- JavaScript Concurrency
- Adam Boduch
- 990字
- 2021-07-30 09:48:39
Synchronous JavaScript
Before we start conjuring large-scale concurrent JavaScript architectures, let's shift our attention to the good old synchronous JavaScript code that we're all familiar with. These are the blocks of JavaScript code that are called as the result of a click event, or run as the result of loading a webpage. Once they start, they don't stop. That is to say, they're run-to-completion. We'll dig into run-to-completion a little more in the following chapter.
We'll occasionally see the term synchronous and serial used interchangeably throughout the chapters. They're both referring to code statements that run one after another until there's nothing more to run.
Despite JavaScript being designed as a single-threaded, run-to-completion environment, the nature of the web complicates this. Think about the web browser, and all it's moving parts. There's the Document Object Model (DOM) for rendering user interfaces and XMLHttpRequest (XHR) objects for fetching remote data sources, to name a couple. Let's take a look at the synchronous nature of JavaScript and the asynchronous nature of the web.
Synchronicity is easy to understand
When code is synchronous, it's easier to understand. It's easier to mentally map the instructions that we're seeing on the screen to sequential steps in our heads; do this, then do that; check this, if true
, do that, and so on. This type of serial processing is easy enough to understand, because there aren't any surprises, assuming the code isn't completely horrible. Here's an example of how we might visualize a chunk of synchronous code:

Concurrent programming, on the other hand, isn't so easy to grasp. This is because there's no linear logic for us to follow in our code editors. Instead, we constantly jump around, trying to map what this piece of code is doing relative to that piece of code. Time is an important factor with concurrent designs; it is something that goes against the brain's natural way of comprehending code. When we read code, we naturally execute it in our heads. This is how we figure out what it's doing. This approach falls apart when the actual execution doesn't line up with what's in our head. Normally, code reads like a book—concurrent code is like a book where the pages are numbered, but out of order. Let's take a look at some trivial pseudo JavaScript code:
var collection = [ 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd' ]; var results = []; for (let item of collection) { results.push(String.fromCharCode(item.charCodeAt(0))); } // [ 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e' ]
In traditional multi-threading environments, a thread is something that runs asynchronously with other threads. We use threads to take advantage of multiple CPUs found on most systems today, resulting in better performance. However, this comes at a cost because it forces us to rethink how our code is executed at runtime. It's no longer the usual step by step execution. This code could be running alongside other code in another CPU, or it could be competing with other threads for time on the same CPU.
A lot of simplicity goes away when we introduce concurrency to synchronous code—it's the code equivalent of brain freeze. This is why we write concurrent code: code that makes an upfront assumption of concurrency. We'll elaborate on this concept as we progress through the book. With JavaScript, it's important to assume a concurrent design, because that's the way the web works.
Asynchronous is inevitable
The reason that concurrency in JavaScript is such an important idea is because the web is a concurrent place, both from a very high level and an implementation detail level. In other words, the web is concurrent because at any given point in time, there's oodles of data flowing over the miles of fiber, which encase the globe. It has to do with the applications themselves that are deployed to web browsers, and how the back-end servers handle the litany of requests for data.
Asynchronous browsers
Let's take a closer look at the browser and the kinds of asynchronous actions found there. When a user loads a webpage, one of the first actions that the page will perform is to download and evaluate our JavaScript code that goes with the page. This in itself is an asynchronous action, because while our code downloads, the browser will continue doing other things, such as rendering page elements.
Another asynchronous data source that arrives over the network is the application data itself. Once our page has loaded and our JavaScript code starts running, we'll need to display some data for the user. This is actually one of the first things that our code will do so that the user has something to look at right away. Again, while we're waiting on this data to arrive, the JavaScript engine will move our code right along to it's next set of instructions. Here's a request for remote data that doesn't wait for the response before continuing on with executing code:

After the page elements have all been rendered and populated with data, the user starts interacting with our page. This means events are dispatched—clicking an element dispatches a click event. The DOM environment, where these events are dispatched from, is a sand-boxed environment. This means that within the browser, the DOM is a subsystem, separate from the JavaScript interpreter, which runs our code. This separation makes certain JavaScript concurrency scenarios especially difficult. We'll cover these in depth in the next chapter.
With all these sources of asynchronicity, it's no wonder that our pages can become bloated with special case handling to deal with the edge cases that inevitably pop up. Thinking asynchronously isn't natural, so this type of monkey-patching is the likely result of thinking synchronously. It's best to embrace the asynchronous nature of the web. After all, a synchronous web can lead to unbearable user experiences. Now, let's dig a little further into the types of concurrency we're likely to face in our JavaScript architectures.