Adding new Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) data source

To add a new Database data source connection to import tables, follow the following procedure:

  1. In the Designer, go to Tools | Source Analyzer to open the Source Analyzer as indicated in the previous screenshot.
  2. Go to Sources | Import from Database as indicated.
  3. To add a new Database connection, click on the tab as shown in the following screenshot:
  1. A popup to add a new connection will appear on the screen.
  2. We need to add a new User DSN as shown in the following screenshot:
  1. The next screen will allow you to select the desired database from the list of databases. For our reference, we are using Oracle Database in this book.



  1. Select the type of Database you wish to add, and click on Finish as shown in the following screenshot:
  2. A new window will pop up on your screen. Mention the following details to add a new connection, as shown in the following screenshot.
    • Data Source Name: Enter the name of the Data Source. This can be any name for your reference.
    • Description: Specify some description for the connection.
    • TNS Service Name: Mention the service name for your connection. We are using XE as the service name (this is the default service name for Oracle 10g Database).
    • User ID: Mention the user ID. We are using HR as our user ID for making the connection.
  1. After providing all the details, click on Test Connection.
  2. A new window will pop up as shown in the following screenshot.
  3. Specify the password for Oracle database, and click on OK.

If all the values mentioned by you are correct, the Test Connection will be successful.

We have added a new Database connection to our Repository, and we can import the tables using the new connection.

You can add different types of Databases to your repository. This is just a one-time process you need to perform before you can start using the tables.