoma
头皮黑色素痣 melanocytic naevi of scalp
头皮交界性肿瘤 scalp boundary tumor
头皮开放性伤口 open wound of scalp
头皮良性肿瘤 benign neoplasm of scalp
头皮浅表损伤 scalp superficial injury
头皮血管畸形 scalp vascular malformation
头皮异物 scalp foreign boby
头皮原位癌 scalp carcinoma in situ
头皮原位黑色素瘤 melanoma in situ of scalp [又称]头皮原位黑(色素)瘤 △
头皮肿物 scalp mass
凸耳 prominent ear
吐舌习惯 tongue thrusting
吞涎症 sialophagia [又称]异常吞咽习惯 △
唾液分泌紊乱 saliva secretion disorder [又称]唾液分泌障碍 △
唾液腺病 salivary gland disease [又称]涎腺病 △
唾液腺导管癌 salivary gland duct carcinoma
唾液腺导管结石 salivary gland duct calculi
唾液腺导管扩张 ductal ectasia of salivary gland [又称]唾液腺管扩张 △,涎腺管扩张 △
唾液腺导管瘘 fistula of salivary gland duct
唾液腺导管炎 salivary gland duct inflammation
唾液腺导管阻塞 salivary gland duct obstruction [又称]涎腺导管阻塞 △
唾液腺恶性肿瘤 salivary gland malignant tumor
唾液腺肥大 salivary gland hypertrophy [又称]涎腺肥大 △
唾液腺分泌抑制 salivary gland secretion inhibition
唾液腺管扩张 sialectasia,dilation of salivary gland duct
唾液腺坏死性肉芽肿 necrotizing granulomatous salivary gland [又称]涎腺坏死性肉芽肿 △
唾液腺交界性肿瘤 borderline tumor of salivary gland
唾液腺良性淋巴上皮损害 benign lymphoepithelial lesion of salivary gland [又称]涎腺良性淋巴上皮损害 △
唾液腺瘘 salivary fistula [又称]涎腺瘘 △,涎瘘 △
唾液腺囊肿 salivary gland cyst
唾液腺黏液囊肿 salivary mucocele [又称]涎腺黏液囊肿 △
唾液腺脓肿 salivary gland abscess [又称]涎腺脓肿 △
唾液腺萎缩 salivary gland atrophy [又称]涎腺萎缩 △
唾液腺下颌骨舌侧陷入 lingual mandibular salivary gland depression
唾液腺炎 sialadenitis [又称]涎腺炎 △
唾液腺肿大症 sialosis
唾液腺肿物 salivary gland neoplasm [又称]唾液腺肿瘤 △,涎腺肿物 △
瓦尔代尔扁桃体环恶性肿瘤 Waldeyer’s tonsillar ring malignant tumor [又称]咽扁桃体环恶性肿瘤 △
外耳(道)阻塞性角化病 external auditory meatus obstructive keratosis [又称]外耳道角化症 △
外耳带状疱疹 external auditory herpes zoster
外耳道蜂窝织炎 external auditory meatus cellulitis
外耳道黑色素痣 melanocytic naevi of external auditory meatus
外耳道坏死 external auditory meatus necrosis
外耳道脓肿 external auditory meatus abscess
外耳道曲霉病 external auditory meatus aspergillosis
外耳道肉芽肿 external auditory meatus granuloma
外耳道痈 external auditory meatus carbuncle [又称]外耳痈 △
外耳继发性感染 external auditory secondary infection
外耳炎 external otitis [又称]外耳道炎 △
外伤性急性牙周损伤 traumatic acute periodontal injury
外伤性牙齿缺失 traumatic teeth missing [又称]外伤引起的牙列缺损或缺失 △
外伤性牙齿折断 traumatic fracture of teeth [又称]牙齿折断 △
外下唇恶性肿瘤 malignant neoplasm of external lower lip [又称]恶性肿瘤(外下唇) △
外源性釉质发育不全 exogenous enamel hypoplasia
弯曲牙 dilaceration of tooth
微血管畸形 microvascular malformation
维生素B2缺乏症 vitamin B 2 deficiency
萎缩性舌炎 atrophic glossitis [又称]光滑舌 △
味觉性出汗综合征 gustatory sweating syndrome,Frey’s syndrome [又称]弗雷综合征 △,耳颞神经综合征 △
窝沟龋 pit and fissure caries [又称]点隙窝沟龋 △
沃克斯综合征 Vaux syndrome
无髓牙 pulpless tooth [又称]失髓牙 △
习惯性牙磨损 habitual abrasion of teeth
系带形态功能异常 abnormal morphology and function of frenum
下唇癌 lower lip cancer
下唇黏膜恶性肿瘤 lower lip mucosa malignant tumor [又称]下唇内面黏膜恶性肿瘤 △
下颌倒置埋伏第三磨牙 inverted and embedded mandibular third molar
下颌发育不全 mandibular hypoplasia
下颌高位阻生第三磨牙 high position impaction of mandibular third molar
下颌骨成釉细胞瘤 mandibular ameloblastoma
下颌骨垂直向发育不足 vertical mandibular deficiency
下颌骨垂直向发育过度 virtical mandibular excess
下颌骨恶性肿瘤 mandibular malignant tumor
下颌骨发育不全 hypoplasia of mandibular
下颌骨发育过度 mandibular hyperplasia
下颌骨复合性骨折 mandible compound fracture [又称]下颌骨多发骨折 △
下颌骨骨坏死 osteonecrosis of mandibular
下颌骨骨折 mandibular fracture
下颌骨继发恶性肿瘤 mandibular secondary malignant tumor
下颌骨结核 mandibular tuberculosis
下颌骨局限坏死 localized necrosis of mandibular
下颌骨开放性骨折 mandibular open fracture [又称]开放性下颌骨骨折 △
下颌骨良性肿瘤 mandibular benign tumor
下颌骨囊肿 mandibular cyst
下颌骨前后向发育不足 anterior and posterior mandibular deficiency
下颌骨前后向发育过度 anterior and posterior mandibular hypergenesis
下颌骨水平向发育不足 horizontal mandibular bone deficiency
下颌骨水平向发育过度 horizontal mandibular bone hypergenesis
下颌骨体骨折 mandibular body fracture
下颌骨颜面发育不全 mandibulofacial dysostosis
下颌骨增生 mandibular hyperplasia [又称]下颌骨骨质增生 △
下颌后缩 mandibular retrusion
下颌畸形 anomaly of mandibular
下颌角肥大 mandibular angle hypertrophy
下颌角肥大伴嚼肌肥大 mandibular angle and masseteric hypertrophy
下颌角肥大伴咬肌肥大 mandibular angle and masseter hypertrophy
下颌角骨折 mandibular angle fracture
下颌隆凸 torus mandibularis
下颌偏斜 mandibular deviation
下颌前庭沟过浅 shallow mandibular vestibular groove [又称]前庭沟过浅 △
下颌前突 mandibular protrusion
下颌升支骨折 mandibular ramus fracture
下颌无牙区牙槽嵴轻度萎缩 mild atrophy of lower mandible edentulous alveolar ridge
下颌无牙区牙槽嵴中度萎缩 moderate atrophy of lower mandible edentulous alveolar ridge
下颌无牙区牙槽嵴重度萎缩 severe atrophy of lower mandible edentulous alveolar ridge
下颌下间隙感染 infection of submandibular space,submandibular infection [又称]颌下感染 △
下颌下间隙感染伴脓肿 submandibular space infection with abscess
下颌下淋巴结结核 submandibular lymph node tuberculosis
下颌下淋巴结炎 submandibular lymph node inflammation [又称]慢性下颌下淋巴结炎 △
下颌下瘘管 submandibular fistula
下颌下慢性淋巴结炎 submandibular chronic lymphadenitis
下颌下皮肤恶性肿瘤 malignant tumor of submandibular skin
下颌下区恶性肿瘤 submandibular malignant tumor
下颌下区肉芽肿 granuloma of submandibular region
下颌下腺导管结石 lithiasis of submaxillary gland duct,sialolithiasis of submandibular gland
下颌下腺恶性肿瘤 malignant neoplasm of submandibular gland,submandibular gland malignant tumor
下颌下腺肥大 hypertrophy of submaxillary gland,submandibular gland hypertrophy
下颌下腺继发恶性肿瘤 submandibular gland secondary malignant tumor
下颌下腺结核 submandibular gland tuberculosis
下颌下腺良性肿瘤 submandibular gland benign tumor
下颌下腺淋巴管瘤 submandibular gland lymphangioma
下颌下腺瘘 submandibular gland fistula
下颌下腺囊肿 submandibular gland cyst
下颌下腺黏液囊肿 submandibular gland mucous cyst
下颌下腺脓肿 abscess of submaxillary gland
下颌下腺腺体结石 submandibular gland calculus
下颌下腺炎 submandibular gland inflammation
下颌下腺原位癌 carcinoma in situ of submandibular gland
下颌下腺脂肪瘤 lipoma of submandibular gland
下颌牙弓狭窄 intraversion of mandible
下颌圆枕 mandibular torus
下颌正中囊肿 median mandibular cyst
下颌中位阻生第三磨牙 median impaction of mandibular third molar
下颊沟恶性肿瘤 lower buccal sulcus malignant tumor
下牙龈恶性肿瘤 lower gum malignant tumor
先天性半侧颜面发育不全畸形 congenital hemifacial microsomia
先天性半侧颜面肥大畸形 congenital hemifacial macrognathia
先天性薄唇 congenital thin lip
先天性鼻部错构瘤 congenital nasal hamartoma [又称]鼻错构瘤 △
先天性鼻窦壁异常 congenital anomaly of nasal sinus wall
先天性鼻发育不良 congenital nasal dysplasia [又称]鼻发育不良 △
先天性鼻肥大 congenital hypertrophy of nose
先天性鼻畸形 congenital nose deformity
先天性鼻切迹 congenital nasal incisure
先天性鼻缺失 congenitally absence of nose
先天性鼻翼畸形 congenital malformation of nose
先天性重唇 congenital double lip
先天性唇腭裂 congenital cleft lip and palate [又称]唇腭裂 △
先天性唇畸形 congenital lip deformity
先天性唇裂 congenital cleft lip [又称]唇裂 △
先天性唇裂继发畸形 deformity secondary to congenital cleft lip
先天性唇瘘 congenital lip fistula
先天性唇系带缩短 labial frenum with shortened [又称]唇系带过短 △
先天性单侧唇裂 congenital unilateral cleft lip [又称]唇裂 △
先天性单侧软腭裂 congenital cleft soft palate [又称]软腭裂 △
先天性腭垂裂 congenital uvula crack
先天性腭裂 congenital cleft palate [又称]腭裂 △
先天性腭瘘 congenital palatal fistula [又称]腭瘘 △
先天性腭咽闭合不全 congenital velopharyngeal incompetence [又称]先天性腭咽闭合功能不全 △
先天性腭咽闭合过度 congenital excessive velopharyngeal closure
先天性腭隐裂 congenital submucous cleft palate [又称]黏膜下腭裂 △
先天性耳郭瘘 congenital fistula of auricle
先天性耳郭囊肿 congenital cyst of auricle
先天性耳后瘘 congenital posterior fistula
先天性耳前瘘 congenital preauricular fistula [又称]先天性耳瘘 △,先天性耳前瘘管 △
先天性耳前囊肿 congenital preauricular cyst
先天性二度腭裂 congenital second-degree cleft palate [又称]腭裂 △
先天性副耳垂 congenital accessory earlobe
先天性副耳郭 congenital accessory auricle
先天性红唇缺失 congenital absence of vermilion
先天性喉发育不全 congenital laryngeal dysplasia
先天性喉结突出 congenital herniation of laryngeal prominence
先天性喉囊肿 congenital laryngeal cyst
先天性喉软骨软化病 congenital laryngeal cartilage softening disease
先天性后鼻孔狭窄 congenital stricture of posterior naris
先天性厚唇 congenital thick lip
先天性尖头 congenital acrocephalia
先天性颈前瘘管 congenital anterior cervical fistula
先天性巨唇 congenital macrocheilia
先天性巨口畸形 congenital macrostomia deformity
先天性口鼻瘘 congenital oronasal fistula [又称]口鼻瘘 △
先天性颅骨凹陷 congenital depression in skull
先天性颅面畸形 congenital craniofacial deformity
先天性面部错构瘤 congenital facial hamartoma
先天性气管软化 congenital tracheomalacia
先天性缺牙 congenitally missing teeth [又称]先天性失牙 △
先天性软腭穿孔 congenital soft palate perforation [又称]软腭穿孔 △
先天性软腭发育不全 congenital soft palate hypoplasia [又称]软腭发育不全 △
先天性软腭裂 congenital soft palate cleft [又称]软腭裂 △
先天性软腭裂伴单侧唇裂 congenital soft palate cleft with unilateral cleft lip
先天性软腭裂伴双侧唇裂 congenital soft palate cleft with bilateral cleft lip
先天性鳃裂窦 congenital branchial cleft sinus
先天性鳃裂畸形 congenital branchial cleft
先天性三度腭裂 third-degree of congenital cleft palate [又称]腭裂 △
先天性桑葚状磨牙 congential mulberry molar [又称]先天性梅毒牙 △,桑葚齿 △
先天性舌发育不全 congenital tongue hypoplasia [又称]舌裂 △
先天性舌粘连 congenital tongue adhesion
先天性声门下狭窄 congenital subglottic stenosis
先天性双侧唇裂 congenital bilateral cleft lip [又称]唇裂 △
先天性双侧二度腭裂 second degree of congenital bilateral cleft palate [又称]腭裂 △
先天性双侧三度唇裂 third degree of congenital bilateral cleft lip [又称]唇裂 △
先天性双侧三度腭裂 third degree of congenital bilateral cleft palate [又称]腭裂 △
先天性头颈部动静脉瘘 congenital head-neck arteriovenous fistula
先天性唾液腺畸形 congenital malformation of salivary gland
先天性唾液腺缺失 congenital absence of salivary gland [又称]泪腺和唾液腺发育不全症 △
先天性歪鼻 congenital wry nose
先天性无腭垂 congenital absence of uvula [又称]先天性无悬雍垂 △
先天性无舌 congenital absence of tongue [又称]无舌症 △
先天性无下颌并耳畸形 congenital absence of mandibule with synotia
先天性无牙症 congenital anodontia
先天性小唇 congenital microcheilia [又称]小唇 △
先天性小口畸形 congenital microstomia [又称]小口畸形 △
先天性小舌 congenital microglossia
先天性胸锁乳突肌性斜颈 congenital sternomastoid torticollis
先天性牙槽嵴裂 congenital alveolar cleft [又称]牙槽嵴裂 △
先天性牙列缺损 hypodontia,congenital dentition defect [又称]牙发育不全 △
先天性牙龈畸形 congenital gum deformitie
先天性牙龈瘤 congenital epulis [又称]先天性龈瘤 △
先天性一度腭裂 first-degree of congenital cleft palate [又称]腭裂 △
先天性硬腭裂伴软腭裂 congenital hard palate cleft with soft palate cleft
先天性正中唇裂 congenital median cleft lip [又称]唇裂 △
先天性中耳缺失 congenital absence of middle ear
纤维性颞下颌关节强直 fibrous ankylosis of TMJ [又称]纤维性强直 △
纤维性牙龈瘤 epulis fibromatosa [又称]牙龈瘤 △
涎石病 sialolithiasis [又称]唾液腺结石病 △
腺泡细胞癌 acinic cell carcinoma
腺性唇炎 cheilitis glandularis
腺样囊性癌 adenoid cystic carcinoma
小颌畸形 micrognathia,micromandible [又称]小下颌畸形 △
小颏畸形 microgenia
小上颌 maxillary micrognathism [又称]上颌骨发育不全 △,上颌骨发育不足 △
小唾液腺恶性肿瘤 malignant tumor of minor salivary gland
小唾液腺交界性肿瘤 borderline tumor of minor salivary gland
小涎(唾液)腺生物学行为未定肿瘤 neoplasm of uncertain behavior of minor salivary gland
小涎(唾液)腺肿物 mass of minor salivary gland
小牙症 microdontia [又称]过小牙 △
斜形头 plagiocephaly
新生儿颌骨骨髓炎 neonatal osteomyelitis of jaw
新生儿牙 neonatal teeth
胸锁乳突肌先天性变形 congenital deformity of sternocleidomastoid muscle
修复体脱落 dislocation of restoration
悬雍垂裂 cleft uvula [又称]腭垂裂 △
压扁鼻 squashed nose
压疮性溃疡 decubital ulcer
牙本质发育不全 dentinogenesis imperfecta [又称]牙本质发育不良 △,牙本质生成不全 △
牙本质钙化不全 dentin hypocalcification
牙本质过敏症 dental hypersensitiveness,DH [又称]牙本质过敏[症] △
牙本质瘤 dentinoma
牙本质龋 dentin caries
牙变色 tooth discoloration [又称]变色牙 △
牙病理性吸收 pathological absorption of tooth
牙病理性移位 tooth pathological shifting
牙槽出血 socket bleeding
牙槽骨骨尖 alveolar tip
牙槽骨骨疣 alveolar exostosis
牙槽骨骨折 fracture of alveolar process
牙槽骨轻度缺损 minimal alveolar bone defect
牙槽骨缺损 alveolar bone defect
牙槽骨炎 alveolar osteitis [又称]牙槽骨骨炎 △
牙槽骨中度缺损 moderate alveolar bone defect
牙槽骨重度缺损 severe alveolar bone defect
牙槽嵴垂直向骨缺损 alveolar ridge vertical bone defect
牙槽嵴水平向骨缺损 alveolar ridge horizontal bone defect
牙槽嵴增大 enlargement of alveolar ridge
牙槽良性肿瘤 alveolar benign tumor
牙槽裂 alveolar cleft
牙槽脓肿 alveolar abscess
牙槽突不齐 irregular alveolar process
牙槽突萎缩 alveolar process atrophy
牙槽突隐裂 microform alveolar process cleft
牙槽窝出血 socket bleeding
牙槽正中囊肿 median alveolar cyst
牙成釉细胞瘤 odontoameloblastoma
牙齿大小和形状异常 abnormality of size and form of teeth
牙齿松动[度] tooth mobility
牙齿楔状缺损 wedge-shaped defect [又称]楔状缺损 △
牙根发育不良 root dysplasia of teeth
牙根敏感 root sensitive of teeth
牙根外吸收 external root resorption of teeth [又称]牙外吸收 △
牙根滞留 root retention of teeth [又称]残留牙根 △
牙弓关系异常 anomaly of dental arch relationship
牙弓中线偏离 midline deviation of dental arch
牙垢 dental debris
牙骨质发育不全症 cemental hypoplasia
牙骨质瘤 cementoma
牙骨质龋 cementum caries
牙骨质撕裂 cemental tear
牙骨质增生 hypercementosis
牙过度磨损 over dental abrasion
牙颌面畸形 dentofacial deformity
牙颈部龋 cervical caries
牙列不齐 irregular tooth alignment
牙列间隙 diastema of teeth
牙列缺失 dentition loss [又称]无牙颌 △
牙列缺损 dentition defect
牙列拥挤 crowding of dentition
牙瘤 odontoma
牙萌出前冠内病损 intracoronal lesion before tooth eruption
牙萌出障碍 disturbance in tooth eruption
牙面功能异常 dentofacial functional abnormality
牙面上沉积物 deposit on teeth
牙磨耗 tooth wear [又称]牙磨损 △
牙内吸收 internal resorption of tooth
牙内陷 den invaginatus
牙内源性着色 intrinsic staining of teeth
牙旁囊肿 paradental cyst
牙生长不全 odontogenesis imperfecta
牙酸蚀症 erosion of teeth
牙髓变性 pulp degeneration
牙髓充血 pulp hyperemia
牙髓钙化 pulp calcification
牙髓和根尖周组织疾病 disease of pulp and periapical tissue
牙髓化生 pulp metaplasia
牙髓坏疽 pulp gangrene
牙髓坏死 pulp necrosis
牙髓脓肿 pulp abscess
牙髓腔异常 pulp cavity abnormality
牙髓石 denticle,pulp stone [又称]髓石 △
牙髓网状萎缩 pulp reticular atrophy
牙髓纤维性变 fibrous degeneration of pulp [又称]牙髓变性 △
牙髓炎 pulpitis
牙髓异常硬组织形成 abnormal hard tissue formation in pulp [又称]牙髓钙化 △
牙髓治疗并发症 complication of endodontic treatment
牙体缺损 dental defect
牙脱位 dislocation of tooth
牙外源性着色 dental exogenous coloring,extrinsic stain of tooth
牙完全脱位 complete dislocation of tooth
牙下沉 submerged tooth [又称]下沉牙 △
牙形成障碍 disturbance in tooth formation
牙移位 transposition of teeth
牙移位性软组织损害 soft tissue damage of teeth displacement
牙异位 abnormal position of teeth
牙龈白斑 leukoplakia of gingiva
牙龈恶性肿瘤 malignant tumor of gingiva
牙龈肥大 gingival hypertrophy,gingival enlargement
牙龈和无牙区牙槽嵴疾患 disorder of gingiva and edentulous alveolar ridge
牙龈黑斑 gingival black spot
牙龈化脓性肉芽肿 gum pyogenic granuloma
牙龈继发恶性肿瘤 gingival secondary malignant tumor
牙龈交界性肿瘤 gingival borderline tumor
牙龈结核 gingival tuberculosis
牙龈开放性损伤 open injury of gingiva [又称]牙龈外伤 △,牙龈外伤性缺损 △
牙龈溃疡 gingival ulceration
牙龈裂伤 laceration of gingiva
牙龈瘤 epulis [又称]龈瘤 △,牙龈良性肿瘤 △
牙龈瘘管 gingival fistula
牙龈囊肿 gingival cyst
牙龈脓肿 gingival abscess
牙龈退缩 gingival recession
牙龈息肉 gingival polyp
牙龈纤维瘤病 gingival fibromatosis [又称]常染色体显性遗传性牙龈纤维瘤病 △
牙龈颜色异常 gingival colour abnormal
牙龈增生 gingival hyperplasia
牙龈肿物 mass of gingiva
牙隐裂 cracked tooth
牙硬组织萌出后颜色改变 posteruptive colour change of dental hard tissue
牙釉质龋 enamel caries
牙源性钙化囊肿 calcifying odontogenic cyst [又称]牙源性钙化囊性瘤 △
牙源性钙化上皮瘤 calcifying epithelial odontogenic tumor [又称]Pindborg瘤 △
牙源性角化囊肿 odontogenic keratocyst [又称]牙源性角化囊性瘤 △
牙源性鳞状细胞瘤 squamous odontogenic tumor
牙源性面部皮肤瘘管 odontogenic facial skin fistula [又称]牙源性面部皮肤瘘 △
牙源性囊肿 odontogenic cyst
牙源性黏液瘤 odontogenic myxoma
牙源性上皮性肿瘤 epithelial odontogenic tumor
牙源性透明细胞瘤 clear cell odontogenic tumor
牙源性纤维瘤 odontogenic fibroma [又称]遗传性牙龈纤维瘤病 △,牙骨质化纤维瘤 △
牙源性纤维肉瘤 odontogenic fibrosarcoma
牙源性腺样瘤 adenomatoid odontogenic tumor
牙源性肿瘤 odontogenic tumor
牙粘连 ankylosis of tooth
牙折 teeth fracture [又称]牙折裂 △
牙震荡 tooth concussion [又称]牙齿震荡 △
牙中牙 den in dente
牙种植非特异性并发症 nonspecific complication of dental implant
牙种植体骨结合丧失 loss of osseointegration of dental implant
牙种植体骨结合失败 failure of osseointegration of dental implant
牙种植体机械并发症 mechanical complication of dental implant
牙种植体上部结构的安装与调整 fitting and adjustment of upper structure of dental implant
牙种植体周围黏膜炎 peri-implant mucositis
牙种植体周围黏膜增生 peri-implant mucosal hyperplasia
牙种植修复后随访 follow-up examination after tooth implantation
牙种植修复体的安装与调整 fitting and adjustment of dental implant
牙周病 periodontal disease
牙周病拔牙后软硬组织损害 hard and soft tissue damage of periodontal disease induced tooth extraction
牙周创伤 periodontal trauma
牙周巨细胞肉芽肿 periodontal giant cell granuloma
牙周脓肿 periodontal abscess
牙周萎缩 periodontal atrophy
牙周牙髓联合病变 periodontal disease combined pulp
牙周牙髓综合征 syndrome of periodontal-endodonfic lesion
咽鼓管恶性肿瘤 eustachian tube cancer
咽鼓管开口恶性肿瘤 eustachian tube opening malignancy
咽后间隙感染 retropharyngeal space infection
咽门扁桃体恶性肿瘤 fauces tonsil cancer
咽旁间隙感染伴脓肿 pharyngeal space infection with abscess
咽旁间隙结缔组织良性肿瘤 benign neoplasm of connective tissue of parapharyngeal space
咽旁脓肿 parapharyngeal abscess
咽旁隙感染 parapharyngeal space infection [又称]咽旁间隙感染 △
咽痛 pharyngalgia
烟斑 smoker’s patch
烟碱性口炎 nicotinic stomatitis
炎性根旁囊肿 inflammatory collateral cyst [又称]牙根囊肿 △
颜面不对称 facial asymmetry
颜面部移植皮瓣坏死 facial transplantation flap necrosis
眼睑手术后畸形 post-operative deformity of eye lid orthopedic surgery
眼色素层腮腺炎 uveoparotid fever [又称]黑福特 △
咬唇症 lip biting [又称]异常唇习惯 △
创伤 occlusal trauma [又称]咬合创伤 △

异常 abnormal occlusion

咬肌间隙感染 masseteric space infection
咬肌间隙感染伴脓肿 masseteric space infection with abscess
咬颊症 cheek biting [又称]颊咬伤 △
咬物习惯 biting habit
药物过敏性口炎 allergic medicamentosus stomatitis
药物性牙酸蚀 erosion of teeth due to drug
药物性牙龈增生 drug-induced gingival hyperplasia [又称]药物性牙龈肥大 △
叶状乳头肥大 foliate papillae hypertrophy [又称]舌乳头肥大 △
叶状乳头炎 foliate papillitis
夜磨牙习惯 bruxism habit
医源性急性牙周损伤 acute periodontal disease of iatrogenic
遗传性乳光牙本质 hereditary opalescent dentin [又称]遗传性牙本质发育不良 △
遗传性牙本质发育不全 dentinogenesis imperfecta,imperfect hereditary dentinogenesis
遗传性牙釉质发育不全 enamel hypoplasia
遗传性龈纤维瘤病 hereditary gingival fibromatosis [又称]遗传性牙龈纤维瘤病 △
遗传性釉质发育异常 hereditary enamel dysplasia [又称]遗传性釉质发育不全 △
义齿性口腔痛 denture sore mouth
义齿性口炎 denture stomatitis
义齿性增生 denture hyperplasia
异位埋伏牙 heterotopic embedded teeth
异位皮脂腺 ectopic sebaceous gland [又称]迷脂症 △,Fordyce病 △
异位唾液腺 heterotopic salivary gland
异位阻生牙 heterotopic impacted teeth
翼腭窝恶性肿瘤 malignant neoplasm of the pterygopalatine fossa [又称]翼腭窝结缔组织和软组织恶性肿瘤 △
翼腭窝综合征 pterygopalatine fossa syndrome
翼钩过长 pterygoid hamulus hypertrophy
翼外肌功能亢进 hyperfunction of lateral pterygoid
翼外肌痉挛 spasm of lateral pterygoid
翼下颌间隙感染 pterygomandibular space infection
翼下颌间隙感染伴脓肿 pterygomandibular space infection with abscess
翼状颈皮综合征 pterygium colli syndrome [又称]多发性翼状胬肉综合征 △,Escobar综合征 △,广泛性翼状胬肉 △
银汞沉着症 amalgam pigmentation
龈沟赘生物 gingival sulcus neoplasm
龈颊沟恶性肿瘤 malignant tumor of buccal sulcus
龈颊沟继发恶性肿瘤 secondary malignant tumor of buccal sulcus
龈乳头炎 gingival papillitis [又称]急性龈乳头炎 △
龈上牙石 supragingival calculus
龈下牙石 subgingival calculus
龈纤维瘤病多毛综合征 fibromatosis gingivae hypertrichosis syndrome [又称]牙龈纤维瘤病-多毛症 △
龈炎 gingivitis [又称]化脓性牙龈炎 △,增生性牙龈炎 △
硬腭穿孔 hard palate perforation
硬腭恶性肿瘤 malignant neoplasm of hard palate
硬腭裂 cleft hard palate
硬腭脓肿 hard palatal abscess [又称]硬腭囊肿 △
硬腭原位癌 carcinoma in situ of hard palate
硬化性涎(唾液)腺炎 sclerosing sialoadenitis
疣状白斑 verrucous leukoplakia [又称]口腔白斑 △
疣状黄瘤 verruciform xanthoma [又称]口腔黏膜疣状黄瘤 △
疣状增生 verrucous hyperplasia
游走性舌炎 migratory glossitis
幼年牙周变性 juvenile periodontal degeneration [又称]牙周变性 △
釉牙本质裂(非复杂牙冠裂) enamel-dentinfracture(uncomplicated crown fracture)
釉质白垩斑 enamel opaque spot [又称]釉质早期龋 △
釉质发育不全 enamel hypoplasia [又称]牙釉质发育不全 △
釉质钙化不全 enamel hypocalcification [又称]低钙化釉质生长不全 △
釉质裂纹 enamel crack
釉质脱矿 enamel demineralization
釉质-牙本质折断(简单冠折) enamel-dentin fracture(uncomplicated crown fracture)
釉质折断(简单冠折) enamel fracture(uncomplicated crown fracture)
釉珠 enamel pearl
与创伤有关的牙龈和无牙区牙槽嵴损害 gingival and edentulous alveolar ridge lesion associated with trauma
语音改变 speech modification
语音障碍 phonological disorder
原发性颈部黑色素瘤 melanoma in situ of neck [又称]颈部原位黑(色)素瘤 △

远中埋伏下颌第三磨牙 distoangular embedded mandibular third molar
远中阻生 distoangular impaction
在颈水平的血管损伤 vascular injury at cervical level
早萌 premature eruption of tooth [又称]牙齿早萌 △
增生性龈炎 hyperplastic gingivitis [又称]增生性牙龈炎 △
增殖性脓性口炎 pyostomatitis vegetans
掌跖角化牙周病综合征 syndrome of hyperkeratosis palmoplan and periodontosis [又称]掌跖角化病-牙周破坏综合征 △
枕骨恶性肿瘤 malignant neoplasm of occiput
正中唇裂 median cleft lip
正中菱形舌炎 median rhomboid glossitis
职业性牙磨损 occupational abrasion of teeth
中耳异物 object in middle ear
中龋 moderate dental caries
中枢性睡眠呼吸暂停综合征 central sleep apnea syndrome [又称]中枢型睡眠呼吸暂停 △
中位阻生异位埋伏牙 heterotopic embedded teeth of moderate site
中心性巨细胞肉芽肿 central giant cell granuloma
肿瘤性病理性骨折 neoplastic pathological fracture
重度低龄儿童龋 severe early childhood caries,S-ECC
锥形牙 cone-shaped tooth
灼口综合征 burning mouth syndrome(glossodynia) [又称]舌痛症 △,舌感觉异常 △,口腔黏膜感觉异常 △
走马疳 cancrum oris
阻塞器缺损 defect of obturator
阻塞性颌下腺炎 obstructive sialadenitis of submandibular gland
阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停综合征 obstructive sleep apnea syndrome [又称]梗阻性睡眠呼吸暂停综合征 △
阻生牙 impacted tooth [又称]阻生齿 △
组合性牙瘤 compound odontoma