Exercise 15

Unit 1


1.亲自;就本人而言 adv.__________

2.观点;透视法 n.__________

3.敏锐的;有洞察力的 adj.__________

4.明晰的,明了的 adj.__________

5.出汗;排汗 v.__________

6.令人信服的,有说服力的 adj.__________

7.有关的;恰当的 adj.__________

8.弥漫,遍及 v.__________

9.弥漫的,遍布的 adj.__________

10.杀虫剂 n.__________

11.极讨厌的;瘟疫的 adj.__________

12.石油 n.__________

13.闹脾气的;任性的 adj.__________

14.制药的;卖药的 adj.__________

15.了不起的,非凡的 adj.__________

16.慈善的,博爱的 adj.__________

17.文化修养低的人 n.__________

18.哲学(家)的 adj.__________

19.冷静的,不易冲动的 adj.__________

20.恐惧症 n.__________

21.语音的;音标的 adj.__________

22.感光的;光敏的 adj.__________

23.光合作用 n.__________

24.物质的;身体的 adj.__________

25.生理的;生理学的 adj.__________

26.古色古香的 adj.__________

27.锐利的;刺骨的 adj.__________

28.虔诚 n.__________

29.朝圣者;香客 n.__________

30.松树 n.悲伤 v.__________

31.明确指出;确定 v.__________

32.虔诚的;伪善的 adj.__________

33.虔诚 n.__________

34.(有柄有嘴的)壶,罐 n.__________

35.陷阱;隐患 n.__________

36.精炼的,言简意赅的 adj.__________

37.值得同情的,可怜的 adj.__________


1.社交恐惧症 social__________

2.与…有关 be__________to…


4.不同的观点 a different__________



7.对…感兴趣__________an interest in…









16.原油 raw__________


pertinent  pinpoint  perspective  pesticide  pine

1.The cost has also made such plants less attractive from a purely__________.从纯粹的经济角度考虑,这个成本也使这种作物没那么有吸引力。

2.Those interested in learning more about how genetics applies to trees will have to resort to the excellent technical journals where most of__________is found.那些希望更多了解基因如何应用于树木的人必须要借助优秀的技术期刊,在其中可以找到绝大部分相关材料。

3.The main factors that could be contributing to the decline of the species include acid rain and the spread of__________.导致这个物种灭绝的主要因素包括酸雨和农药残留物的扩散。

4.The board still__________their lost wealth.董事会仍然对他们失去的财富念念不忘。

5.Radar can help__________of an object within its range.雷达可以帮助确定其监测范围内的物体的位置。

Unit 2


1.核心的;关键的 adj.__________

2.抚慰,平息(怒气) v.__________

3.安慰剂 n.__________

4.安静的,平和的 adj.__________

5.直言不讳的 adj.__________

6.哀伤的,悲伤的 adj.__________

7.塑料的;可塑的 adj.__________

8.陈词滥调;老生常谈 n.__________

9.陈词滥调的 adj.__________

10.看似有理的;花言巧语的 adj.__________

11.过多,过剩 n.__________

12.易弯曲的;易受影响的 adj.__________

13.柔顺的;温顺的 adj.__________

14.情节;阴谋 n.密谋 v.__________

15.探索;钻研 v.__________

16.丰满的;微胖的 adj.__________

17.使突然前冲;暴跌 v.__________

18.令人沉痛的,悲惨的 adj.__________

19.保持 v.沉着自信 n.__________

20.极地的,两极的 adj.__________

21.两极化,(使)截然对立 v.__________

22.磨光,擦亮 v.上光剂 n.__________

23.有礼貌的;客气的 adj.__________

24.政治上 adv.__________

25.花粉 n.__________

26.授粉;传粉 v.__________

27.言辞浮夸 n.__________

28.言辞浮夸的 adj.__________

29.笨重的;沉闷乏味的 adj.__________

30.流行音乐 n.突然出现 v.__________

31.人口稠密的 adj.__________

32.可渗透的;多孔的 adj.__________

33.预兆,预示 v.__________

34.描绘,描画 v.__________

35.积极的;乐观的 adj.__________

36.拥有;支配 v.__________

37.着了魔的 adj.__________


1.phlegmatic   aesthetic   charismatic   apathetic   pathetic   dramatic

2.polite   pious   rigorous   devout   stout   devoid

3.plastic   worthy   pithy   conspicuous   concise   cordial

4.plumb   plethora   phobia   overhaul   oversight   excess

5.perish   polish   vanquish   accomplish   banish   burnish

6.plaintive   definite   polite   courteous   gorgeous   notorious


Group 1

1.pivotal   a.sounding sad, especially in a weak complaining way

2.placate   b.easy to bend without breaking

3.plaintive   c.to make somebody feel less angry about something

4.plausible   d.of great importance because other things depend on it

5.pliable   e.reasonable and likely to be true

Group 2

1.plunge   a.where a large number of people live

2.polish   b.to have or own something

3.ponderous   c.to make something smooth and shiny by rubbing it

4.populous   d.too slow and careful

5.possess   e.to decrease suddenly and quickly

Unit 3


1.把(支票日期)填迟 v.__________

2.死后发生的 adj.__________

3.死后发生地 adv.__________

4.手术后的 adj.__________

5.假设;假定 v.__________

6.战后的 adj.__________

7.可饮用的;适于饮用的 adj.__________

8.强有力的,强大的 adj.__________

9.潜在的,可能的 adj.__________

10.盲目射击;乱射 n.__________

11.盆栽的,罐装的 adj.__________

12.制陶工艺;陶器 n.__________

13.猛扑;突袭 v.__________

14.务实的;实用的 adj.__________

15.不稳固的,危险的 adj.__________

16.在…之前发生,早于 v.__________

17.先例;实例 n.__________

18.使…突然降临 v.__________

19.陡峭的;骤然的 adj.__________

20.精确的,准确的 adj.__________

21.妨碍,排除;阻止 v.__________

22.先入之见;事先形成的观念 n.__________

23.先驱,先导 n.__________

24.捕食性动物;掠夺者 n.__________

25.掠夺的;捕食性的 adj.__________

26.前任;被替代的事物 n.__________

27.命中注定 v.__________

28.预先决定 v.__________

29.可预料的 adj.__________

30.使倾向于;使易于患 v.__________

31.盛行的;占优势的 adj.__________

32.以…为主;占优势 v.__________

33.出类拔萃的,杰出的 adj.__________

34.预先制止;先发制人 v.__________

35.预制的;用预制构件组装 adj.__________

36.更好地;宁可 adv.__________

37.怀孕的;充满的 adj.__________

38.史前的 adj.__________


1.正确地   in   a.function

2.农药残留   pesticide   b.treatment

3.有力的武器   potent   c.perspective

4.生理机能   physiological   d.residue

5.陶器   pottery   e.weapon

6.使倾向于   predispose   f.landscape

7.盆景   potted   g.ware

8.防腐处理   preservative   h.to


predator  prehistoric  precedent  postulate  precarious

1.The teacher__________that all of the students in his class would pass the final exam.老师假设他们班上所有的学生都能通过期末考试。

2.Although his broker had told him that the stock was__________, he insisted on buying 100 shares.尽管他的经纪人告诉他股票是不稳定的投资,他还是坚持买了100股。

3.The October Revolution was__________in recent history, which made a significant influence in Russia.十月革命在近代历史上是空前的,对俄国产生了深远的影响。

4.Some birds elevate their nests in branches perhaps to__________.一些鸟把窝建到高处的树枝上,可能是为了躲避食肉动物。

5.Archaeology has long been an accepted tool for studying__________.考古学长期以来都是研究史前文化公认的工具。

Unit 4


1.偏见 n.使产生偏见 v.__________

2.预备的;初步的 adj.__________

3.未成熟的;早产的 adj.__________

4.预谋,预先策划 v.__________

5.前提;假定 n.__________

6.(尤指不详的)预感 n.__________

7.心事重重;全神贯注 n.__________

8.先决条件;前提 n.__________

9.权利;特权 n.__________

10.先觉的,预知的 adj.__________

11.开处方;规定 v.__________

12.防腐的 adj.防腐剂 n.__________

13.保护;保存 v.__________

14.挤,压;施加压力 v.__________

15.有威望的;声誉高的 adj.__________

16.假定,假设 v.__________

17.冒昧的;放肆的 adj.__________

18.预先假定;以…为前提 vt.__________

19.假象;伪装;妄称 n.__________

20.炫耀的;自命不凡的 adj.__________

21.不寻常的;超自然的 adj.__________

22.战胜;流行,盛行 v.__________

23.流行的,盛行的 adj.__________

24.以往的,以前的 adj.__________

25.自命清高的人 n.__________

26.原始的;根本的 adj.__________

27.原始的;落后的 adj.__________

28.原始的,原生的 adj.__________

29.在前的;优先的 adj.__________

30.崭新的;未开发的 adj.__________

31.隐私;私密 n.__________

32.诚实,正直 n.__________

33.造成困难的;产生问题的 adj.__________

34.程序,手续 n.__________

35.宣言;公告 n.__________

36.倾向;癖好 n.__________

37.采购;购买 n.__________

38.戳,捅;督促 v.__________


1.predatory   contradictory   perfunctory   contentious   rapacious   dubious

2.predestine   premise   preside   foreordain   forsake   fret

3.prestige   presentation   premonition   pretence   presage   prosperity

4.prerogative   preservative   alternative   privilege   extremity   besiege

5.prestigious   suspicious   tedious   renowned   accomplished   contented

6.prohibit   prevail   preach   predominate   prelude   proclaim


Group 1

1.preliminary   a.knowing or appearing to know about things before they happen

2.premonition   b.to say what treatment a sick person should have

3.preoccupation   c.a feeling that sth.is going to happen

4.prescient   d.a state of thinking about something continuously

5.prescribe   e.happening before a more important action or event

Group 2

1.prestigious   a.to defeat an opponent, especially after a long struggle

2.prevail   b.the quality of being completely honest

3.primal   c.happening before the normal or expected time

4.probity   d.connected with the earliest origins of life

5.premature   e.respected and admired as very important