About the Author

Jacobo Rodríguez is a real-time computer graphics programmer living in the north of Spain. He has working experience with computer graphics, digital photogrammetry, computer vision, and video game development. Jacobo has worked for cutting-edge technology companies such as Metria Digital and Blit Software, and has also worked as an entrepreneur and freelancer for a variety of clients of platforms such as PC, iOS, PlayStation 3, PlayStation Vita, and PlayStation Portable. Jacobo has been working and learning at the same time for the last 20 years in the computer graphics field in roles ranging from junior programmer to project manager, passing through R&D director as well. Jacobo has always been very committed to the computer graphics community, having released for free the OpenGL Shader Designer: the first application in the world (even before NVIDIA with FX Composer or ATI with RenderMonkey) designed to visually develop and program GLSL shaders, as well as some OpenGL programming tutorials, all forming part of the Official OpenGL SDK.