- Learn Data Structures and Algorithms with Golang
- Bhagvan Kommadi
- 558字
- 2021-06-24 15:37:33
Flyweight is used to manage the state of an object with high variation. The pattern allows us to share common parts of the object state among multiple objects, instead of each object storing it. Variable object data is referred to as extrinsic state, and the rest of the object state is intrinsic. Extrinsic data is passed to flyweight methods and will never be stored within it. Flyweight pattern helps reduce the overall memory usage and the object initializing overhead. The pattern helps create interclass relationships and lower memory to a manageable level.
Flyweight objects are immutable. Value objects are a good example of the flyweight pattern. Flyweight objects can be created in a single thread mode, ensuring one instance per value. In a concurrent thread scenario, multiple instances are created. This is based on the equality criterion of flyweight objects.
The participants of the flyweight pattern are the FlyWeight interface, ConcreteFlyWeight, FlyWeightFactory, and the Client classes:
- The FlyWeight interface has a method through which flyweights can get and act on the extrinsic state.
- ConcreteFlyWeight implements the FlyWeight interface to represent flyweight objects.
- FlyweightFactory is used to create and manage flyweight objects. The client invokes FlyweightFactory to get a flyweight object. UnsharedFlyWeight can have a functionality that is not shared.
- Client classes
Let's say DataTransferObject is an interface with the getId method. DataTransferObjectFactory creates a data transfer object through getDataTransferObject by the DTO type. The DTO types are customer, employee, manager, and address, as shown in the following code:
//main package has examples shown
// in Hands-On Data Structures and algorithms with Go book
package main
// importing fmt package
import (
//DataTransferObjectFactory struct
type DataTransferObjectFactory struct {
pool map[string] DataTransferObject
//DataTransferObjectFactory class method getDataTransferObject
func (factory DataTransferObjectFactory) getDataTransferObject(dtoType string) DataTransferObject {
var dto = factory.pool[dtoType]
if dto == nil {
fmt.Println("new DTO of dtoType: " + dtoType)
switch dtoType{
case "customer":
factory.pool[dtoType] = Customer{id:"1"}
case "employee":
factory.pool[dtoType] = Employee{id:"2"}
case "manager":
factory.pool[dtoType] = Manager{id:"3"}
case "address":
factory.pool[dtoType] = Address{id:"4"}
dto = factory.pool[dtoType]
return dto
In the following code, the DataTransferObject interface is implemented by the Customer class:
// DataTransferObject interface
type DataTransferObject interface {
getId() string
//Customer struct
type Customer struct {
id string //sequence generator
name string
ssn string
// Customer class method getId
func (customer Customer) getId() string {
//fmt.Println("getting customer Id")
return customer.id
//Employee struct
type Employee struct {
id string
name string
//Employee class method getId
func (employee Employee) getId() string {
return employee.id
//Manager struct
type Manager struct {
id string
name string
dept string
The DataTransferObject interface is implemented by the Manager class, as shown in the following code:
//Manager class method getId
func (manager Manager) getId() string {
return manager.id
//Address struct
type Address struct {
id string
streetLine1 string
streetLine2 string
state string
city string
//Address class method getId
func (address Address) getId() string{
return address.id
//main method
func main() {
var factory = DataTransferObjectFactory{make(map[string]DataTransferObject)}
var customer DataTransferObject = factory.getDataTransferObject("customer")
fmt.Println("Customer ",customer.getId())
var employee DataTransferObject = factory.getDataTransferObject("employee")
fmt.Println("Employee ",employee.getId())
var manager DataTransferObject = factory.getDataTransferObject("manager")
var address DataTransferObject = factory.getDataTransferObject("address")
Run the following commands:
go run flyweight.go
The following screenshot displays the output:

We will take a look at Private class and Proxy data patterns in the next sections.