How to do it...

The following is a sample Unix filesystem tree to show an example:

    $ tree ~/unixfs
    |-- bin
    |   |-- cat
    |   `-- ls
    |-- etc
    |   `-- passwd
    |-- home
    |   |-- pactpub
    |   |   |--
    |   |   `-- schedule
    |   `-- slynux
    |-- opt
    |-- tmp
    `-- usr
    8 directories, 5 files

The tree command supports several options:

  • To display only files that match a pattern, use the -P option:
      $ tree path -P PATTERN # Pattern should be wildcard in single    

Consider this example:

      $ tree PATH -P '*.sh' # Replace PATH with a directory path
      |-- home
      |   |-- packtpub
      |   |   `--
  • To display only files that do not match a pattern, use the -I option:
      $ tree path -I PATTERN
  • To print the size along with files and directories, use the -h option:
      $ tree -h