- 黄帝思想与道、理、法研究
- 徐炳
- 1567字
- 2020-12-10 15:41:01
In China we develop a simple system under the leadership of Communist Party of China that would further the grand design of Xuan Yuan as stated in the Chapter 10 of the Yellow Emperor’s Four Canons that can be summarized as follows:
From each to each according to his/her dreams and aspiration.
To implement this,we must first establish a system that enables strong individuals,strong organizations both in for-profit oriented as well as not-for-profit ones,a strong and unified political party that leads and establishes a strong government that would have a single focus goal like a laser beam to encourage,help and fulfill dreams and aspirations of every citizen whatever it might be within the framework of the Scientific Outlook of the Rule of Law and Principle that no one,no organization and no political party is above but is equal under the rule of law and principle however with Chinese ren qing distinction. Furthermore,in order to achieve this Xuan Yuan’s goal of DaTong,we need to establish a new economic concept that can achieve Xuan Yuan’s lifelong goal. To do this,we must develop a new economic concept powered by Dao itself that is not yet established anywhere on earth:The Scientific Outlook Free-Lunch Economic System. Therefore,we must know and name the Dao in order to create and distribute Scientific Outlook Rule of Law and Principle and Scientific Outlook Free-Lunch Economic System. Fortunately,KQID discovers,knows and names Dao in the form of understanding and mathematical formula:
KQID Ouroboros Equations of Dao/Existence:
The Dao/Existence Ouroboros Equations above tells a story of Creation and Distribution of the why,how and what of nothing of non-existence is self-creating and self-distributing itself to become Dao or KQID Qbit(1,00,-1) that continuously at every T,absolute digital time ≤10^-1000 seconds,is rebooting,refreshing and resynchronized and re-sustaining itself being our Multiverse and us in it!
The Dao is the most powerful engine we have ever known and this Dao’s engine is deployed by nature itself to create and distribute our Multiverse and us. Because of Dao’s incredible superpower,we can deploy this Dao engine to power and breathe fire into the Scientific Outlook Free-Lunch Economic System. Voila! Da Tong naturally must emerge.
“There is no such thing as a free-lunch”,declared the famous Milton Friedman,the Nobel Laureate in Economics from the Chicago School of Economics. This is true today. We are within the framework of this paradigm “NO free-lunch”. This is a chicken and egg issue. It is true today there is no example of any country applying the Scientific Outlook Free-Lunch Economic system. Simply because KQID just discovered the Ouroboros Equations of Dao/Existence recently.
However there are overwhelming evident that this “NO free-lunch” paradigm is about to be overthrown by the new paradigm that there is a free lunch. For examples,a renowned cosmologist and physicist Lawrence Krauss wrote a book in 2012,A Universe from Nothing,saying that our universe came out of nothing. Alan Guth,the father of Inflationary Cosmology,in describing the inventiveness and creativeness of nature that creates and distributes our universe out of nothing and in his amazement of this magic creation proclaimed:“Our universe is the ultimate free-lunch.” I would add no,no and not only our universe,but also our Multiverse is truly the ultimate free-lunch. Actually,our existences are the ultimate free-lunch. I would ask you,what more proof do you need as you are the product of this ultimate free-lunch? Don’t you think and believe that you exist? If you say no,you don’t exist,and then there is nothing further we can talk about because it is just like arguing with the Moon.
We know we do not have free-lunch economic system yet created and distributed as of now although this means that the few-rich 1% will enjoy the free-lunch and the many-poor will not and must not have the free-lunch so that the engine of no free-lunch economy is oiled and running smoothly for the few. I would further add,even the few-rich is also not satisfied because the many-poor are not happy and the few-rich must wage and engage an exhaustive and brutal struggle of the fittest where everyone is equipped with sharp red claws and fangs stained in blood to climb up to the top over the miserable many-poor. However,with the discovery of KQID’s ouroboros Equations of Dao/Existence,we have the engine that is powering up our Multiverse on our hands,we shall use this equations of Dao/Existence to fire up the Scientific Outlook Free-Lunch Economic System where everyone has free education,free health care and free material wealth where everyone is equipped with benevolent and justice to climb up on top over contented people. Da Tong is the word here and now.
Nature creates and distributes itself from nothing to something. Therefore,all existences were,are and will be necessarily created and distributed freely without any cost to nature or everyone else. In other words,our Multiverse was,is and will be created and distributed out of nothing free-lunchly. From the core idea of the Quantum Mechanics Theory and consistent with Gell-Mann’s principle I rephrase it as the KQID (KoGuan Quantum InfoDynamics) Doctrine of Creation and Distribution:“Everything that can exist,not forbidden by conservation laws,is not only allowed but obliged to be created and distributed free-lunchly with zero cost in our Multiverse.” This is really a simple and grand logic of creation and distribution. It is a story of fiction but real to all of us.
THE MAIN IDEA:strong individual,strong political party,strong organization and strong government.
The raison d’etre or reason for being of everything in the universe,every individual,every organization,every agency,every political party and every government,as stated and powerfully proclaimed by Xuan Yuan in his lifelong mission,is to help each person achieve his/her dreams and aspirations:“From the Heaven I have received the mandate…On the Earth I have gained a footing,and from the people I have won endorsement ...Revering the Heaven,cherishing the Earth,and holding the people dear,I help the disorientated find the right direction for their life... I help the well orientated carry on their lifelong mission,and I make them prosper.” Therefore,everything,every individual,every organization,every agency,and every government is deploying its resources for a specific mission like a laser beam in realizing the dreams and aspirations of each person.
1.A powerful anti-entropic citizen,a Tianming Ren,the ruler of his/her own web of inter-relationships universe that encompasses from the core-self to self,to family and friends,to community,to mankind and to Multiverse. I name this state of consciousness Erosverse. This state of inter-relationships to everything means this conscious being is fully aware of being totally integrated with the whole as one in his/her consciousness and subconsciousness. This is Tianming Ren’s nature and this nature is NOT limited to his/her physical constitution,rather it is the totality of his/her being and consciousness,and encompasses all relationships in the sphere of his/her Erosverse. In other words,Tianming Ren and the Multiverse,all that is,are born and die together in the web of the interconnecting of relationships. At the conception and after birth,he/she is living in the Multiverse and when he/she dies,he/she goes back home in the Qbit (1,00,-1) but the minute details of his/her information is physically and materially recorded in qbits and immortalized on the cosmic surface of our Multiverse,like live moving pictures or live movie being recorded continuously non-stop on DVD recording machine,except nature’s way is much more sophisticated and powerfully real as they are. Real lives being recorded and being played simultaneously live as live means really in the NOW.
2.A Powerful and unified anti-entropic Chinese Socialist political party governed bythe Xuan Yuan’s anti-entropic operating system of “giving first taking later” that is substantiated by the Scientific Outlook Chinese Rule of Law and Principle and operates to help each citizen achieve his/her dreams and aspirations towards living in a prosperous and harmonious society,where each citizen is literate,healthy and wealthy.
3.Powerful anti-entropic for-profits as well as not-for-profits organizations and agencies.
4.A powerful,unified and centralized anti-entropic government with centralized Scientific Outlook on Chinese Rule of Law and Principle powered by a centralized Scientific Outlook Free-lunch Economic System based on scientific outlook on development that utilizes the same engine that creates and distributes our Multiverse,life and even God(s).