How it works...

Near real-time (NRT) capabilities are automatically managed by Elasticsearch, which automatically refreshes the indices every second if data is changed in them.

To force a refresh before the internal Elasticsearch interval, you can call the refresh API on one or more indices (more indices are comma-separated), or on all the indices.

Elasticsearch doesn't refresh the state of an index at every inserted document to prevent poor performance due to the excessive I/O required in closing and reopening file descriptors.

You must force the refresh to have your last index data available for searching.

Generally, the best time to call the refresh is after indexing a lot of data, to be sure that your records are searchable instantly. It's also possible to force a refresh during a document indexing by adding refresh=true as a query parameter. For example:

POST /myindex/_doc/2qLrAfPVQvCRMe7Ku8r0Tw?refresh=true
"id": "1234",
"date": "2013-06-07T12:14:54",
"customer_id": "customer1",
"sent": true,
"in_stock_items": 0,
"items": [
"name": "item1",
"quantity": 3,
"vat": 20
"name": "item2",
"quantity": 2,
"vat": 20
"name": "item3",
"quantity": 1,
"vat": 10