- 《水利水电工程英汉图文辞典》(水工卷)
- 中国电建集团成都勘测设计研究院有限公司
- 23080字
- 2025-02-21 06:48:53
【例句】The contractor shall provide suitable metal or plastic certification tags for all cables and termi-nals.承包商应提供所有电缆及终端的金属或塑料的合格标牌。
【常用搭配】500kV cable inclined shaft 500kV电缆斜井
cable channel
cable crane platform【图】

cable crane platform
cabling system
【例句】Caisson excavation will consist of the excavation of the overburden and rocks located at the bridge,the blasting of the boulders and a small amount of rocks at the bottom,inspecting the skewness and displacement of the caissons.沉井开挖包括过木栈桥桥墩的基础沉井内的覆盖层和岩石开挖、大孤石及底部少量岩石的爆破、沉井的偏斜度及位移监测。
【常用搭配】caisson excavation 沉井开挖

caisson auger rig
caisson chamber
caisson excavation
【例句】The machine will read out the result of the calculation.机器将读出计算结果。
【例句】The measuring devices and instruments for drilling and grouting,such as inclinometer,pressure meter,flow meter,density meter,automatic recording apparatus,shall be calibra-ted and verified periodically to keep the measure-ment accurate.钻孔灌浆的计量器具,如测斜仪、压力表、流量计、密度计、自动记录仪等,应定期进行校验或检定,以保持测量值的准确性。
【例句】Payment for instrument shall include the cost of furnishing,calibration,installation,trial operation,observation and maintenance,and other specified requirements.仪器的支付包括:供应、校验、安装、调试、施工期观测和维护及其他特殊要求的费用。
【例句】Caliche is a crust or layer of hard subsoil encrusted with calcium-carbonate occurring in arid or semiarid regions.钙质层是在干旱或半干旱地区,覆盖在坚硬下层土镶外的碳酸钙质壳或层。
【常用搭配】caliche layer 钙化层;dolomitic caliche白云石质钙结岩
caliche zone
【例句】Drill depths are normally limited by the torque capability of the drill,the ground-water table,cobble strata,caliche zones,or bed-rock.钻孔深度通常受限于钻机的最大扭矩、地下水位、卵石层、钙化层或基岩。
calyx drill
【例句】A shot drill,also called a calyx drill,is a large rotary drill that is primarily used for large-diameter(4 inch to 6 foot)rock or con-crete core-drilling operations.萼状取芯钻是一种大型的旋转钻探方式,主要用于大孔径 (4英寸至6英尺)的岩石或混凝土取芯钻孔作业。
【例句】 The superstructure has a depth of 3ft.6in.with a marked camber of 19ft.8in.上部结构的建筑高度为3英尺6英寸,有19英尺8英寸显著的弧度。
【常用搭配】camber angle 外倾角,中心线弯曲角
【例句】 Move-in includes furnishing,establis-hing,and maintaining the contractor's camps,offices,and construction facilities at the site etc.进场包括提供、安装及维护承包商营地、办公室及工地上的施工设施等。
【常用搭配】contractor's camp 承包商营地
canal head【图】

canal head
candidate earthquake
【例句】 Sidewalls are usually designed as cantile-vers projecting out of the monolith.边 墙一 般设计成从基岩伸出的悬臂梁形式。|Cantilever is a portion of the dam contained between two vertical radial planes,1 foot apart.悬臂单元是大坝中两个相距1英尺的垂直径向平面之间的部分。
【常用搭配】 cantilever beam 悬臂梁;cantilever crane 悬臂吊车;crown cantilever 拱冠梁

cantilever beam
cantilever beam model
【例句】For high dams in steep-walled canyons the overriding consideration is the abutment to-pography.对于陡峭峡谷上的高坝,关键需要考虑的是坝肩的地形。
【常用搭配】steep-walled canyons 陡峭的峡谷;canyon bench 峡谷阶地
canyon profile
【例句】The powerhouse has six units,250MW each,with a total of 1500MW installed capaci-ty.厂房有6台单机250MW 机组,总装机容量1500MW。
【常用搭配】storage capacity 库容;installed ca-pacity 装机容量;carrying capacity 承载能力,载运容量;unit capacity 单机容量
【例句】The tube formed part of a device called a capillary viscometer used to measure viscosities.这个试管是一个毛细管黏度计的组成部分,该黏度计是用来测量液体黏度的。
【常用搭配】capillary viscometer 毛细管黏度计;capillary fringe 毛细上升带;capillary po-rosity 毛细孔隙
capping with concrete
【例句】In the case of capping with concrete,the drilling and grouting shall be started only af-ter concrete strength of cap reaches 50%of the designed strength.灌浆在有混凝土浇盖的条件下进行时,混凝土盖重应达到50%设计强度后钻孔灌浆方可开始。
carbide tipped drag bit
【例句】Cylinder could be dealt with carburizing treatment in order to increase the wear resist-ance products.缸套应用渗碳剂处理,以便增加产品的耐磨性。
【例句】The contractor shall determine and sub-mit a scheme for dewatering the construction ar-eas,and care for all water from any source.承包商应制定并提交一份关于施工区排水和任何来源的水流控制方案。
care of water
【例句】No separate payment will be made for care of water.水流控制将不分开支付。
cartographic information
Casagrande Piezometer
Casagrande-type standpipe piezometer
【例句】We can cascade them to determine their overall effect.我们可以将它们串联起来确定它们的总体影响。
【常用搭配】cascade development 梯级开发

【例句】The maximum water hammer pressure is calculated with 558m high water column at the spiral case.蜗壳最大水锤压力用588m水柱计算。
【常用搭配】the spiral case 蜗壳
casing pipe
【释义】 套管,井壁管
【例句】Based upon the elasticity theory,a me-chanical model for the casing pipe was built and the relationship between residual stress and com-pression strength was developed by FEM.运用弹性力学理论,建立石油套管的力学模型,通过有限元计算,得到残余应力与套管抗压溃强度之间的关系。
【例句】The building used the entire cast-in-place re-inforced concrete frame structure.本建筑物采用钢筋混凝土全现浇框架结构体系。
【常用搭配】cast-in-place concrete 现浇混凝土
catch basin
【例句】The culvert headwalls and catch basins shall be constructed of stone masonry as shown on the drawings or as directed,in accordan with 6.8.7,Stone Masonry.涵管端墙及截沙井应根据图示或指示用石块砌筑,并满足6.8.7“砌石工程”的要求。
catchment area
catenary wire
【例句】 The analysis is made for the present si-tuation of catenary wire system and main meas-ures against wear of it.此项分析主要针对承力索的现状和主要防磨损措施。
【例句】Caulking compound,unless otherwise stated,shall be off-white liquid polymer as ap-proved.除非特别指明,填缝用料都采用经批准的灰白色的液体聚合物。|Basement caulk requires every gap between framing and masonry and around pipes or wires that penetrate the rim joist or exterior walls to be pluged.地下室的填缝要求所有框架和砖石墙之间、贯穿环托梁或外墙的管道或电线周围的每条裂缝被填塞。
【常用搭配】caulk weld 填缝焊;adphalt caulk沥青类嵌缝膏
caulking material
【例句】The caulking material for grout nipples,joints,and cracks shall be lead wool,oakum,wood wedges,grout or other suitable and ap-proved packing.灌浆嘴、接缝及缝隙的填塞料应为铅毛、麻丝、木屑、灌浆浆液或其他经批准的合适的填塞料。
【例句】During drilling,if encountered caverns,hole collapse or block falling leads to drilling dif-ficult,the hole may be grouted first,then drilled.钻孔遇有洞穴、塌孔或掉块难以钻进时,可先进行灌浆处理,再行钻进。
【常用搭配】underground cavern 地下洞室
【例句】Rock support shall be applied or in-stalled in a timely manner to prevent caving.岩石支护应及时实施,以防止坍塌。
【例句】Cavitation on a spillway crest would be incipient at an average pressure.溢洪道顶部的空蚀将在平均压力时开始出现。|Besides,some experimental researches on the cavitation and flow characteristics of water hydraulic throt-tles are introduced.此外,介绍了水力节流阀的空化及流态特性方面的试验研究。|This load-ing condition will not cause any cavitation prob-lems.在这种负荷情况下不会产生任何的空化问题。
【常用搭配】 back cavitation [船]叶背空泡,背 空蚀;pump cavitation 泵气蚀,泵空化,泵涡穴;cavitation intensity 气蚀强度,空泡强度;cavitation erosion 空蚀,气蚀,空隙腐蚀;cavi-tation factor 空化系数;cavitation problem空蚀问题 (现象)
【常用搭配】 solution cavity 溶洞;filling of cavi-ties with grout 孔洞的灌浆回填
cavity wall
【释义】 空心墙
【例句】 Space-effective method of aseismatic streng-thening row-lock cavity wall is an important val-ue and necessity of the application.研究经济有效的空心墙抗震加固方法具有重要的应用价值和必要性。
【例句】 They crushed down stone for making ce-ment.他们碾碎石子用来制造水泥。|Grout shall be various mixtures of cement,sand,and water in proportions as directed.浆液应根据指示用水泥、砂及水按规定的配合比进行拌制。
cement grouting
【例句】 An engineering measure is adopted in which cement grouting is injected into fissures in rock mass,concrete cracks and joints or cavities of concrete through boreholes,embedded pipes and others by means of grouting pump or gravity of grout.采用了如下工程措施,利用灌浆泵或浆液自重,通过钻孔、埋管或其他方法把水泥灌浆送到岩体的裂隙、混凝土裂缝、接缝或空洞内。
cement hydration
【释义】 水泥水化
【例句】 The cement hydration process of conven-tional concrete limits the size and rate of concrete placement and necessitates building in monoliths to meet crack control requirements.常规混凝土的水泥水化过程限制了混凝土浇筑的尺寸和速度,迫使坝段建筑体满足裂缝控制要求。
【例句】The research shows that the pore of the carbonate was mainly disappeared by multiple generations calcite cementation and chemically filling and compaction (solution) during bury.研究表明,多代方解石胶结、化学充填以及埋藏期的压实 (溶解)作用是碳酸盐岩孔隙消失的主要原因。
【常用搭配】cementation borehole 水泥灌浆钻孔
cement-bound road
【释义】n.[地质] 新生代,新生代之岩层;adj.新生界的 (同Cainozoic)
【例句】The Phanerozoic is divided into three eras-starting with the earliest,these are the Paleozoic,Mesozoic,and Cenozoic.显生宙可划分为3个时期——依次经历古生代、中生代和新生代。
【常用搭配】 Cenozoic strata 新生代地层;Ceno-zoic orogeny 新生代造山运动;Cenozoic struc-ture 新生代构造
【例句】 This will support the heater on both sides and allow the peak of the roof to support the centerline.其作用是支撑起加热器的两边,利用屋顶的尖顶支撑中心线。
central control room
central core【图】
【常用搭配】central core dam 心墙坝

central core(一)

central core(二)
【释义】 adj.离心式的
【例句】 Boundary layer theory in centrifugal pumps of liquid-solid two-phase fluid is applied on vane's design.离心式固液两相流泵的边界层理论被应用于叶轮的设计。
centrifugal fan
certification tag
【释义】 合格标牌
【例句】 见“cable”。
【例句】Adit 1 is at chainage 4.660m and Adit 2 is at chainage 9.518m.1号施工支洞位于桩号4.660m,2号施工支洞位于桩号9.518m。
【例句】Underground excavation shall consist of all excavation in tunnels,grouting galleries,drainage galleries,adits,shafts,underground pumphouse and other chambers.地下开挖包括隧洞、灌浆平洞、排水平洞、施工支洞、竖井、地下泵房及其他洞室的所有开挖。
【常用搭配】underground powerhouse chambers地下厂房洞室

【例句】 Water runs along the channel to the fields.水顺着渠道流进田地里。
【例句】Prior to the excavation for each project feature the Contractor shall submit a plan for blasting including drilling,charging and ignition patterns for the approval by the engineer.在每个工程部位的开挖开始以前,承包商都应向工程师提交一份爆破方案以供批准,该方案包括钻孔、装药和起爆方式。
check valve【图】

check valve
【释义】n.细裂,[涂料] 龟裂
chordwise surveying wire
【释义】 弦矢导线
【例句】 The maximum deviation of the top eleva-tion of the terminal embedded parts shall not be more than±10mm on a chordwise surveying wire.每条弦矢导线最终的埋件顶部高程最大误差不得超过±10mm。
【例句】The churn/cable-tool drill is often used to drill and drive casing pipe through cobble-lad-en or fractured overburden material.搅动/电缆工具钻多用于在卵石区或含断裂的覆盖层物质中进行打钻与套管安装。
【例句】Other less common spillway types such as chute,side channel and tunnel are not ad-dressed in this manual.其他不太常见的泄洪道如泄槽式、侧槽式和洞式在本手册中都不涉及。|To reduce the bottom width of the side-walls(from 4m to 3m)an increase of the spill-way width from 10m to 11m is introduced at the beginning of the chute.为 了减小泄槽边墙底部宽度 (从4m减到3m),在泄槽起始段溢洪道宽度从10m加宽为11m。|Two alternatives have been considered for the spillway system,i.e.tunnel spillway and gated chute spillway.泄洪系统进行了泄洪洞和泄洪槽的比选考虑。

【例句】 A new type of sandwich wall panels is made of foamed polyethylene and volcanic cinder concrete.新型外墙体由聚乙烯泡沫塑料与火山灰混凝土复合而成。
【常用搭配】cinder concrete 炉渣混凝土
circuit ['sɜ:rkIt]
【例句】Join those two ends of wire and you'll make a circuit.把那两个导线连接起来即构成一个电路。
circular ['sɜ:rkjələr]
【例句】The circular shape of the tunnel section is not required from a hydraulic point of view.隧洞从水力学角度不需要采用圆形断面。|The island is roughly circular in shape.这个岛屿大致是圆形的。
circulating current
circulation grouting
circulatory ['sɜ:kjəleItɒrI]
【常用搭配】circulatory system [解剖] 循环系 统;circulatory failure [内科] 循环衰竭;circu-latory motion 循环运动
【释义】 adj.圆周的
【例句】Grouting shall be made in sequence for tunnel rings and by interpolation in circumferen-tial direction.灌浆应按环间分序、环内加密的原则进行。
civil structure
civil works
【例句】Normally,the powerhouse and civil works are longer in the direction of flow than conventional vertical-shaft mounted turbines.通常,厂房和土建工程顺水流方向上要长于常规的垂直安装的水轮机。
class interval
【例句】A method is put forward in computing the average in class interval series.提出了对组距数列计算平均指标的方法。
【释义】 adj.碎片性的,碎屑状的
【例句】 Clastic rock sequence is usually the prod-uct of base level rise hemicycles which are char-acterized by mudstones interbedded with turbi-dites and sandy deposits of delta front.陆缘碎屑岩序列多形成于基准面上升期,以发育泥质岩夹浊流岩、三角洲前缘砂质沉积为主。
【常用搭配】 clastic rock 碎屑岩;clastic deposit 碎屑沉积;clastic structure 碎屑构造;clastic sediment 碎屑沉积物
【释义】n.[土壤] 黏土,泥土
【例句】A series of seepage tests(1g,10g,20g,30g)are performed on Nuozhadu core-wall clay by means of the apparatus.应用该装置针对糯扎渡心墙堆石坝的心墙黏土,进行了常规渗流试验(1g,10g,20g,30g)。|Fill this trench with impervious material,such as clay,to make a small foundation.使用防水材料如黏土填入沟渠,以建造一个小型地基。
【常用搭配】soft clay 软黏土,软黏土,软质黏土;clay mineral 黏土矿物,硅酸盐;red clay红黏土;clay content黏粒含量,黏土含量;clay brick黏土砖
clay foundation
【例句】But in water conservancy and hydroelec-tric engineering,it is still very little to treat clay foundation with grouting.在水利水电工程中,用灌浆方案处理黏土地基还很少见。
clay shale
clayey soil
【例句】The reason why the sandy soil is easier of competion than the clayey soil is discussed.论述了砂性土比黏性土容易达到较大加固深度的原因。
【例句】 However,as the soil conditions men-tioned above are changed into the claypan,error of 20%was estimated by numerical results.但如果将上述提及的土壤情况简化成单一黏土层,则分析所得之数值结果误差可达20%。
clearing and grubbing
【例句】No separate payment will be made for clearing and grubbing,and the cost thereof shall be included in the prices for other items.清基不单独支付,其费用包含在其他项目的单价中。|The work consists of clearing and grubbing of the construction and borrow areas.本工作包括施工场地和料场的清基。
【例句】A material is said to have cleavage,if smooth plane surfaces are produced when the mineral is broken.如果矿物破碎后形成多层光滑平面,则此种材料被称为含有解理。
cleavage plane【图】

cleavage plane
【例句】 The foundation of the powerhouse is just beneath the abutment of steep rock cliffs.厂房基础位于陡崖下部。
【常用搭配】dangerous cliff 危崖
cliff reentrant
climatology [ˌklaImə'ta:IədʒI]

【例句】Portablev clinometers for measuring slope changes between two points on gallery walls shall be type ECS1000HV with a range of±0.5 to±0.05 gon.用于测量廊道墙面两点间坡度变化的便携式倾斜仪应为量程为±0.5~±0.05gon的 ECS1000HV型。
【释义】 v.阻塞,障碍,堵塞;n.障碍,木底鞋
【例句】 Back grout over 15L/min should be availa-ble for return pipe to prevent clogging of grouting pipe by cement grout.回浆管宜有15L/min 以上的回浆量,防止灌浆管孔内被水泥浆阻塞。|Instrumentation and drain holes should be protected from damage or clogging by drilling or grouting op-erations.应防止钻孔及灌浆操作对已有的仪表孔及排水孔造成破坏或堵塞损坏。
closed-loop system
closure section【图】

closure section
【常用搭配】cnoidal wave 椭圆余弦波
coarse aggregates
【释义】 粗骨料
【例句】Generally using large-size coarse aggre-gates,mix proportions are selected to produce a low-slump concrete that gives economy,main-tains good workability during placement,devel-ops minimum temperature rise during hydration,and produces important properties such as strength,imperm closure section eability,and durability.通常使用大型粗骨料,选择适当的配合比产生低坍落度混凝土,从而更加经济,在浇筑过程中保持良好的工作性能,在水化过程中将温度上升控制在最低程度,并且产生重要的特性——如强度、不透水性以及耐久性。
coarse gravel
【例句】Some coarse gravel loaded by the river deposited in the river channel.河流携带的部分粗砂砾在河床上形成滞留沉积。
coarse sand
【例句】Coarse-grained soils that are devoid of fines are pervious,easy to compact,affected little by moisture,and not subject to frost ac-tion.缺乏细颗粒含量的粗粒土的特点为透水、易压缩,受含水量影响小并且不受冰冻作用影响。
【常用搭配】 coarse-grained soil 粗粒土;coarse-grained granodiorte 粗粒花岗闪长岩;coarse-grained granite 粗粒花岗岩
coastal defence
【释义】 海防
【例句】 The degassing unit consisting of an injec-tor and an overload box is equipped in the liquid propellant rocket engine of a coastal defence mis-sile.某海防导弹液体火箭发动机装置中,采用引射器加过载箱组成除气机构。
coastal engineering
【例句】GIS is always used in coastal engineer-ing planning and design.GIS常应用于海岸工程规划设计。
coastal morphology
【例句】 By means of coastal morphology and sed-iment investigation,shore change and littoral sand transportation rate calculation et al.,char-acteristics of beach evolution in east southern Xiamen Island were analyzed and studied.通过海岸地貌和沉积物分布调查、岸线对比、沿岸输沙率计算等手段,分析研究了厦门岛东南部海岸海滩的演变特征。
【例句】 If rounded cobbles and boulders are scat-tered throughout the mass,they need not be picked out.如果圆形卵石或大圆石散布在填筑料中,无需将他们拣出来。
【例句】When sand/gravel material is used in dam filling,the cushion material shall be graded continuously and have stable internal structure and a permeability coefficient of 1×10-3~1×10-4cm/s after compaction.用天然砂砾石料筑坝时,垫层料应级配连续、内部结构稳定,压实后渗透系数宜为1×10-3~10×10-4cm/s。|Now,the coefficient that relates the a-mount of heat to the temperature change is obvi-ously going to be different for these two cases.在这两个例子中,很显然热量和温度的变化的相关系数是不一样的。
【常用搭配】permeability coefficient 渗透系数;transfer coefficient 传送系数,转移系数;fric-tion coefficient 摩擦系数;correlation coefficient 相关系数,关联系数;diffusion coefficient 扩散系数,扩散率
coefficient of thermal expansion
【例句】 But its tensile strength and dynamic duc-tility are not so good because the graphite is flexible and the great difference of the coefficient of thermal expansion between graphite and cop-per.然而,也正是由于石墨性软以及其热膨胀系数跟铜差别比较大,导致其在抗拉伸、冲击等力学性能方面存在一些不足。
【例句】Construction of the Three Gorges Dam required an enormous cofferdam,a structure that temporarily enclosed the construction site and kept water out.三峡大坝的建设需要建造一个巨大的围堰,围堰临时性地围住大坝施工场地,把水挡在大坝外面。|Dumped rip-rap of hard rock may be provided at the dam toe be-low the water level if necessary,and may form a part of the downstream cofferdam.必要时,可在坝体下游坝趾水下设硬岩抛石体,此抛石区可为下游围堰的组成部分。


【常用搭配】temporary cofferdam临时围堰;river cofferdam 河床围堰;cofferdam collapse围堰工程失事;type of cofferdam堰形;cofferdam en-closure 基坑;portal cofferdam 洞口围堰
【例句】Foundation rock shear strength is given as two values:cohesion(c)and internal fric-tion (φ).地基岩石的抗剪强度包括两个值:凝聚力(c)和 内 摩 擦 角(φ)。|The shear strenth is equal to the cohesion of substance.剪切强度等于物质的内聚力。
cohesionless material
【例句】For cohesionless material,its maximum particle size shall be less than 1mm and its per-meability coefficient shall be less by one order of magnitude than that of the filter material in the special cushion zone.无黏性材料的最大粒径应小于1mm,其渗透系数至少应比特殊垫层区反滤料的渗透系数小一个数量级。
cohesive soil
【例句】The seepage character of cohesive soil has typical anisotropism,and coefficient of per-meability is different in different hydraulic gradi-ent and position.黏性土渗透特点具典型的各向异性,在不同的水力坡降下和位置处,渗透系数均各不相同。
【常用搭配】sensitivity of cohesive soil黏性土的灵敏度;cohesive soil ground黏性土地基;volcanic cohesive soil火山灰质黏性土
cold proof
【例句】Cold proof and warming measures shall be taken for the shop of mixing plant and pipe-lines in cold season.寒冷季节施工应做好机房和灌浆管路的防寒保暖工作。
collimation pier
【例句】Miscellaneous concrete will consist of all concrete placed in the permanent works not oth-erwise classified,such as,but not limited to,backfill expansion concrete in exploratory adits and holes,collimation piers,dental concrete,gauging station,and retaining walls not part of the above-listed structures.其他混凝土是指浇筑于的永久工程中未进行分类的所有混凝土,如 (但不限于)勘测孔、洞的回填膨胀混凝土、水准点、齿墙、水文测站混凝土,以及上述所列建筑物中未包括的挡墙混凝土。
【例句】Even small amounts of organic material in colloidal form in a clay will result in an appre-ciable increase in the liquid limit of the material without increasing its plasticity index.在黏性土中,即便是少量的呈胶质的有机物也会导致其液限指数的增长,而塑性指数保持不变。
【例句】 Results have indicated that major sliding surfaces are happened to pass through colluvium and sandstone.结果表明潜在滑动面多通过崩积层与砂岩层。
【例句】The ground around the building shall be completely compacted.建筑物周围应进行充分压实。|The contractor shall load,transport,deposit and compact the spoil as directed by the engineer.承包商应按工程师的指示进行装车、运输、卸料和压实开挖料。
【例句】Specifications for compaction of cushion material,transition material,main rockfill and downstream rockfill shall be determined in the light of the grade and height of the dam,shape of the river valley,seismic intensity and the ex-perience of completed rockfill dam with similar rock properties.垫层料、过渡料、主堆石料及下游区堆石料的压实标准应根据坝的等级、坝高、河谷形状、地震烈度及类似堆石坝的经验综合确定。
【例句】The variability of compactness and crev-ice rate influences the asphalt pavement perform-ance.压实度与裂隙率的变异性影响着沥青路面的使用性能。
【常用搭配】compactness test 压实度试验;soil compactness 土壤坚实度,土壤紧密度;con-crete compactness 混凝土密实度
【例句】 Vibratory compactor shall have one or more metal roller without tamping feet.振动碾应由一个或一个以上不带羊脚的金属滚筒组成。
【常用搭配】vibratory compactor 振动碾
complete quadratic combination (CQC)
comply with
component assembly
【例句】The superstructure may provide for an erection bay that protects component assemblies during inclement weather.厂房的上层结构可提供一个安装场地以保证设备在恶劣的天气下能够组装。
composite grout
【例句】Direct shear strength laboratory tests on composite grout/rock samples are recommended to assess the foundation rock/structure interface shear strength.建议对复合灌浆/岩石样本进行直接剪切强度实验,以评估基岩/结构界面抗剪强度。
comprehensive exploration
【例句】 Modifications during construction are costly and should be avoided if possible by a comprehensive exploration program during the design phase.施工过程中的变更所需的代价非常高,应该尽可能地依靠设计过程中的综合勘察程序来避免此情况。
comprehensive grouting method
【例句】 Comprehensive grouting method is a grou-ting method in which the descending stage grouting method is used in some grout stages and the ascend-ing stage grouting material is used in other grout stages.综合灌浆法是一种在钻孔的某些段采用自上而下分段灌浆,另一些段采用自下而上分段灌浆的方法。
compressed air rig【图】
【释义】 风钻
【例句】 Compressed air rig and other types of rigs may be used for drilling consolidation holes.固结灌浆孔可采用风钻或其他型号钻机钻孔。

compressed air rig
【中文定义】风钻:开凿岩石用的风动工具,利 用压缩空气使活塞做往复运动,冲击钎子。
compressed air system
compression measurements
compression strain
【释义】 压应变
【例句】The compression strain of elastomeric bearings shall not exceed 5%of the effective elastomer thickness at 35kgf/sq.cm nor 7%at 56kgf/sq.cm.当压强为35kgf/cm2时,弹性支承垫片的压应变应不超过有效弹性层厚度的5%;为56kgf/cm2时不超过7%。
【例句】Steel the top of the tube provide compressive strength.框架底部铺设的钢棒提供抗拉强度。
【常用搭配】compressive stress 压力,抗压应 力;unconfined compressive strength 无侧限抗压 强度,非封闭抗压强度;compressive de-formation 压缩变形;compressive resistance 抗压强度,压应力,抗压力,压电阻形,压缩形变
compressive strength
【例句】The results indicate that less dosage of water,clay,bentonite and larger dosage of ce-ment,and mixing coal ash and admixture can increase compressive strength of plastic con-crete.结果表明,减小水胶比及黏土和膨润土的用量,增加水泥用量,掺加粉煤灰和外加剂,均可提高塑性混凝土的抗压强度。|The compressive strength of the mortar with acceler-ator additive should be more than 300kgf/sq.cm.加入速凝剂的砂浆的抗压强度应该大于300kgf/cm2。
compressive strength test
【例句】Compressive strength test and direct shear test are normally required to determine de-sign values for shear strength and bearing capac-ity.抗压强度测试和直剪测试通常要求确定满足抗剪强度和承载能力的设计值。
compressive stress
【例句】 Along the upstream face the highest compressive stress reaches 7.5MPa.最 大 压 应力沿上游面达到7.5MPa。

concentrated loads
【例句】Special loadings required for performing operation and maintenance functions and those that the bridge is subjected to during construc-tion should be taken into account,including provisions for any heavy concentrated loads.需要考虑桥梁在施工、运行和维护阶段所受到的特殊荷载,比如很大的集中荷载。
【常用搭配】conceptual design 概念设计
【释义】n.混凝土;vt.使凝固,使硬化,用混 凝土修筑
【例句】Concrete is a substance used for build-ingwhich is made by mixing together cement,sand,small stones,and water.混凝土是一种由水泥、砂石和水混合制成的用于建筑的材料。|The methods for control of underseepage in dam foundations are horizontal drains,cut-offs(compactedbackfill trenches,slurry walls,and concrete walls),upstream impervious blan-kets,downstream seepage berms,toe drains,and relief wells.控制坝基底部渗流的方法有设置水平排水,防渗 (压实回填沟,泥浆墙和混凝土墙),上游不透水铺盖,下游排水棱体,坝趾排水和减压井。
【常用搭配】mass concrete 大体积混凝土;pre-stressed concrete 预应力混凝土;reinforced con-crete 钢筋混凝土;concrete aggregate 混凝土骨料;reinforced concrete 钢筋混凝土;concrete structure 混凝土结构,混凝土建造物;cement concrete 水泥混凝土;concrete dam 混凝土坝;concrete placement 混凝土浇筑;rockfill con-crete 堆石混凝土;displacer concrete 埋石混凝土;rubble concrete 毛石混凝土
concrete aggregate
【例句】Concrete aggregate contains active ag-gregate like opal which can react with alkali in concrete and generate new material and hazard-ous expansion to cause damages to concrete like knurl and crack.混凝土骨料中含有活性骨料,如蛋白石等,能与水泥中的碱反应,生成新的物质,产生有害的体积膨胀,造成混凝土隆起、开裂,引起混凝土破坏。
concrete apron
【释义】 混凝土护坦
【例句】 Concrete apron,riprap,or other meas-ures have been used for stabilization.混凝土护坦、抛石等方法被用来维持稳定。
concrete arch dam
【例句】This paper describes the course of the studies of a high,double-curvature,thin-con-crete arch dam by structural model tests.本文描述了利用结构模型试验方法进行某高双曲薄混凝土拱坝的应力研究。
concrete bearing pad
【释义】 混凝土垫座
【例句】A concrete bearing pad is being con-structed in the poor quality slate between EL.1725m and 1885m on the left abutment.在左岸坝肩1725~1885m 高程间的软弱砂板岩上设置了一个混凝土垫座。
concrete buttress dam
concrete connection slab
concrete cut-off wall【图】
【例句】 In case the plinth set on alluvium,con-crete cut-off wall may be employed to prevent seepage,the bottom of cut-off wall shall pene-trate into weakly weathered bedrock.趾板建在河床砂砾石层上时,可采用混凝土防渗墙防渗,防渗墙底部应嵌入弱风化基岩。

concrete cut-off wall
concrete dam
【例句】On the base of the previous work,slip and seepage risk analysis model of earth dam is founded,simultaneously,security early warn-ing index of concrete dam and earth dam is lucu-brated.在总结前人研究成果的基础上,对土石坝失稳破坏和渗透破坏的风险分析模型,以及混凝土坝、土石坝的安全预警指标进行了深入的研究。|The aging of concrete dam located on the regions with cold climate is characterized by resorption,destroyed by freeze-thaw and fro-zen-heave,scouring and etc,but the carbonized depth is low.寒冷地区混凝土坝老化主要表现在溶蚀、冻融和冻胀破坏、冲刷破坏等,但其碳化深度不大。
【常用搭配】concrete cofferdam 混凝土围堰;reinforced concrete buttress dam 钢筋混凝土支墩 坝;the concrete gravity dam 混凝土重力坝;reinforced concrete facing dam 面板堆石坝;re-inforced concrete buttressed dam 钢筋混凝土支墩坝;concrete overflow dam 混凝土溢流坝;concrete arch dam 混凝土拱坝;concrete check dam 混凝土拦沙坝
concrete face rockfill dam【图】(CFRD)
【释义】 混凝土面板堆石坝
【例句】The stress-deformation behavior of diaphragm walls of concrete face rockfill dam built on thick alluvium deposit was analyzed using the numerical analysis method.采用数值分析方法对深覆盖层上混凝土面板堆石坝的防渗墙应力变形性状进行了研究。

concrete face rockfill dam
concrete face slab
【例句】A type of dam that is filled and compacted in layers and takes concrete face slab as upstream impervious barrier.用堆石料和砂砾石料分层碾压填筑,混凝土面板作上游防渗体的坝。
concrete gravity dam【图】
【例句】The project comprises the construction of a 101m high concrete gravity dam,spillway,powerhouse and navigation lock.项目具体内容 包括:建设一座101m高混凝土重力坝、溢洪 道、厂房和船闸。|This chapter is applicable to the grouting in bedrock for various types of dam,such as concrete gravity dam and so on.本章适用于混凝土重力坝等各种坝型的基岩灌浆。

concrete gravity dam
concrete key trench
concrete liner
【例句】In grouting for concrete liners of tunnel,backfill grouting shall be performed ahead of consolidation grouting.隧洞混凝土衬砌段的灌浆,应按先回填灌浆后固结灌浆的顺序进行。
concrete lining
【例句】Construction of concrete lining at the time of the basic lofting method is consistent with the excavation.混凝土衬砌时的施工放样 基本与开挖放样方法一致。
【常用搭配】extruding concrete tunnel lining 挤 压混凝土衬砌
concrete pile
【例句】 The maximum bucket size is usually restricted by the capability of effectively spreading and vibrating the concrete pile after it is dumped from the bucket.水泥罐的最大尺寸取决于将水泥倾倒后有效的摊铺和振动混凝土桩能力。
concrete placement
concrete plug【图】
【中文定义】 混凝土堵头:混凝土制成的堵孔洞用的制品。
concrete protection

concrete plug
【例句】The water jets shall be directed into the plunge pool which has enough water to dissipate the energy and shall not damage the concrete protection of the plunge pool.出口水舌跌落处应有足够的水深以利消能,并保证不破坏水垫塘混凝土护面。
concrete replacement
【例句】 Concrete replacement should give an in-crease in local shear strength that can be taken into account in stability analyses.混凝土置换可提高局部抗剪强度,稳定分析时应加以考虑。
concrete shear key【图】
【例句】Concrete shear keys are also an effective method of foundation treatment.混凝土剪力键也是一种有效的基础处理方法。

concrete shear key
concrete slab
concrete volume
【例句】Concrete pump can be applied in large concrete project,underwater or underground construction,concreting in tunnel,etc..混凝土泵适用于大型混凝土工程,水下、地下工程施工隧道内混凝土浇筑等。
【常用搭配】 normal condition 正常工况;tempora-ry condition 短暂工况;heavy precipitation condi-tion 暴雨工况;earthquake condition 地震工况
【释义】n.导电性,[物][生理] 传导性
【例句】 The air-entrained rubber concrete block is subject to being investigated,its strength,conductivity factor and thermal storage coeffi-cient are measured in the laboratory,thermal performance and evaluation index of the block are analyzed.以引气橡胶混凝土 砌块为研究对象,在实验室实测了材料的强度、传导系数和蓄热系数,分析了热力性能和评价指标。
【常用搭配】thermal conductivity 导热系数,热导率;electrical conductivity 导电性,导电率;heat conductivity 导热系数
【例句】 Dam construction with conventional con-crete readily facilitates in stallation of conduits,penstocks,galleries,etc.,within the struc-ture.采用常规混凝土筑坝便于结构中管道,压力钢管,廊道等的实施。|The conduit is filled with concrete,which provides compressive strength,and steel rods along the bottom of the tube provide tensile strength.管道内部填充的混凝土提供抗压强度,沿矩形框架底部铺设的钢棒提供抗拉强度。
【常用搭配】conduit system 导管系统,暗线装置系统;gas conduit 气体导管,煤气管道;conduit pipe 导管,地下线管;electrical conduit 电缆,引出线管;pressure conduit 压力管道,加压导管;underground conduit 地下管路
【释义】n.圆锥体,圆锥形,[植] 球果;vt.使成锥形
【例句】End-sealing of plastic hose should be fabricated into cone shape by thermopress mould.塑料管封头宜采用热压模具加工成圆锥形。
cone dispersion valve
【例句】The cone dispersion valve is probably the most frequently used type of regulating valve installed at the end of outlets discharging into the atmosphere.锥盖式放散阀可能是安在泄水管道末端的一种最常见的控制阀门。
cone penetrometer
【例句】The cone penetrometer consists of a tip and sleeve assembly that are pushed into the ground at a controlled rate.圆锥贯入仪由一个尖端与套筒组成,可以以一定控制速率压入土中。
【例句】 It is imperative that this connection is secure to protect the integrity and confidentiality of messages being exchanged between these components.这种连接的安全性是强制性的,以保证在这些组件之间交换的消息的完整性和机密性。
【例句】The priority of initial water right configuration of the Yellow River Basin is preliminarily studied.初步研究了黄河流域初始水权配置优先位序。
【常用搭配】type and configuration of the dam 大坝的类型和结构
【例句】Forms shall be used,wherever necessary,to confine the concrete and shape it to the monitoring,slope stability analsis will be carried required lines.为了得到所需的结构物形状,必要时需设置模板以对混凝土进行约束定形。
【例句】The relationship between the sequences of Permian and triassic is previously considered as conformable contact.本区二叠系与三叠系的接触关系,以往一直认为是整合接触。
【常用搭配】conformable contact 整合接触;con formable bedding 整合层面;conformable strata 整合岩层;conformable fold 整合褶皱
【例句】Even though it is tethered,and sits on a conical steel buoy,the motion of the sea causes the tower to sway slowly from side to side.尽管风轮机有绳索固定,且安放于钢制圆锥形浮标之上,海洋运动也会导致风轮机的塔身慢慢地左摇右摆。
【常用搭配】conical surface 锥形面
【例句】In conjunction with the excavation and monitoring,slope stability analysis will be carried out.结合开挖和监测可实现边坡稳定性分析。
【常用搭配】cable connector电缆连接器;electric connector 插座,电连接器
conpressive strength
【例句】If shotcrete is used,its 28 days compressive strength shall be controlled at 5 MPa or so,and the flyash of Class Ⅲ or above may be mixed in the shotcrete.当采用喷混凝土时,其28天抗压强度应控制在5MPa左右,喷混凝土中可掺不低于Ⅲ级的粉煤灰。
consist of
【释义】 由…组成,包括
【例句】 The reinforcement consists of 3 to 4 rows of pre-stressed 200t or 300t cable anchors.加固措施包括3~4排200t级或300t级的预应力锚索。
【例句】 The Atterberg limits are the water contents at which soil consistency changes from one state to another.阿特伯格极限是指土壤从某个结持度转变为另一个结持度的含水量。|RCC should have a proper consistency to permit adequate distribution of the paste binder throughout the mass during the mixing and vibration process.碾压混凝土应具有合适的稠度,以使胶浆能在拌合和碾压过程中均匀分布到拌合物中。
【常用搭配】soil consistency 土壤结持度
consistency meter
【例句】 Each mixer shall be equipped with a consistency meter that will provide a reliable continuous indication of concrete consistency.每台拌和机都应装有稠度计以连续指示混凝土级配情况。
【例句】 Consolidation of concrete shall be by elec-tric or Pneumatic drive immersion type viberators of sufficient power and capacity to consolidate the concrete effectively and quickly.应配备足够马力和功能的电动或气动插入式振捣器来快速有效地振捣混凝土。
【例句】Increasing the bearing capacity of the unreinforced lining an beachieved by improving contact with surrounding rock mass using high pressure consolidation grouting.提高未加筋混凝土的承载力可以通过高压固结灌浆来加强衬砌与围岩的接触。
【常用搭配】 high pressure consolidation grouting 高压水泥固结灌浆;consolidation of rock masses ahead of work faces 隧洞掌子面岩体的固结
constant efficiency
constant load
【例句】It should be noted that the packing is under constant load.应该注意到填料处于恒定负载状态。
【常用搭配】geological constraint 地质约束
【例句】 Participation in constructibility reviews is necessary to ensure that design assumptions and methods of construction are compatible.参与可构成性评价是必要的,从而确定设计假设和施工方法是兼容的。
【例句】They bulldozed trees and rubbles from the area and started construction.他们用推土机 清除掉该地区的树木和瓦砾然后开始施工。|The phases of the process are reconnaissance,feasibility,preconstruction engineering and design(PED) and construction.(项目)过程的主要阶段有勘察、可研、施工准备和技施阶段。|The work consists of clearing and grubbing of the construction and borrow areas.本工作包括施工场地和料场的清基。|For facilitating the construction process,adits at the headrace tunnel part of the power waterway are needed.为便于施工,引水隧洞进口处的施工支洞是需要的。
【常用搭配】 in construction 建设中;construction project 建筑计划,建设项目,基建计划;construction phase 技施阶段;construction site 施工场地;construction time 施工时间
construction equipment
【例句】The contractor shall set up the construc-tion equipment.承包商应安装施工设备。
construction facility
【例句】The contractor shall furnish,establish and maintain the camps,office and construction facilities at the site.承包商应提供安装及维护营地、办公室及在现场的施工设施。
construction joint【图】
【释义】 施工缝
【例句】By using different joint interfacial treat ment method,the bond splitting tensile strength of cubic specimens with construction joint is tested.通过使用不同的施工缝接缝面处理方法,对带有施工缝的混凝土立方体试块的黏结劈裂抗拉强度进行了试验研究。|The con-struction joints of plinth may be placed according to construction conditions.趾板施工缝的设置可根据施工条件确定。
【中文定义】施工缝:在混凝土浇筑过程中,因设计要求或施工需要分段浇筑而在先后浇筑的混凝土之间所形成的接缝。施工缝并不是一种真实存在的 “缝”,它只是因后浇筑混凝土超过初凝时间,而与先浇筑的混凝土之间存在一个结合面,该结合面就称之为施工缝。

construction joint
construction period
【例句】This layout will reduce the dam volume by 700 000m3 and shorten the construction peri-od by about six months.此方案可减少坝体体积70万立方米并缩短6个月工期。
【同义词】construction time
construction procedure
【例句】 Construction procedures include batching and mixing,and transportation,placement,vi-bration,cooling,curing,and preparation of horizontal construction joints between lifts.施工工艺包括投配混合、运输、浇筑、震动、冷却、养护以及浇筑层间水平施工缝的准备工作。
construction progress
【例句】The roadbed construction methods di-rectly related to the construction progress and quality of the project.挖方路基的施工方法选择直接关系到施工进度和工程质量。
【常用搭配】construction in progress在建工程,未完工程,未落成工程;construction on pro-gress 在建工程;construction figure progress 施工形象进度
construction record
construction schedule
construction workmanship
contact face
contact grouting【图】
【例句】Contact grouting is a type of grouting in which grouting injected into gap between con-crete and foundation rock mass or between con-crete and steel plate to strengthen the bondage ability of contact face.接触灌浆是指用浆液灌入混凝土与基岩或混凝土与钢板之间的缝隙,以增强接触面结合能力。
【中文定义】接触灌浆:在岩石上或钢板结构物四周浇筑混凝土时,当混凝土干缩后,在混凝土与岩石或钢板之间会形成缝隙,对这些 缝隙进行灌浆称为接触灌浆。

contact grouting
【常用搭配】water content 含水量
【常用搭配】whole continuity model 整体连续性模型
continuity equation
【常用搭配】contortion folding 扭曲褶皱作用;contortion fissure 扭曲裂缝;intraformational contortion 层内扭曲,层间扭曲;tectonic con-tortion 构造扭曲作用
【例句】 Maps,charts,or graphs portraying re-gional ground-water contours are desirable.描述地区地下水等高线的地图、图表或图形都是非常需要的。|These discontinuities are aligned oblique to slope contours.这些结构面的走向与边坡等高线 (坡面)斜交。
【常用搭配】 contour line 轮廓线,等高线;con-tour map 等高线图,等值线图;depth contour等深线,等海深线,等水深线

contour interval
【例句】 The test results show that,on a tidal mud flat topographic map of 1∶50000 with con-tour interval of one meter,the elevation error is 0.38 meter.试验结果表明,在等高线间距1m,比例尺 1∶50000的淤泥质海滩地形图上,高程误差为0.38m。
contract agreement
【例句】Cold weather causes a contraction of two in-ches in the bridge.寒冷的天气会导致2英寸的桥体收缩。
【常用搭配】contraction ratio 收缩比,收缩系 数;thermal contraction 热收缩
contraction joint
【例句】 The contraction joint width of concrete pavement influences the quality of pavement and driving.水泥混凝土路面上的伸缩缝的宽度过大或过小都将影响路面和行车的质量。|Due to the need of cooling pipes,the layout of contraction joints may have to be revised.因冷却水管的需要,伸缩缝的布置方案必须修改。|Transverse con-traction joints will be placed in the RCC.在碾压混凝土 (坝体)中设置横向伸缩缝。|Contraction joint will be provided in the dam at intervals deter-mined by the thermal analysis and the location of structures.大坝中伸缩缝的间距将通过热分析与其所处结构中的位置确定。
contraction joint grouting
【释义】 伸缩缝灌浆
【例句】The plugs shall be contact grouted in ac-cordance with the requirements for contraction joint grouting in the arch dam.堵头(接缝)应按照拱坝伸缩缝灌浆要求进行接触灌浆。
【例句】Contractor shall provide the work com-pletion data and report in time and apply for ac-ceptance after completion of grouting work.灌浆工程完工后,承包商应及时提供工程的竣工资料和报告,并申请验收。
【释义】 控制缝

control joint
【例句】The vertical joint spacing including con-struction,contraction,and control joints shall be shown on the drawings or as otherwise direct-ed or approved.所有的竖直缝,包括施工缝、收缩缝及控制缝的间距都应在有关图纸上显示或按其他批示设置。
control room
【释义】 控制室,仪表室,配电室
【例句】The gate shall be operable from the main control room.闸门可通过总控制室控制。|A control room is also included in the power-house to isolate the control systems from genera-tor noise and to provide a clean and comfortable environment for operators.发电站厂房里的控制室将控制系统与发电机噪音隔离开,以便给操作人员提供一个安静舒适的环境。
controlling earthquake
【例句】Select the design response spectra for the controlling earthquakes.为控制地震选择设计反应谱。
convertion [kən'vɜ:ʃn]
【例句】In this paper the efficiency upper limit of effective energy convertion in these energy con-vertion processes will be discussed.本文将探讨这些能量转换过程中有效能量转换的效率上限。
【例句】Conventional powerhouses differ depen-ding on how they are oriented or connected with the dam.常规厂房的不同之处取决于它们的朝向和与大坝的连接方式。
【常用搭配】conventional installation 常规设备安装
conventional concrete
【例句】 Conventional concrete and roller compac-ted concrete are both addressed.包含了常规混凝土和碾压混凝土。
conventionally placed mass concrete dam
【例句】Conventionally placed mass concrete dams are characterized by construction using materials and techniques employed in the proportioning,mixing,placing,curing,and temperature con-trol of mass concrete.常规大体积混凝土坝的特点是在施工过程中采用大体积混凝土配比、混合、浇筑、养护的材料和技术。
conveyance structure
【释义】 输水建筑物
【例句】 Safe operation of water conveyance stru-cture is the basic precondition for diversion works to play its project benefits.输水建筑物的安全运行是保证引水工程能发挥其工程效益的基本前提。
cooling pipe【图】

cooling pipe
cooling water system
【例句】The test showed that the cracking load,the strength and the deformation capacity of the corbel thus strengthened were all increased in some degree.试验证明,牛腿采用上述方法加固后,其抗裂、强度和变形能力均有不同程度的提高。
【例句】 Rotary drilling shall be used in all holes that require core recovery.需要回收岩芯的所有钻孔应使用回转式钻孔机械。
【常用搭配】rock core 岩芯

core barrel
【例句】 The bit should drill around a central cylinder of rock,so that the rock core could be taken in through the bit and into the core barrel.钻头应围绕岩石的中心圆柱体钻进,使岩芯通过钻头进入取芯桶。
core drilling
【例句】One of the most important geophysical techniques is core drilling,which is carried out with a hollow cylinder through subsurface layers to obtain samples of rocks.岩芯钻探是最重要的地球物理勘探技术之一。进行钻探时,用一根空心管穿过地表下层获取岩石样品。
【常用搭配】The joint transform correlation object recognition technology was studied by researchers.学者研究了联合变换相关目标识别技术。
【例句】The corresponding environmental protection measures shall be well designed.应做好相应的环境保护设计。
corridor system
【例句】The building is suffering from corrosion.这座建筑正受到腐蚀。
【常用搭配】corrosion resistance 抗腐蚀性
【释义】 adj.波形的,波状的
【例句】 The anchors shall be meticulously protected against corrosion by encasing the assembled tendon,ultimately to be grouted,in a corrugated plastic(PEH)tube.将装配好的钢丝束放入波形塑料(PEH)管中,最后再灌浆,以此来防止钢丝束生锈。
【例句】Rubies,valued as precious gems,are the mineral corundum in its red form.作为一种珍贵的宝石,红宝石是一种红色的矿物刚玉。
【例句】The sliding analysis should be modified for these load cases to reflect the following secondary effects due to coupling of the sliding and rational behavior.滑坡分析需要针对这些荷载情况进行修改,来反映由滑坡和正常情况耦合而产生的次生效应。
【例句】The pavement shall consist of base course and surface course.路面包括基础层和表面层。
【常用搭配】surface course 表面层;base course基础层
cover plate
【例句】Material quality,dimensions,fabrication and installation of grout stop,grout discharging box and its cover plate,air vent groove and its cover plate shall all comply with design requirements.止浆片、出浆盒及其盖板、排气槽及其盖板的材质、规格、加工、安装均应符合设计要求。
【例句】 An experimental approach on the charac ters of acoustic emission (AE) of marble sam-ples with pre-existing cracks under compression is carried out.采用含预制裂隙的大理岩块试件,对压剪应力场中试件破坏过程声发射特征进行研究。|The cracks have caused concerns with various design staff.这些裂缝引起设计人员的一些担忧。
【常用搭配】fatigue crack 疲劳裂纹;crack propa-gation 裂纹扩展;crack tip 裂纹尖端,裂纹端;crack growth裂纹扩展,龟裂增长;crack resist-ance 抗裂性,抗裂度,裂纹阻力;crack initiation裂纹萌生,裂纹开裂;crack width裂缝宽度;crack control 裂绞控制;crack length 裂纹长度,裂缝长度,裂隙长度;crack formation 龟裂形成;transverse crack 横裂,横向裂缝;crack detection 裂纹检验;shrinkage crack 收缩裂缝

crack control
crack control measure
crack initiation
crack resistance
【例句】 The face slab concrete shall have favora-ble durability,impermeability,crack resistance and workability.面板混凝土应具有较高的耐久性、抗渗性、抗裂性和和易性。
【例句】Block-out concrete will consist of all concrete placed in blockouts,gate guides,gate anchorage,trunnions,hoists,and crane rails.预埋件混凝土指闸门导轨、闸门锚座、弧门支座枢轴、启闭机及起重机轨道中的混凝土。
【常用搭配】bridge crane 桥式起重机,桥式吊 车;container crane 集装箱起重机;traveling crane行车,自走式起重机;portal crane 门式起重机;mobile crane 移动吊车,移动式起重机;crawler crane 履带起重机,履带吊车;overhead crane 桥式吊车,高架起重机;truck crane 卡车起重机;quayside container crane 岸边集装箱起重机,码头区集装箱起重机;crane girder 吊车梁,起重机大梁;crane beam 吊车梁,起重机梁,行车梁;grab crane 抓斗起重机,抓斗吊车;hoist crane 起重机,起重葫芦;crane rail 吊车轨,起重机轨;cantilever crane 悬臂吊车
crane beam【图】
【例句】Spacing of columns for support of the crane beam is not more than 7.0m.支撑吊车梁的柱间距不超过 7.0m。

crane beam
【常用搭配】crane-rail platform 缆机平台
【例句】At last,the primary factor values were suggested for different types of creep function.最后给出了各类徐变模型相应的计算参数建议值。|The linear elastic deformation modulus used is 18GPa (24GPa reduced by 25%to account for creep effects) for the dam body concrete.坝体混凝土的线弹性模量是18GPa(考虑徐变影响的情况下从24GPa缩减了25%的值)。
【常用搭配】 creep deformation 蠕变;creep test 蠕变试验,耐蠕变试验;creep resistance 抗蠕变性,蠕变强度,抗蠕阻力,蠕变阻力;creep damage 蠕变损伤;creep rupture 蠕变断裂;creep properties 蠕变特性;high temperature creep 高温蠕变;creep compliance 蠕变柔量;creep up蠕升,渗上来;creep feed 间歇进给;creep rate 蠕变速率;creep strength 潜变强度,抗蠕变强度;creep down 滑落;creep fatigue 蠕变疲劳
creep effect
creep flow theory
creep of concrete
【例句】 Creep of concrete is deformation that occurs while concrete is under sustained stress.混凝土徐变是在其受到持续性应力时产生的变形。
【例句】Crest superelevation above the static level must normally be 0.6~0.8 meter,and never lowerthan flood level proved.坝顶在静水位以上的超高,正常运用情况时为0.6~0.8m,非常运用 时不低于校核洪水位。|The crest width will be 8m and the downstream slope (projected from the upstream side of the dam crest) will be 0.8H∶1.0V.坝顶宽度为8m,坝体下游坡度为1∶1.25(顶部从坝顶上游侧计)。
【常用搭配】dam crest 坝顶;crest level 坝顶高程,堰顶高程;crest tile 屋脊瓦;flood crest洪峰;crest spillway 坝顶式溢洪道
crest elevation
【释义】 坝顶高程,堰顶高程
【例句】 The dam crest elevation is an important factor which decided the safety operation and project investment of the reservoir.坝顶高程是决定水库安全运行和工程投资的重要因素。
crest gate
crest length-height ratio
【例句】 The crest length-height ratio gives a rough indication of the economic limit of an arch dam.拱顶宽高比是一个粗略的对拱坝经济限制的指标。
crest profile
【例句】At the hydrostatic head for which the crest profile is designed,the theoretical pressures along the downstream face of an ogee spillway crest approach atmospheric pressure.当按静水头来设计实用堰纵剖面时,理论上堰下游面的水压接近大气压强。
crest slab
【例句】The concrete and brick structure often produce crevice because of temperature changing.砖混结构常因温度变化而产生裂缝。
【常用搭配】 fault crevice 断层裂隙;temperature crevice温度裂缝
【例句】The purpose of this manual is to provide technical criteria and guidance for the planning and design of concrete gravity dams for civil works projects.本手册是为土建工程项目混凝土重力坝设计提供技术准则和指导。
criterion deviation
【例句】This criterion deviation will depend on the pool level operation plan instrumentation to verify and evaluate uplift assumptions and an ad equate drain maintenance program.标准差将取决于池水水位运行的测试,以此核实、评价假设的扬压力及足够的排水设施。
【例句】 When overstressing of the foundation material becomes critical,constructing a uniform slope at the lower part of the downstream face may be required to reduce foundation pressures.当坝基材料承受的应力达到临界状态时,可能需要下游面建成一个一致的坡度,以减小基础所受应力。
critical head
【释义】 临界水头
【例句】 Comparatively,with the reducing of shrinkage ratio of slit,the shock loads of receiving pool reduce,but the critical head that just can cause deflecting heightens simultaneously.相对而言,随着窄缝收缩比的减小,水垫塘冲击荷载略有减小,但同时临界水头增加。
critical point
【例句】During design flood,a minimum freeboard of 0.5m at the critical point (end of dam crest) is considered as a design criteria.在洪水设计中,临界点(坝顶末端)的最小超高的标准是0.5m。
critical section
【例句】The extent of instrumentation at projects will vary between projects depending on particular site conditions,the size of the dam,and needs for monitoring critical sections.不同工程中,(监测)仪器的范围是变化的,这取决于坝址条件,坝的大小,以及需要监测的临界区。
critical sliding angle
【例句】 Compute the critical sliding angles for each wedge.对每个楔体计算临界滑动角。
critical stress
【例句】In the analysis of the elastic tripping of the stiffener,the critical stress under this mode of failure is derived by using the energy method and the principle of least potential energy.对于加筋板中筋的侧倾失稳,则通过能量法推导加强筋侧倾失稳时的总势能,利用最小势能原理求解出此失稳模式下的临界应力。
【例句】The cross section of the adit tunnels is selected considering the heavy traffic that will be necessary during the construction works.施工支洞横断面的选择,考虑了施工期交通拥堵情况。
【常用搭配】cross section 横截面,横断面
cross flow
【例句】The experimental results helped to study the dynamic characteristics of helical tube arrays in air cross flow.这一实验结果将有助于进一步了解螺旋管管阵在横向气流激励下的振动特性。
【常用搭配】cross-flow turbine 双击式水轮机
cross section
【释义】 横截面,横断面
【例句】The configuration of the nonoverflow section is usually determined by finding the optimum cross section that meets the stability and stress criteria for each of the loading conditions.非溢流坝段的横截面布置,取决于找到一个最 优横截面,既能满足稳定性,又能满足不同荷载条件下的应力要求。
【常用搭配】optimum cross section 最优横截面
crown cantilever【图】
crown gate
crushed sand gravel material
【例句】Crushed sand gravel materials shall be processed using sound rock with good anti-weathering capability.人工砂石料应采用抗风化力强的坚实的岩石加工。
crushed stone

crown cantilever
【例句】The contractor shall design,furnish,and install the necessary culverts and retaining walls.承包商应设计、提供和安装必要的涵管及挡土墙。|Curb walls,earth dikes,ditches,culverts or other devices,if required,shall be constructed to prevent such inflows.如果有需要,应建造侧墙、土堤排水沟涵管或其他设施防止地表水流入施工场地。

culvert valve
【释义】v.累积,堆积; adj.累积的,堆积的
【例句】Cumulated water and dirt in a grout hole shall be removed after completion of grouting,the hole shall be sealed with “full hole grouting sealing method” or “tremie injecting sealing method”.灌浆孔灌浆结束后,应排除钻孔内 的积水和污物,采用“全孔灌浆封孔法”或“导管注浆封孔法”封孔。
curb stone
curb wall
【例句】Curb walls,earth dikes,ditches,culverts or other devices,if required,shall beconstructed to prevent such inflows.如果有需要,应建侧墙、土堤、排水沟、涵管或其他设施,防止地表水流入施工场地。
【例句】 The contractor furnishes all plant,materials,equipment,and labor required to cure concrete.提供为完成混凝土养护所需要的所有加工厂、材料、设备及劳动力。
【例句】The turn-on voltage at a current density of 100A/cm2 is 2.8 volts.器件在电流密度为100A/cm2时的开启电压为2.8V。|The welding electrode shall be low hydrogen and suitable for the current characteristics,materials,and welding position.焊条应为低含氢量焊条,并符合电流特性,满足材料和焊接部位的要求。
【常用搭配】 water current 水流;electric current 电流;direct current 直流,[电]直流电
【例句】A radial curtain grouting consisting of several rows of grout holes will be performed near the upstream end of the concrete plug in the adit.由几排径向灌浆洞组成的灌浆帷幕布置在混凝土堵头上游末端。
curtain grouting【图】
【例句】This article aims to study and analyze the curtain grouting on rock foundation and puts forward an improved proposal.本文旨在研究岩基的帷幕灌浆,并提出改进建议。|Consoli-dation grouting and curtain grouting shall be carefully designed for the bedrock on where the plinth is rested.应做好趾板下基岩的固结灌浆和帷幕灌浆设计。

curtain grouting
curvature ['kɜ:rvətʃər]
curve [kɜ:rv]
【例句】 The words suffixed with a curve are bold-faced in the printing.下加曲线的词语在印刷中用黑体。
curve of sliding
【例句】The time optimal feedback control is one of variable structure controls,whose curve of sliding is its switching curve.最优反馈控制是一种以其开关曲线为滑动曲线的变结构控制。
curved gravity dam【图】
【例句】Curved gravity dams designed for arch action and other types of concrete gravity dams are not cov-ered in this manual.曲线型重力坝设计及其他类型的混凝土重力坝设计不包含在本手册中。

curved gravity dam
curved surface
curved transition
cushion zone【图】
【例句】The embankment built with hard rockfill may be zoned into,from upstream to down-stream,cushion zone,transition zone,main rockfill zone and downsteam rockfill zone,as shown in Fig.5.4.1.用硬岩堆石料填筑的坝体可按图5.4.1 分区,从上游向下游依次可分为垫层区、过渡区、主堆石区及下游堆石区。

cushion zone(一)

cushion zone(二)
cut off
【例句】Vegetaion in areas specified above which are not to be excavated shall be cut off level with the ground surface or as direct.非开挖区域的植被应沿地面切割或根据指示执行。
【例句】The methods for control of underseep-age in dam foundations are horizontal drains,cutoffs (compacted backfill trenches,slurry walls,and concrete walls),upstream impervi-ous blankets,downstream seepage berms,toe drains,and relief wells.控制坝基底部渗流的方法有设置水平排水,截水槽 (压实回填沟,泥浆墙和混凝土墙),上游不透水铺盖,下游排水棱体,坝趾排水和减 压井。|A gallery for grouting the foundation cutoff will extend the full length of the dam.贯通基础截水槽的廊道将延伸到整个坝的长度。
【常用搭配】cutoff frequency 截止频率;cutoff wall 隔水墙,截水墙,齿墙;cutoff wavelength 截止波长;cutoff point 截点,分界点
cutoff trench
【例句】 Control methods for seepage flow of earth rock dam with pervious foundation include setting up cutoff trench.土石坝透水地基的渗流控制措施包括设置截水槽。
【常用搭配】core cutoff trench 心墙截水槽
cutoff wall【图】
【释义】[建] 隔水墙,截水墙,[水利] 齿墙,防渗墙
【例句】 Soil concrete has been successfully used on the cutoff wall construction of Yuecheng Res-ervoir as a reinforce&remove danger engineer-ing.塑性混凝土防渗墙已成功应用于岳城水库除险加固工程。

cutoff wall
【例句】The contractor shall dispose excavated material from cuts for various tunnel and shaft portals,as well as preparation of quarries,spoil areas and permanent roads.承包商应负责各种隧洞,竖井井口明挖部分的弃渣处理,并进行采料场、弃渣场和永久公路所需的准备。
【常用搭配】rock cuts 岩石开挖面
【例句】Tensioning of post-tensioning assemblies shall not be commenced until tests on concrete cylinders,manufacturered of the same concrete and cured under the same conditions,indicate that the concrete has attained a minimum com-prehensive strength of 281kgf/sq.cm.只有在相同条件下制备、养护的混凝土进行圆柱体抗压试验,表明其抗压强度最小值已达到281kgf/cm2,才能对进行后拉张。
【常用搭配】 passage error in measuring cylinder pressure.气缸压力的测压通道误差
【常用搭配】Mathematical modeling and analysis of cylindrical feature based on mathematic defini-tion is widely studied.广泛研究了基于数学定义的圆柱特征数学建模与分析技术。
cylindrical chamber