How to do it…

We will start by downloading Elasticsearch from the web. The latest version is always downloadable at The versions that are available for different operating systems are as follows:

  • elasticsearch-{version-number}.zip and elasticsearch-{version-number}.msi are for the Windows operating systems.
  • elasticsearch-{version-number}.tar.gz is for Linux/macOS X, while elasticsearch-{version-number}.deb is for Debian-based Linux distributions (this also covers the Ubuntu family); this is installable with Debian using the dpkg -i elasticsearch-*.deb command.
  • elasticsearch-{version-number}.rpm is for Red Hat-based Linux distributions (this also covers the Cent OS family). This is installable with the rpm -i elasticsearch-*.rpm command.
The preceding packages contain everything to start Elasticsearch. This book targets version 7.x or higher. The latest and most stable version of Elasticsearch was 7.0.0. To check out whether this is the latest version or not, visit

Extract the binary content. After downloading the correct release for your platform, the installation involves expanding the archive in a working directory.

Choose a working directory that is safe to charset problems and does not have a long path. This prevents problems when Elasticsearch creates its directories to store index data.

For the Windows platform, a good directory in which to install Elasticsearch could be c:\es, on Unix and /opt/es on macOS X.

To run Elasticsearch, you need a JVM 1.8 or higher installed. For better performance, I suggest that you use the latest Sun/Oracle version.

If you are a macOS X user and you have installed Homebrew ( ), the first and the second steps are automatically managed by the brew install elasticsearch command .

Let's start Elasticsearch to check if everything is working. To start your Elasticsearch server, just access the directory, and for Linux and macOS X execute the following:

# bin/elasticsearch

Alternatively, you can type the following command line for Windows:

# bin\elasticserch.bat

Your server should now start up and show logs similar to the following:

[2018-10-28T16:19:41,189][INFO ][o.e.n.Node ] [] initializing ...
[2018-10-28T16:19:41,245][INFO ][o.e.e.NodeEnvironment ] [fyBySLM] using [1] data paths, mounts [[/ (/dev/disk1s1)]], net usable_space [141.9gb], net total_space [465.6gb], types [apfs]
[2018-10-28T16:19:41,246][INFO ][o.e.e.NodeEnvironment ] [fyBySLM] heap size [989.8mb], compressed ordinary object pointers [true]
[2018-10-28T16:19:41,247][INFO ][o.e.n.Node ] [fyBySLM] node name derived from node ID [fyBySLMcR3uqKiYC32P5Sg]; set [] to override
[2018-10-28T16:19:41,247][INFO ][o.e.n.Node ] [fyBySLM] version[6.4.2], pid[50238], build[default/tar/04711c2/2018-09-26T13:34:09.098244Z], OS[Mac OS X/10.14/x86_64], JVM[Oracle Corporation/Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM/1.8.0_181/25.181-b13]
[2018-10-28T16:19:41,247][INFO ][o.e.n.Node ] [fyBySLM] JVM arguments [-Xms1g, -Xmx1g,
... truncated ...
[2018-10-28T16:19:42,511][INFO ][o.e.p.PluginsService ] [fyBySLM] loaded module [aggs-matrix-stats]
[2018-10-28T16:19:42,511][INFO ][o.e.p.PluginsService ] [fyBySLM] loaded module [analysis-common]
[2018-10-28T16:19:42,513][INFO ][o.e.p.PluginsService ] [fyBySLM] no plugins loaded
[2018-10-28T16:19:46,776][INFO ][o.e.n.Node ] [fyBySLM] initialized
[2018-10-28T16:19:46,777][INFO ][o.e.n.Node ] [fyBySLM] starting ...
[2018-10-28T16:19:46,930][INFO ][o.e.t.TransportService ] [fyBySLM] publish_address {}, bound_addresses {[::1]:9300}, {}
[2018-10-28T16:19:49,983][INFO ][o.e.c.s.MasterService ] [fyBySLM] zen-disco-elected-as-master ([0] nodes joined)[, ], reason: new_master {fyBySLM}{fyBySLMcR3uqKiYC32P5Sg}{-pUWNdRlTwKuhv89iQ6psg}{}{}{ml.machine_memory=17179869184, xpack.installed=true, ml.max_open_jobs=20, ml.enabled=true}
[2018-10-28T16:19:50,452][INFO ][o.e.l.LicenseService ] [fyBySLM] license [b2754b17-a4ec-47e4-9175-4b2e0d714a45] mode [basic] - valid