- 常用临床医学名词(2018年版)
- 北京市卫生健康委信息中心 中华医学会
- 3633字
- 2021-04-05 01:25:12
1.3 手术操作名词
Ⅱ期后房型人工晶状体睫状沟缝入术 stage Ⅱ posterior chamber intraocular lens implantation in ciliary sulcus
Ⅱ期后房型人工晶状体植入术 stage Ⅱ posterior chamber intraocular lens implantation
Ⅱ期前房型人工晶状体植入术 stage Ⅱ anterior chamber intraocular lens implantation
白内障超声乳化摘除+人工晶状体植入术 phacoemulsification and intraocular lens implantation
白内障超声乳化摘除术 phacoemulsification
白内障截囊吸取术 discission and aspiration of cataract
白内障囊内摘除术 intracapsular cataract extraction
白内障囊外摘除+人工晶状体植入术 extracapsular cataract extraction and intraocular lens implantation
白内障囊外摘除术 extracapsular cataract extraction
瘢痕性睑内翻中厚皮片移植矫正术 correction of cicatricial entropion with split skin graft
瘢痕性睑外翻鼻唇沟皮瓣矫正术 correction of cicatricial ectropion with nasolabial flap
瘢痕性睑外翻轮匝肌皮瓣矫正术 correction of cicatricial ectropion with orbicularisoculi flap
瘢痕性睑外翻中厚皮片移植矫正术 correction of cicatricial ectropion with split skin graft
板层角膜移植术 lamellar keratoplasty
伴有视网膜下膜的视网膜脱离复位术 retinal detachment associated with subretinal membrane
伴有增生膜的视网膜脱离复位术 retinal detachment with proliferative membrane
鼻泪管再通术 nasolacrimal duct recanalization
鼻内镜筛窦纸板径路眶内壁整复术 reconstruction medial orbital wall by endoscopic through ethmoidal-lamina papyracea
表层角膜镜片镶嵌术 inlay of superficial corneal lens
玻璃体抽液术 vitreous aspiration
玻璃体腔穿刺术 vitreous tapping
玻璃体腔内猪囊尾蚴切除取出术 intravitreal cysticercosis cellulosae removal
玻璃体切除+眼内填充术 vitrectomy and intraocular implantation
玻璃体切除术 vitrectomy
玻璃体切除术后白内障超声乳化摘除+人工晶状体植入术 phacoemulsification and intraocular lens implantation for cataract after vitrectomy
玻璃体视网膜手术联合白内障超声乳化摘除(人工晶状体植入或不联合人工晶状体植入) vitreoretinal surgery combined with phacoemulsification intraocular lens implantation or not combined intraocular lens implantation
玻璃体视网膜手术联合晶体切除(人工晶状体植入或不联合人工晶状体植入) vitreoretinal surgery combined with lensectomy,intraocular lens implantation or not combined intraocular lens implantation
侧壁开眶眶内肿物摘除术 lateral transorbital tumor excision
重睑成形术-缝线法 double eyelid plasty-suture method
重睑成形术-埋线法 double eyelid plasty-embedding method
重睑成形术-切开法 double eyelid plasty-incision method
重睑术后修整+上睑颗粒脂肪注射术 double eyelid postoperative dressing and upper eyelid granule fat injection
重睑术后修整术 double eyelid repair surgery
穿透性角膜移植术 penetrating keratoplasty
传导性角膜成形术 conductive keratoplasty
创伤性眦距过宽内眦韧带复位固定术 traumatic canthus distance too wide inner canthus ligament fixation
单眼两条直肌移位联结术 two rectus muscle displacement and joint surgery
岛状瓣转移眼窝再造术 reconstruction of contracted socket with island flap
倒睫拔除治疗 trichiasis removal treatment
倒睫电解治疗 trichiasis electrolysis treatment
额肌筋膜瓣悬吊上睑下垂矫正术 frontalis myofascial flap suspension ptosis correction
铒激光白内障摘除+人工晶状体植入术 erbium laser cataract extraction and intraocular lens implantation
房水引流物置入术 implantation of aqueous humor drainage
飞秒激光角膜切削术 femtosecond laser keratectomy
飞秒激光术+白内障超声乳化摘除术+人工晶状体植入术 femtosecond laser surgery and phacoemulsification and intraocular lens implantation
非瘢痕性睑内翻缝线矫正术 non-scarred entropion suture correction
非瘢痕性睑内翻矫正术 non-scarred entropion correction
非瘢痕性睑外翻材料植入矫正术 non-scarred ectropion material implantation correction
非穿透小梁手术 non-penetrating trabecular surgery
非水平肌加强术 non-horizontal muscle strengthening
非水平肌减弱术 non-horizontal muscle reduction
复杂眼睑裂伤缝合术 complex eyelid suturing
个体化上皮角膜切割准分子激光矫正手术 individualized epithelial keratectomy excimer laser surgery
个体化准分子激光屈光性角膜切削术 individualized excimer laser photorefractive keratectomy
个体化准分子激光上皮瓣下角膜磨削术 individualized excimer laser subepithelial keratomileusis
个体化准分子激光原位角膜磨削术 individualized excimer laser in situ keratomileusis
巩膜后兜带术 posterior sclera sling procedure
巩膜扣带术 scleral buckling
巩膜内加压术 scleral infolding
巩膜缩短术 scleral shortening
巩膜外加压术 scleral buckling surgery
光动力疗法 photodynamic therapy
硅油取出术 removal of silicone oil
虹膜根部离断 surgery of iridodialysis
虹膜囊肿切除术 excision of iris cyst
后巩膜加固术 posterior scleral reinforcement
化学伤结膜囊冲洗 chemical injury conjunctival sac irrigation
黄斑部激光光凝术 macular laser photocoagulation
黄斑裂孔封闭术 macular hole sealing
黄斑裂孔性视网膜脱离复位术 macular hole retinal detachment surgery
黄斑前膜剥除术 macular epiretinal membrane peeling
黄斑下膜取出术 macular subretinal membrane removal
黄斑转位术 macular translocation
活动性义眼台置入术 the active prosthesis implantation
钬激光巩膜切除术 holmium laser scleral resection
激光泪道探通术 laser lacrimal duct probing
激光瞳孔成形术 laser pupilloplasty
激光周边虹膜成形术 laser peripheral iridoplasty
激光周边虹膜切开术 laser peripheral iridotomy
间接眼底镜视网膜光凝术 indirect ophthalmoscope retinal photocoagulation
睑凹陷畸形假体置入矫正术 prosthesis implantation and correction of sunken eyelid
睑凹陷畸形矫正术 correction of sunken eyelid
睑板腺囊肿切除术 tarsal gland cyst excision
睑部泪腺切除术 lacrimal gland resection
睑结膜假膜去除冲洗 lavage for palpebral conjunctiva pseudo-membrane removal
睑退缩矫正术 eyelid retraction correction
睑缘粘连分离术 separation of eyelid adhesion
睑缘粘连术 eyelid adhesion
角膜白斑染色术 corneal leukoma staining
角膜基质环置入术 corneal stromal ring implantation
角膜溃疡灼烙术 corneal ulcer burning radical surgery
角膜内皮移植术 endothelial keratoplasty
节段性虹膜切除术 segmental iridectomy
结膜结石取出治疗 removal of conjunctival calculus
结膜淋巴管切除术 conjunctival lymphangiectomy
结膜囊成形术 reconstruction of conjunctiva sac
结膜入路下睑袋整形术 conjunctival approach lower eyelid blepharoplasty
结膜肿物切除联合组织移植术 conjunctival tumor resection combined with tissue transplantation
结膜肿物切除术 conjunctival tumor resection
睫状体穿刺玻璃体(抽吸,眼内注药术) vitreous puncture,aspiration,intraocular injection of drug through ciliary body
睫状体断离复位术 reattachment of detached ciliary body
睫状体分离术 cyclodialysis
睫状体冷凝术 cyclocryosurgery of ciliary body
睫状体脉络膜上腔放液术 suprachoroidal fluid drainage
经鼻内镜眶减压术 trans-nasal endoscopic decompression of orbital
经鼻内镜筛窦纸板径路眶内异物取出术 trans-nasal endoscopic ethmoid cardial approach for orbital foreign body removal
经鼻内镜筛窦纸板径路眶内肿瘤切除术 trans-nasal endoscopic sinus cardial approach for orbital tumor resection
经巩膜葡萄膜肿物切除术 trans-scleral resection of uveal tumor
经结膜微创玻璃体切割术 trans-conjunctival minimally invasive vitrectomy
经内眼葡萄膜肿物切除术 uveal tumor endo-resection
经皮下睑袋整形术 percutaneous subcutaneous plastic surgery
经瞳孔视网膜光动力治疗术 trans-pupil retinal photodynamic therapy
经瞳孔视网膜激光光凝术 trans-pupil retinal laser photocoagulation
经瞳孔视网膜阈下光凝术 trans-pupil subthreshold retinal photocoagulation
晶状体半脱位白内障超声乳化摘除+人工晶状体植入术 phacoemulsification and intraocular lens implantation for subluxated lens
晶状体囊袋张力环植入术 intraocular lens implantation with tension ring
局部皮瓣转移眼窝再造术 reconstruction of contracted socket with a local flap
局部视网膜激光光凝术 local retinal laser photocoagulation
巨大裂孔性视网膜脱离复位术 retinal reattachment of giant retinal detachment
眶隔修补术 repair of orbital septum
眶隔脂肪整形术 plastic surgery of orbital septum fat
眶骨缺损修复人工材料植入+眼球内陷矫正术 repair of orbital defect with implantation of artificial material and correction of enophthalmos
眶内容摘除术 orbital exenteration
眶内血肿穿刺引流术 orbital hematoma puncture and drainage
眶内异物取出术 orbital foreign body removal
眶颧骨折复位内固定术 reconstruction and internal fixation orbital zygomatic fracture
眶周骨折修复术 repair of periorbital fracture
泪道成形术 lacrimal duct plasty
泪道冲洗 lacrimal duct rinse
泪道探通术 lacrimal duct probing
泪阜肿瘤切除术 tumor resection of lacrimal caruncle
泪囊结膜囊吻合术 anastomosis lacrimal sac conjunctival sac
泪囊瘘管切除术 lacrimal sac fistula resection
泪囊摘除术 excision of lacrimal sac
泪腺脱垂矫正术 lacrimal gland prolapse correction
泪小点成形术 punctoplasty
泪小点扩张治疗 punctal dilatation
泪小点外翻矫正术 punctal ectropion repair
泪小管填塞术 lacrimal canaliculus embolism
泪小管吻合术 lacrimal canalicular anastomosis
难治性青光眼滤过手术 refractory glaucoma filtering surgery
内眦成形术 medial canthoplasty
内眦韧带断裂修复术 repair of inner canthus ligament rupture
内眦移位矫正局部整形术 correction of local canthal shift
内眦赘皮矫治术 epicanthus correction surgery
颞筋膜瓣转移眼睑闭合不全矫治术 transposition of temporalis myofascial flap for the treatment of hypophasis
颞筋膜悬吊上睑下垂矫正术 temporal fascial suspension ptosis correction
颞浅动脉岛状瓣转移睑外翻矫正术 superficial temporal artery island flap transfer ectropion correction
前房成形术 anterior chamber plasty
前房冲洗术 anterior chamber lavage
前房穿刺冲洗术 puncture and lavage of anterior chamber
前房角粘连分离术 goniosynechialysis
前房注气术 air injection to anterior chamber
前路眶内肿物摘除术 anterior orbital tumor removal
浅层角膜异物剔除术 superficial corneal foreign body excision
青光眼包裹性滤过泡修补术 glaucoma encapsulated filtering bleb neoplasty
青光眼滤过泡分离术 glaucoma filtering bleb commissurotomy
青光眼滤过泡修补术 glaucoma filtering bleb repair
球壁异物取出术 foreign body extraction of eye wall
球后注射 retrobulbar injection
球结膜瓣覆盖术 conjunctival flap cover surgery
球结膜放射状切开冲洗术 conjunctival radial section for lavage
球结膜下注射 subconjunctival injection
球内磁性异物取出术 intraocular magnetic foreign body extraction
球内非磁性异物取出术 intraocular non-magnetic foreign body extraction
球旁注射 periocular injection [又称]球周注射 △
全视网膜激光光凝术 panretinal photocoagulation,panretinal laser photocoagulation
人工材料植入眼球内陷矫正术 artificial material enophthalmos correction
人工材料置入眼窝再造术 artificial material implantation orbital reconstruction
人工虹膜隔植入术 artificial iris diaphragm implantation
人工晶状体调位术 relocation of intraocular lens
人工晶状体置换术 intralocular lens exchange
人工泪管取出术 artificial lacrimal duct extraction
肉毒杆菌素眼部注射 botulinum injection
散光性角膜切开术 astigmatic keratotomy
上颌骨切除+眶内容摘除术 maxillary resection and evisceration of the orbit
上睑提肌缩短上睑下垂矫正术 correction of levator palpebrae shortening for blepharoptosis
上睑下垂矫正联合眦整形术 correction of ptosis combined with canthal plastic surgery
深板层角膜移植术 deep lamellar keratoplasty
深层角膜异物取出术 deep corneal foreign body removal surgery
双行睫矫正术 distichiasis correction surgery
双眼水平垂直直肌后徙缩短术 binocular horizontal vertical rectus retraction shortening surgery
水平直肌加强术 horizontal rectus muscle strengthening
水平直肌减弱术 horizontal rectus muscle abduction
瞳孔成形术 pupilloplasty
头皮游离移植睫毛再造术 reconstruction of eyelash with free scalp transplantation
外路经巩膜激光睫状体光凝术 external transscleral laser photocoagulation of ciliary body
外眦成形术 lateral canthus plasty
下睑袋切除术后修整术 repair of lower eyelid bag after resection
下穹窿成形术 reconstruction of inferior fornix conjunctiva
先天性白内障摘除+1期后囊切开+前部玻璃体切除+人工晶状体植入术 one-stage posterior capsulotomy and anterior vitrectomy plus intraocular lens implantation for congenital cataract extraction
显微镜下角膜拆线 cornea suture extraction under microscope
显微镜下经颅眶肿物切除术 transcranial operation under microsurgical for resection of orbital tumor
小梁切除术 trabeculectomy
小梁切开术 trabeculotomy
小瞳孔白内障超声乳化摘除+人工晶状体植入术 phacoemulsification and intraocular lens implantation in cataract with miosis
小眼畸形矫正术 correction for microphthalmia
选择性激光小梁成形术 selective laser trabeculoplasty
氩激光瞳孔成形术 argon laser pupilloplasty
眼表重建术 ocular surface reconstruction
眼表浅脓肿切开引流术 ocular superficial abscess incision and drainage
眼部冷冻治疗 cryotherapy of eye
眼睑分裂痣切除游离植皮术 divided eyelid nevus excision and skin graft
眼睑结膜裂伤缝合术 conjunctival suturing of eyelid
眼睑脂肪填充术 eyelid fat filling
眼睑肿物切除术 eyelid mass resection
眼睑肿物切除整形术 resection of eyelid mass plastic surgery
眼眶减压术 decompression of orbital
眼轮匝肌整形术 orbicularis oculi plastic surgery
眼内孤立病灶冷凝术 intraocular isolated lesion cryotherapy
眼内路睫状体光凝术 intraocular ciliary photocoagulation
眼内路睫状体激光光凝术 intraocular ciliary laser photocoagulation
眼内容摘除+义眼台植入术 evisceration and implantation of prosthesis
眼内容摘除术 evisceration
眼内视网膜激光治疗术 intraocular laser treatment of retina
眼内置入物取出术 removal of intraocular implant
眼内肿物放射敷贴器取出术 radiotherapeutic plaque removal of intraocular tumor
眼内肿物放射敷贴器置入术 radiotherapeutic plaque implantation of intraocular tumor
眼球裂伤探查缝合术 exploratory suture of eyeball laceration
眼球摘除+义眼台植入术 enucleation and implantation of prosthesis
眼球摘除术 evisceration of eyeball
眼球粘连分离术 separation of symblepharon
眼缺损种植体置入术 anophthalmic implant placement
眼深部脓肿切开引流术 ocular deep abscess incision and drainage
眼外肌探查+斜视矫正术 extraocular muscle exploration and strabismus correction surgery
眼窝填充术 eye socket filling
羊膜移植术 amniotic membrane transplantation
义眼眶治疗 prothesis orbital treatment
翼状胬肉切除术 pterygium excision
翼状胬肉切除组织移植术 pterygium excision and tissue transplantation
镱铝石榴石(YAG)激光联合氩激光周边虹膜切除术 ytterbium aluminum garnet(YAG)laser combined with argon laser peripheral iridectomy
镱铝石榴石(YAG)激光瞳孔括约肌切开术 ytterbium aluminum garnet(YAG)laser pupil sphincterotomy
镱铝石榴石(YAG)激光周边虹膜切除术 ytterbium aluminum garnet(YAG)laser peripheral iridectomy
镱铝石榴石激光晶状体后囊膜+玻璃体前界膜切开术 ytterbium aluminum garnet laser lens posterior capsule and vitreous anterior limiting membrane incision
镱铝石榴石激光前节治疗 treatment of ytterbium aluminum garnet laser for anterior segment
游离皮瓣移植眼窝再造术 socket reconstruction with free flap
游离皮片移植眼窝再造术 socket reconstruction with free skin graft
游离植皮睑外翻矫正术 correction of ectropion with free skin graft
有晶状体眼人工晶状体植入术 phakic intraocular lens implantation
直肌缝线调整 rectus suture adjustment
直肌减弱联合眶壁固定术 rectus weakening combined with orbital wall fixation
周边虹膜切除术 peripheral iridectomy
周边视网膜冷凝术 peripheral retinal condensation
注气性视网膜复位术 pneumatic retinopexy
准分子激光屈光性角膜切削术 photorefractive keratectomy
准分子激光原位角膜磨镶术 laser-assisted in situ keratomileusis
准分子激光治疗性角膜切削术 phototherapeutic keratectomy
自体骨移植眼球内陷矫正术 autogenous bone grafting for enophthalmos correction
眦部睑裂缝合术 canthal palpebral fissure suture