- 中国公共政策评论(第13卷)
- 岳经纶 朱亚鹏
- 902字
- 2022-09-02 02:15:52
【摘要】 21世纪以来,合作生产作为公共服务供给的一种新模式在理论与实务界受到广泛关注与推行,学者们对其进行了大量的研究。合作生产是指服务提供者与服务使用者联合提供公共服务的过程,它将服务提供者与服务使用者的资源联合起来提高服务质量。本文梳理了合作生产的概念、类型、影响因素、优势与局限方面的研究文献,回答了合作生产是什么、何以发生、产生的影响等问题。笔者通过文献分析整合出合作生产的分析框架,对我国合作生产的进一步研究有着指导意义。
【关键词】 合作生产 服务提供者 服务使用者 公共服务供给
A Review of the Research on Co-production Research
Abstract As a new mode of public service provision, co-production has attracted wide attention in the communities of both academic and practice since the 21st century, and scholars have done a lot of research on it. Co-production refers to a process in which both service providers and service users provide public services jointly.In doing so, the resources of both service providers and service users are used to improve the quality of services. This paper examines the research literature on the concepts, types, influencing factors, advantages and limitations of co-production, and answers the questions of what the co-production is, why it happens, and what the impacts are. The author develops an analytical framework of the co-production based on literature analysis, which will be helpful for the further studies on on co-production in China.
Key words Co-production, Service Provider, Service Users, Public Service Provision