Connecting with the mongo shell

After installing MongoDB on a server, a separate executable named mongo is also installed. Here is an example of opening the shell without any parameters from the Docker container mentioned at the start of this chapter:

From this prompt, you are now able to view database information and query collections and perform other vital database operations.

IMPORTANT: As the MongoDB Docker team updates the official image, the version of MongoDB and initial mongo shell output will differ from what you see in the preceding screenshot.
The mongo shell command-line switches

There are a number of command-line switches associated with the mongo shell (, the most important of which are summarized here. You should note that the mongo shell is used to connect to a mongod server instance, which is typically running as a system daemon or service.

The following table presents a summary of the more important mongo shell command-line switches:

All of the command-line switches summarized in the preceding table can be mixed together. Here is an example that connects to a remote mongod instance on IP address, which listens on port 28028. The user doug is authenticated using the security database. The connection is secured by TLS. Have a look at the following code snippet:

mongo --host --username doug \
--authenticationDatabase security --tls
All command-line switches can alternatively be assembled into a single connection string instead of using individual command-line switches. In this case, you would use Uniform Resource Locator ( URL)-style syntax. Here is the connect string for the last example shown previously:
mongo  mongodb://doug@
Customizing the mongo shell

There are a certain number of customization options you can perform on the mongo shell. Simply by creating a .mongorc.js file ( in your user home directory, you can customize the prompt to display dynamic information such as the uptime, hostname, database name, number of commands executed, and so forth. This is accomplished by defining a JavaScript function to the prompt reserved variable name, whose return value is echoed to form the prompt.

You can also make the mongo shell prompt global by creating the file as /etc/mongorc.js .

Here is a sample .mongorc.js script that displays the MongoDB version, hostname, database name, uptime, and command count:

host = db.serverStatus().host;
cmd = 1;
prompt = function () {
upt = db.serverStatus().uptime;
dbn = db.stats().db;
return "\nMongoDB " + host + "@" + dbn
+ "[up:" + upt + " secs]\n" + cmd++ + ">";

By placing this file in the user home directory, subsequent use of the mongo command will display the modified prompt, as shown:

Let's now look at the shell command helpers.

Shell command helpers

When using the mongo shell interactively, there is a handy set of shell command helpers that facilitate discovery and navigation while in the shell. The command helpers are summarized here:

Unfortunately, shell helper commands cannot be used in shell scripts (discussed in the next section in this chapter). For more information, refer to

In the following example, we use shell helper commands to get a list of databases, use the admin database, and list collections in this database:

Let's now learn to use the mongo shell methods.

Using mongo shell methods

The mongo shell makes available a rich set of shell methods that include the following categories:

A cursor is an iteration produced by collection query methods. The most notable of these are db.collection.find() and db.collection.aggregate(). For information on cursors, refer to  For information on replica sets, see Chapter 13, Deploying a Replica Set. For information on sharding, see Chapter 15, Deploying a Sharded Cluster. More information on shell methods can be found here:
When developing a MongoDB application in a programming language, make sure your database commands work properly by testing the proposed commands in the mongo shell. You can then convert the JavaScript code used in the shell command to match the command set offered by your database adapter.

In this chapter, we will focus on basic database, collection, cursor, and monitoring methods. In other chapters in this book, we will cover user and role management, replication, and sharding methods.  Examples of shell methods that allow you to perform common database operations are covered in the next section of this chapter.

Running scripts using the shell

You can use the mongo shell to run scripts that use JavaScript syntax. This is a good way to permanently save complex shell commands or perform bulk operations. There are two ways to run JavaScript-based scripts using the mongo shell: directly from the command line, or from within the mongo shell.

Running a script from the command line

Here is an example of running a shell script that inserts documents into the sweetscomplete database from the command line:

mongo /path/to/repo/sample_data/sweetscomplete_customers_insert.js
NOTE: If you're still in the shell, type exit to return to the command line!

Here is the resulting output:

Let's now run a script from inside the shell.

Running a script from inside the shell

You can also run a shell script from inside the mongo shell using the load(<filename.js>) command helper. After having first returned to the mongo shell, issue the use sweetscomplete;  command. You can run the sweetscomplete_products_insert.js script that is located in the /path/to/repo/sample_data directory, as illustrated in the following code snippet:

mongo --quiet
use sweetscomplete;
show collections;
show collections;

When you examine the output from this command next, note that you first need to use the database. We then look at the list of collections before and after running the script. Notice in the following screenshot that a new products collection has been added:

Let's now look at the shell script syntax.

Shell script syntax

It's very important to understand that you cannot use shell command helpers from an external JavaScript script, even if you run the script from inside the shell! Many of the shell methods you may wish to use reference the db object. When you are running shell methods from inside the shell, this is not a problem: when you issue the use command, this anchors the db object to the database currently in use. Since the use command is a shell command helper, however, it cannot be used inside an external script. Accordingly, the first set of commands you need to add to an external shell script is needed to set the db object to the desired database.

This can be accomplished as follows, where <DATABASE> is the name of the target database you wish to operate upon:

conn = new Mongo();
db = conn.getDB("<DATABASE>");

From this point on, you can use the db object as you would with any other shell method. Here is a sample shell script that assigns the db object to the sweetscomplete database, removes the common collection, and then inserts a document:

conn = new Mongo();
db = conn.getDB("sweetscomplete");
"key" : "gender",
"data" : { "M" : "male", "F" : "female" }

We now turn our attention to common database operations: inserting, updating, deleting, and querying.