
We learned a lot in this chapter about what makes building websites with Joomla! special, what the frontend of your site can look like, and how to use the backend Control Panel.

  • You've learned the difference between static websites and building websites the Joomla! way. A Joomla! powered website is a collection of building blocks, dynamically constructed from the database.
  • The frontend of the website—the site as your visitor experiences it—is constructed out of different building blocks. The central part of the page is called the mainbody; the surrounding blocks are called modules.
  • Joomla! offers a great number of options to present information in the central content area, the mainbody. Moreover, you can combine the mainbody with almost any combination and number of modules in the header, in the footer, in the left-hand side column, and the right-hand side column.
  • Every Joomla! site has a backend; a Control Panel to administer your site. When you log into the backend you can manage content, add new features, change settings, and so on. You add an article through the Article Manager, rearrange elements on the page through the Module Manager, and change site settings in the Global Configuration panel.

In the next chapter we'll get up to speed and take things much further. Now that you've experimented with Joomla! a bit, you'll create a fully functional website that perfectly meets your first client's demands—and it will be finished in an hour!