Integrating Struts 2 with Spring Security

Let's first set up a Struts 2 application and integrate Spring Security with it.

Getting ready

  • Eclipse Indigo or higher version
  • JBoss as server
  • Struts 2 JARs: 2.1.x
  • Spring-core JARs 3.1.4. Release and Spring-Security 3.1.4.Release
  • Struts 2 Spring plugin jar

How to do it...

In this section, we will learn how to set up the Struts 2 application with form-based Spring Security:

  1. In your Eclipse IDE, create a dynamic web project and name it Spring_Security_Struts2.
  2. Create a source folder at src/main/java.
  3. Create a struts.xml file under the source folder src/main/java.
  4. To integrate Struts 2 with the Spring application, add the application-context.xml file reference here.
  5. Add the Struts filter mapping in web.xml. Spring listener also needs to be added to the web.xml file. The listener entry should be above the Struts 2 filter entry.
  6. The contextLoaderListener will tell the servletcontainer about the springcontextLoader and it will track events. This also allows the developers to create BeanListeners, which allow it to track events in the Bean.
  7. In the web.xml file, add the following code:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <web-app xmlns:xsi="" xmlns="" xmlns:web="" xsi:schemaLocation="" id="WebApp_ID" version="2.5">
    <!—to integrate spring with struts2->
  8. To set up form-based security, we need to create login.jsp. The form action is j_spring_security_check:
    <%@ taglib prefix="c" url=""%>
      <title>Login Page</title>
        .errorblock {
          color: #ff0000;
          background-color: #ffEEEE;
          border: 3px solid #ff0000;
          padding: 8px;
          margin: 16px;
      <body onload='document.f.j_username.focus();'>
        <h3>Login with Username and Password (Custom Page)</h3>
        <% String error=request.getParameter("error");
          <div class="errorblock">
          Your login attempt was not successful, try again.<br /> Caused :
        <%} %>
        <form name='f' action="<c:url value='/j_spring_security_check'/>"
            <td><input type='text' name='j_username' value=''>
            <td><input type='password' name='j_password' />
            <td colspan='2'><input name="submit" type="submit"
            value="submit" />
            <td colspan='2'><input name="reset" type="reset" />
  9. Create a folder and name it secure/hello.jsp.
  10. Map the login action with login.jsp.
  11. Map the loginfailed action with login.jsp?error=true.
  12. Map the welcome action with secure/hello.jsp with the action class-HelloWorld:


    <!DOCTYPE struts PUBLIC
    "-//Apache Software Foundation//DTD Struts Configuration 2.0//EN"
      <package name="default" namespace="/" extends="struts-default">
      <action name="helloWorld">
      <action name="login">
      <action name="loginfailed">
      <action name="welcome" >
  13. The login page URL is mapped with the Struts 2 action '/login'.
  14. Security is applied on the Struts 2 action '/welcome'.
  15. The user will be prompted to login.
  16. The user with role_user will be authorized to access the pages


    <beans:beans xmlns="
     <global-method-security pre-post-annotations="enabled">
            <!-- AspectJ pointcut expression that locates our "post" method and applies security that way
            <protect-pointcut expression="execution(* bigbank.**(..))" access="ROLE_TELLER"/>
       <http auto-config="true" use-expressions="true" >
              <intercept-url pattern="/welcome" 
              <form-login login-page="/login" default-target-
    url="/welcome" authentication-failure-
    url="/loginfailed?error=true" />
              <user name="anjana" password="packt123" authorities="ROLE_USER" />

How it works...

Just run the application. You will be provided with a link to access the secured page. On clicking on the link you will be prompted to log in. This is actually a form-based login.

Here on submit, the action is sent to the Spring Framework which authenticates the user.

On success, the user will see the authenticated page.

The Struts 2 framework easily gels with the Spring Framework and its modules with very minor modification.

How it works...
How it works...
How it works...

See also

  • The Struts 2 application with basic Spring Security recipe
  • The Using Struts 2 with digest/hashing-based Spring Security recipe
  • The Displaying custom error messages in Struts 2 for authentication failure recipe
  • The Authenticating databases with Struts 2 and Spring Security recipe
  • The Authenticating with ApacheDS with Spring Security and Struts 2 application recipe
  • The Using Spring Security logout with Struts 2 recipe
  • The Getting the logged-in user info in Struts 2 with Spring Security recipe