- Love 'Em or Lose 'Em
- Beverly Kaye
- 194字
- 2021-04-03 17:19:15
Manage Your Sloppy Moods
Honoring others and treating them with dignity and respect may mean managing your moods. Have you ever worked for someone with roller-coaster moods? You know, one day she’s up; the next she’s way down. While it is human to have ups and downs, it is grown-up to manage those moods so that they do not hurt others. Some call moods that have run amok sloppy moods. They are simply uncontrolled. Whatever is felt comes spilling out and slops all over employees (or family). The results can be embarrassment, hurt, anger, humiliation, and loss of dignity.
GO TO Jerk
To Do
If you are guilty of sloppy moods, take notice and take control. Get away from others while you work through your difficulties. Go to your room; take a time-out.
If you happen to slop on someone, apologize. To err is human, and most people appreciate an apology; it is a sign of respect.
If you have a serious problem managing your moods, consider seeking help from a professional or your organization’s Employee Assistance Program (EAP).
Meanness is so last millennium. Niceness is the future.