1 工艺及公用工程 Process and Utilities
1.1 工艺流程图图例说明 Process Flow Diagram/Legent Identification
1.2 工艺装置典型工艺流程图 Typical Process Unit Flow Diagram
1.3 公用工程典型工艺流程图 Typical Utility Flow Diagram
1.4 工艺流程模拟计算 Process Flowsheet Simulation
2 环境保护 Environmental Protection
2.1 化工企业排放的主要污染物 Pollutants Discharged by Chemical Industrial Enterprise
2.2 环境质量 Environmental Quality
2.3 化工企业三废污染控制 Chemical Industrial Enterprise Wastes Pollution Control
2.4 大气污染物扩散 Air Pollutant Dispersion
2.5 固体废弃物处理 Waste Solid Treatment
2.6 污染物治理措施 Pollution Control Facility
3 消防、安全和职业卫生 Fire Fighting,Safety and Occupational Health
3.1 消防系统流程图 Flow Diagram of Fire Fighting System
3.2 消防设备 Fire Fighting Equipment
3.3 安全设备 Safety Equipment
4 成套设备 Package Equipment
4.1 空分设备 Air Separation Unit
4.2 制冷机 Refrigerator
4.3 低温冷箱 Cryogenic Cold Box
4.4 冷却塔 Cooling Towers
4.5 过滤器 Filter
4.6 双室浮动阳(阴)离子交换器 Double Chamber Floating Cation(Anion)Exchanger
4.7 逆流再生阳(阴)离子交换器 Countercurrent Regeneration Cation(Anion)Exchanger
4.8 顺流再生阳(阴)离子交换器 Concurrent Regeneration Cation(Anion) Exchanger
4.9 混合离子交换器 Mixed Ion Exchanger
4.10 反渗透膜元件 Reverse Osmosis Membrane
4.11 脱气塔 Degassing Tower
4.12 微孔曝气器 Fine Bubble Diffusion Aerator
4.13 转刷曝气机 Brush Aerator
4.14 表面曝气机 Surface Aerator
4.15 火炬 Flare Stacks
4.16 输送机和提升机 Conveyor and Elevator
4.17 破碎和筛分设备 Crushing and Screening Equipment
4.18 料仓、料斗与阀门 Storage Bin,Hopper and Valve
4.19 给料、称重、包装及码垛设备 Feeding,Weighing,Bagging and Palletizing Machine
4.20 仓储设备 Storage Equipment
4.21 LNG成套设备 LNG Package Equipment
4.22 造粒机 Granulator
5 蒸汽动力系统 Steam and Power System
5.1 锅炉 Boiler
5.2 汽轮机 Steam Turbine
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5.3 燃气轮机 Gas Turbine
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6 设备 Equipment
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6.1 设备设计常用术语 Terms and Definitions
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6.2 塔 Column
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6.3 反应设备 Reactor
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6.4 造粒设备 Prilling Equipment
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6.5 换热设备 Heat Exchanger
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6.6 储罐 Storage Tanks
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6.7 衬里设备 Lining Equipment
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6.8 非金属设备 Non-metal Equipment
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6.9 混合设备 Mixing Equipment
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6.10 萃取器 Extractors
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6.11 旋风分离器、澄清器、过滤器和离心机 Cyclone,Decanter,Filter and Centrifuger
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6.12 干燥器 Dryers
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6.13 其他静设备及部件 Other Equipments and Components
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6.14 耐火衬里结构 Refractory Lining Constructions
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6.15 炉用零部件 Furnace Components
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6.16 炉型及结构 Types and Structure of Furnace
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7 转动机器 Rotary Machine
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7.1 泵 Pump
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7.2 压缩机、鼓风机和风机 Compressors,Blowers and Fans
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7.3 搅拌器 Mixer
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7.4 驱动机 Driver
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7.5 转动设备辅机 Rotating Equipment Auxiliaries
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8 管道工程 Piping Engineering
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8.1 设备及管道布置 Equipment and Piping Layout
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8.2 管道材料 Piping Material
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8.3 管道机械 Piping Mechanics
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8.4 地下管道 Underground Piping
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8.5 绝热 Insulation
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8.6 工程图常用缩写词(按字母顺序排列) Abbreviations for Use on Drawing (in Alphabetical Order)
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8.7 防腐 Anticorrosion
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8.8 管道应力分析 Piping Stress Analysis
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8.9 三维模型 3D Model
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9 工业自动化仪表 Process Measurement and ControlInstrument
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9.1 温度计 Thermometer
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9.2 压力测量仪表 Pressure Instruments
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9.3 流量仪表 Flow Meter
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9.4 液位测量仪表 Level Meter
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9.5 过程分析仪表 Process Analyzer
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9.6 控制阀 Control Valve
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9.7 盘装仪表 Panel Mounting Instrument
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9.8 特殊仪表 Special Instrument
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9.9 火灾自动报警系统 Automatic Fire Alarm System
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9.10 工业电视监视系统 Industry Television Surveillance System
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9.11 数字控制系统 Digital Control System
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9.12 仪表盘,柜和操作台 Instrument Panels, Cabinets and Consoles
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10 电气工程 Electrical Engineering
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10.1 旋转电机 Electrical Rotating Machine
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10.2 变压器 Transformer
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10.3 整流器和电池 Rectifier and Battery
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10.4 高中压开关装置 High and Middle Voltage Switchgear
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10.5 低压开关装置 Low Voltage Switchgear
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10.6 控制及保护器件 Control and Protection Devices
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10.7 电气防爆设备 Explosion Protected Apparatus
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10.8 供电系统 Power Supply System
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10.9 电线、电缆及附件 Wires, Cables and Accessories
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10.10 灯泡 Lamps
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10.11 电伴热系统 Electrical Heat Tracing System
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10.12 阴极保护 Cathodic Protection
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10.13 接地防雷系统 Grounding and Lightning System
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10.14 监测控制和数据采集 Supervise Control and Data Acquiring(SCADA)
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10.15 通信系统 Telecommunication System
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11 实验室 Laboratory
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11.1 实验室常用仪器 General Apparatus and Instruments
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11.2 化学试剂和药品 Chemicals and Reagents
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11.3 实验室常用词汇 Laboratory Vocabulary
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11.4 主要分析仪器示例图 Legend for Main Laboratory Equipment
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12 土建工程 Civil Engineering
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12.1 建筑 Architectural
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12.2 结构 Construction
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12.3 暖通 Heating Ventilation and Air Conditioning
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12.4 总图运输 General Plot Plan and Transportation
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13 焊接 Welding
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13.1 焊接符号 Welding Symbols
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13.2 金属焊接 Welding of Metals
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13.3 保护式电弧焊原理 Principles of Shielded Arc Welding
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13.4 焊接位置、接头形式及焊接形式 Welding Positions,Types of Joints and Welding
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13.5 坡口 Grooves
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13.6 坡口详图 Detail of Grooves
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13.7 填角焊、角焊 Fillet Welding
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13.8 焊接缺陷 Defects of Welding
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13.9 焊接方法及设备 Type of Welding and Welding Machine
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13.10 塑料焊接 Welding of Plastics
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13.11 焊接术语 Welding Term
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13.12 熔焊术语 Fusion Welding Term
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13.13 钎焊术语 Soldering Term
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13.14 焊接材料术语 Welding Material Term
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14 无损检验 Non-destructive Testing
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14.1 无损检验方法 Non-destructive Testing Method
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14.2 无损检验设备 Non-destructive Testing Apparatus
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14.3 磁化法 Methods of Magnetization
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14.4 超声波检测术语 Ultrasonic Testing Term
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14.5 射线检测术语 Radiation Testing Term
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14.6 渗透检测术语 Penetrant Testing Term
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14.7 磁粉表面检测术语 Magnetization Surface Testing Term
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14.8 涡流检测术语 Eddy Current Testing Term
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15 施工设备和工具 Construction Equipment and Tool
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15.1 起重机械 Hoisting Machinery
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15.2 工具 Tools
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15.3 混凝土搅拌设备 Concrete Mixer Equipment
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15.4 土方设备 Earthwork Equipment
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15.5 地基处理机械 Foundation Treatment Machinery
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15.6 高处作业平台和工程车辆 Height Platform and Construction Vehicle
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15.7 滑模施工 Slipform Construction
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15.8 大模板爬模施工 Large Formwork Climbing Construction
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15.9 钢筋加工机械 Process Machinery for Steel Bar
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15.10 脚手架 Scaffolding
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15.11 测绘 Surveying
更新时间:2020-05-07 14:42:00