Chapter One Guidance for English-speaking Tour-guide Certification Test 英语导游应试指南
Unit 1 全国导游人员资格考试英语导游考试概述
Unit 2 英语导游应试指南——以广东为例
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Chapter Two Practical Skills &Working Procedures for Tour Guiding 导游必备技能与工作流程
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PART Ⅰ Practical Skills & Service Regulations for a Tour Guide 导游的服务规范和必备技能
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Unit 1 What Is a Tour Guide and Its Job Description 导游及其工作职能
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Unit 2 Practical Skills & Service Regulations带团服务规范和必备技能
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Unit 3 An English-speaking Tour Guide Still Needs to Know 英语导游其他业务技能
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PART Ⅱ Working Procedures in Practice:Background & Samples英语导游工作流程与实践操作
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Unit 1 Meeting the Guests 接团
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Unit 2 On the Way to the Hotel 去酒店路上
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Unit 3 At the Hotel 在酒店
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Unit 4 Talking about the Tour Arrangements 讨论行程安排
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Unit 5 Showing around Tourist Attractions 旅游景点讲解
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Unit 6 Shopping 购物
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Unit 7 Departure 送团
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Chapter Three Chinese Culture and Society 全国导游基础文化知识
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Unit 1 A Brief Survey of China 中国概况
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Unit 2 Traditional Chinese Festivals 中国节日
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1.The Spring Festival春节
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2.The Lantern Festival元宵节
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3.The Qingming Festival清明节
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4.The Dragon Boat Festival 端午节
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5.The Mid-autumn Festival中秋节
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Unit 3 Chinese Ethnic Groups 中国的少数民族
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Unit 4 Major Religions in China 中国的主要宗教
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1.Major Religions in China 中国的主要宗教
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2.Buddhism in China 佛教
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Unit 5 Chinese Cuisine 中国烹饪
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1.Survey of Chinese Cuisine中国烹饪
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2.Chinese Table Manners 中国餐桌礼仪
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Unit 6 Chinese Painting and Calligraphy 国画与书法
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1.Chinese Traditional Painting国画
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Unit 7 Traditional Chinese Medicine 中药
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1.Traditional Chinese Medicine and Pharmacology 传统中药及其药理
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2.Acupuncture and Moxibustion 穴位与针灸
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3.Body Constituents (Qi,Moisture,Blood,Spirit,Essence)经络
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Unit 8 Chinese Gardens and Architectures中国园林与建筑
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1.Architecture in Ancient China 中国古建筑
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2.Five Types of Traditional Chinese Buildings 五种中国传统建筑
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Unit 9 Chinese Kungfu and Qigong武术和气功
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1.Kungfu 功夫
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2.Qigong 气功
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Chapter Four Tourism in Guangdong 地方导游基础知识——以广东为个案
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PART Ⅰ Scenic Spots in Guangdong广东地区景点介绍
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Unit 1 General Introduction to Guangdong Province 广东概况
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Unit 2 Natural Attractions in Guangdong 广东自然景观
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Unit 3 Historic Interests in Guangdong广东名胜古迹
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Unit 4 Samples of Guide's Interpretation of Tourist Attractions 英语导游词范例
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PART Ⅱ Tourism Culture in Guangdong广东旅游文化
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Unit 1 History,Customs and Traditions in Guangdong 广东历史与民俗文化
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Unit 2 Cantonese Cuisine粤菜
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Unit 3 Cantonese Opera粤剧
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Unit 4 Cantonese Music广东音乐
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Unit 5 Eight Festivals in Guangzhou 羊城八大节日
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Keys to Exercises
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Chapter Two
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Chapter Three
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Appendix 1 The English Versions of Major World Attractions 世界著名景点、景区的英文翻译
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Appendix 2 The English Versions of Major Chinese Attractions 中国世界遗产旅游景点的英文翻译
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Appendix 3
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Appendix 4 广东省历年现场英语导游口试景点
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Appendix 5 广东英语导游笔试真题/模拟题
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更新时间:2023-09-22 13:01:43