Course settings

We created a new course in Chapter 1, Preparing to Build an Exemplary Moodle Course, and now we will begin to build the course. Most of the initial course setup will be done through the course settings screen, which you may access through the Course administration menu. Remember that, when you make changes in the Course administration menu, your changes affect only the course you're developing. In our case, it might be a demo course or a template. Remember that changes in the Site administration menu or menu are site-wide and apply to all your courses.

As you begin configuring settings, it is a good idea to take a moment to remember that the goal is to be clear and concise as you select names, create links, and develop content.

The following course settings appear after clicking on Edit course settings:

  • General 
  • Description
  • Course format
  • Appearance
  • Files and uploads
  • Completion tracking
  • Guest access
  • Groups
  • Role renaming
  • Tags

This is shown in the following screenshot:

We will work through the basic menu items in the course settings that allow you to set up your course structure and organize your course. For additional information, remember that you can always visit the Moodle Docs at