- GB 50825-2013 钢铁厂加热炉工程质量验收规范 (英文版)
- 中国冶金建设协会
- 765字
- 2021-03-31 18:16:08
7.2 Acceptance of Equipment and Materials
7.2.1 The piping material and pipe accessories shall,before being delivered to the site,be provided with the certification of material and certification.
Check method:Checking relevant documents and certificates of the materials and equipment;
Sample size:100%.
7.2.2 The quality,specification and performance of piping materials shall meet the requirements in relevant national standard(s).
Check method:Checking the design documents and on-site sampling inspection.
Sample size:In case of dispute or contract provision,10% or contract proportion for each batch,and doubling the sample size upon any nonconformity.
7.2.3 Pipe accessories such as the valve and the expansion joint shall,before installation,be inspected according to the following requirements:
1 For the on-off valve and the blind plate,used on the fuel gas pipe,for which there are requirements of sealing,the quality inspection and seal test shall be conducted before installation.The seal test shall comply with the requirements in current national standard GB/T 13927 Industrial Valves-Pressure Test.
Check method:Seal test.
Sample size:10%,and at least 1 piece.
2 Cutoff valve on the purging and bleeding pipes shall be tested with gas piping in the overall air tightness test,and shall not be tested separately.
3 Valves for air pipe and smoke exhaust duct may be tested with the piping in the overall air tightness test,and be accepted if no obvious leakage is found.
4 The expansion joint installed on the pipe shall comply with the requirements in current national standard GB/T 12777 General Specification for Metal Bellows Expansion Joints.The appearance and size of the expansion joint shall be checked before the installation,the expansion joint used on the fuel gas pipe shall be tested in the overall air tightness test.
Check method:Checking the certification and on-site sampling inspection.
Sample size:10%,and at least 1 piece,doubling the sample size upon any nonconformity.
5 Site acceptance of the rubber hose shall comply with the requirements in current national standard GB/T 8727 Hydraulic Fluid Power-Hose Assemblies,and the certification shall be provided.
7.2.4 Site acceptance of fans shall comply with the following requirements:
1 Site acceptance of the combustion air fans and smoke exhaust fans shall ensure that the quality of these fans meet the requirements of the contract,in addition,the inspection items and the acceptance standards shall comply with the requirements in Table 7.2.4.
Table 7.2.4 Site inspection items and acceptance standards for fans

2 Performance test of the combustion air fan shall comply with the requirements in current national standard GB/T 1236 Industrial Fans-Performance Testing Using Standardized Airways,the all working condition data and the performance curve of the fan shall be obtained through the test from the minimum flow to the maximum flow.
3 The measured value of the static pressure deviation or flow deviation of the combustion air fan shall meet the positive deviation requirements stipulated in current professional standard JB/T 10563 Technical Specification for General Purposes Centrifugal Fans.
Check method:Exhaust test.
Sample size:100%.
7.2.5 Site acceptance of the recuperator shall comply with the following requirements:
1 The recuperator shall be the finished product with a complete set of documents such as the main components certification,manufacturing quality record and relevant data,and the certification.
Check method:Checking the documents.
Sample size:100%.
2 The outside welding seam on the recuperator weldment shall be even and smooth,and be clear of residual molten slag,splash and the like,and the painting shall be even.
Check method:On-site visual inspection.
Sample size:100%.
3 The overall air tightness test shall be conducted before delivery for the metallic air preheater and gas preheater which are of welding structure.Such test shall comply with the requirements in current national standard GB 50486 Code for Design of Industrial Furnaces in Iron and Steel Works.
Check method:Bulge test.
Sample size:100%.
7.2.6 Site acceptance of the flue damper shall comply with the following requirements:
1 The flue damper shall be the finished product with a complete set of documents such as the main components certification,manufacturing quality record and relevant data,and the certification.
Check method:Checking the documents.
Sample size:100%.
2 The external dimensions of the flue damper shall meet the design requirements.The valve plate and the shell shall be well matched,and the warping of the valve plate shall not be larger than 3mm.The bending of the shaft shall not be larger than 1mm/m.
Check method:Measuring with taut wire and steel ruler.
Sample size:100%.