How Gen Z are disrupting the definition of 'prestigious' jobs
By Meredith Turits
Even before Molly Johnson-Jones graduated from Oxford University in 2015, she felt professional pressure to land a 'prestigious' job in a high-powered industry. She says she and her university friends felt there were sectors that carried cachet– particularly the rigorous fields of finance, consulting, medicine and law.
2015年从牛津大学毕业之前,莫莉·约翰逊·琼斯(Molly Johnson-Jones)就已经感受到,要在影响力大的行业内找到一个“高大上”的工作,是很有职业压力的。她说,她和自己的大学同学都认为,有些行业自带光环,尤其像金融、咨询、医药和法律这样要求严苛的领域。
“We've just grown up with this expectation,“ says Andrew Roth, 24, who graduated from US-based Vanderbilt University in 2021. Roth says he internalized pressure to pursue this path from the atmosphere of his competitive university, his contemporaries and alumni in powerful positions in these industries.
“我们就是在这种期望中长大的。”24岁的安德鲁·罗斯(Andrew Roth)说。他在2021年从美国的范德比尔特大学毕业。罗斯还说,他面临着来自竞争激烈的大学氛围、彼此较劲的同窗学友、以及在上述行业身居要职的校友等多方面的压力。他内化了追求这条职业道路的压力。
As Gen Z joins the workforce, however, experts and younger workers say what's considered a high-status job may be expanding– and even becoming less relevant overall. Some younger workers do still report making money is prestigious, especially as cost of living skyrockets. But many are also emphasising other elements, such as corporate values, flexibility, autonomy and freedom from the long-hours, high-octane grind.
Many Gen Zers re-define a prestige job as one that enhances their own life. This may include a position that enables a worker to live the lifestyle they want– whether that's being an entrepreneur, working in an industry that aligns with their values and passion or securing a job that enables them to build their personal brand on the side.
Johnson-Jones, now 30, says the changing definition of prestigious work is also trickling up to older generations, including millennials, like herself. She moved out of investment banking “for her health“.