Time for action – deploying in GlassFish

You can get the latest community version Liferay GlassFish bundle from the download page of Liferay (http://sourceforge.net/projects/lportal/files/Liferay%20Portal/6.0.6/liferay-portal-glassfish-6.0.6-20110225.zip/download).

Next follow these steps to deploy Liferay with Glassfish:

  1. Extract the zip file that you downloaded to the bundles folder (created earlier).
  2. We will call the extracted folder LIFERAY_HOME.
  3. There will be a tomcat folder inside LIFERAY_HOME, which we will refer to as GLASSFISH_HOME:
    Time for action – deploying in GlassFish
  4. By default, when we install GlassFish, a default domain named domain1 is created. Our Liferay is inside this domain.
  5. So to start Liferay, navigate to GLASSFISH_HOME/bin from a command prompt.
  6. Issue the command asadmin start-domain domain1.
  7. Wait for the domain to start. After the domain is started, it takes some time to deploy the application for the first time.
    Time for action – deploying in GlassFish
  8. You can check the log at GLASSFISH_HOME/domains/domain1/logs/server.log.
  9. You can also navigate to the admin console to see all the web applications that are deployed on the server.
  10. To access the admin console open a browser and type http://localhost:4848.
  11. You can see all the web applications which are deployed by clicking on Applications on the left navigation tree. Wait till you see Liferay-portal in the available application from admin console.
    Time for action – deploying in GlassFish
  12. Open a browser and type http://localhost:8080; this will open the Liferay home page.
  13. You can stop the server typing the command asadmin stop-domain domain1.

What just happened?

We have deployed Liferay in GlassFish Application Server and seen how to start and stop the GlassFish server using Liferay.

Now we will deploy Liferay in Oracle WebLogic, which is a well-known proprietary application server.