1.7 二维拉普拉斯变换

传统的一维拉普拉斯变换是为简化计算而建立的一维实变量函数和一维复变量函数间的一种函数变换Yonemoto A,Hiskado T and Okumura K.Accuracy improvement of the FFT-based numerical inversion of Laplace transforms.IEEE Proc.Circuits Devices Syst,2003,150(5):399-404.Bréhonnet P,Tanguy N,VilbéP,Calvez L C.An Alternative Method for Numerical Inversion of Laplace Transforms.IEEE Transactions On Circuits and Systems-II:Express Briefs,2006,53(6):434-431.Chung H Y,Sun Y Y.Taylor series approach to functional approximation for inversion of Laplace transforms.Electron.Lett.,1986,22:1219-1221.Cooley J W,Lewis P,Welch P D.The fast Fourier transform algorithm:programming considerations in the calculation of sine,cosine and Laplace transforms.Journal of Sound and Vibration,1970,12(3):315-331.De Hoog F R.An improved method for numerical inversion of Laplace transforms.Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics,1982,3(3):357-366.Durbin F.Numerical inversion of Laplace transforms:an efficient improvement to Dubner and Abate’s method.Computer Journal,1974.Vol.17:371-376.。在一维拉普拉斯变换中,实变量函数和复变量函数的变量只有一个,如xt)和Xs),见定义1.9Yonemoto A,Hiskado T and Okumura K.Accuracy improvement of the FFT-based numerical inversion of Laplace transforms.IEEE Proc.Circuits Devices Syst,2003,150(5):399-404.Bréhonnet P,Tanguy N,VilbéP,Calvez L C.An Alternative Method for Numerical Inversion of Laplace Transforms.IEEE Transactions On Circuits and Systems-II:Express Briefs,2006,53(6):434-431.Chung H Y,Sun Y Y.Taylor series approach to functional approximation for inversion of Laplace transforms.Electron.Lett.,1986,22:1219-1221.Cooley J W,Lewis P,Welch P D.The fast Fourier transform algorithm:programming considerations in the calculation of sine,cosine and Laplace transforms.Journal of Sound and Vibration,1970,12(3):315-331.De Hoog F R.An improved method for numerical inversion of Laplace transforms.Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics,1982,3(3):357-366.Durbin F.Numerical inversion of Laplace transforms:an efficient improvement to Dubner and Abate’s method.Computer Journal,1974.Vol.17:371-376.

定义1.9 一个一维实变量函数x(t)的一维拉普拉斯变换定义为


定义1.10 一个一维复变量函数Xs)的一维拉普拉斯反变换定义为



一维拉普拉斯变换的这种运算步骤对于求解线性微分方程尤为有效,它可以把微分方程化为容易求解的代数方程来处理,从而使计算简化。在经典控制理论中,对控制系统的分析和综合,都是建立在一维拉普拉斯变换的基础上的。引入一维拉普拉斯变换的一个主要优点就是可采用传递函数代替微分方程来描述系统的特性Yonemoto A,Hiskado T and Okumura K.Accuracy improvement of the FFT-based numerical inversion of Laplace transforms.IEEE Proc.Circuits Devices Syst,2003,150(5):399-404.Bréhonnet P,Tanguy N,VilbéP,Calvez L C.An Alternative Method for Numerical Inversion of Laplace Transforms.IEEE Transactions On Circuits and Systems-II:Express Briefs,2006,53(6):434-431.Chung H Y,Sun Y Y.Taylor series approach to functional approximation for inversion of Laplace transforms.Electron.Lett.,1986,22:1219-1221.Cooley J W,Lewis P,Welch P D.The fast Fourier transform algorithm:programming considerations in the calculation of sine,cosine and Laplace transforms.Journal of Sound and Vibration,1970,12(3):315-331.De Hoog F R.An improved method for numerical inversion of Laplace transforms.Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics,1982,3(3):357-366.Durbin F.Numerical inversion of Laplace transforms:an efficient improvement to Dubner and Abate’s method.Computer Journal,1974.Vol.17:371-376.。这就为采用直观和简便的图解方法来确定控制系统的整个特性(信号流程图、动态结构图)、分析控制系统的运动过程(奈奎斯特稳定判据、根轨迹法),以及综合控制系统的校正装置(控制系统校正方法)提供了可能性。

如果实变量函数为二维,即实变量函数的变量有两个,如xt1t2),则定义1.9的一维拉普拉斯变换需要推广Zhang C,Hu S H,Xiao Y,Wang X F.The Application of 2-D Numerical Inversion of Laplace Transform,Proc.of 9th International Conference on Signal Processing,2001.ICSP 2001,pp.60-63.C.Y.Hwang,M.J.Lu.Numerical inversion of 2-D Laplace transforms by fast Hartley transform computations.Journal of the Franklin Institute,336,pp.955-972,1999.Brancik L.Improved method of numerical inversion of two-dimensional Laplace transforms for dynamical systems simulation.9th International Conference on Electronics,Circuits and Systems,2002.Volume 1,2002,pp.385-381.Brancik L.Convergence problems and optimal parameter estimation in FFT-based method of numerical inversion of two-dimensional Laplace transforms.The 2004 47th Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems,2004,Volume 1,pp.113-116.Brancik L.Numerical Inversion of Two-Dimensional Laplace Transforms Based on Partial Inversions,International Conference on Radio elektronika,2001.1-4.,有二维拉普拉斯变换的定义如下Zhang C,Hu S H,Xiao Y,Wang X F.The Application of 2-D Numerical Inversion of Laplace Transform,Proc.of 9th International Conference on Signal Processing,2001.ICSP 2001,pp.60-63.C.Y.Hwang,M.J.Lu.Numerical inversion of 2-D Laplace transforms by fast Hartley transform computations.Journal of the Franklin Institute,336,pp.955-972,1999.Brancik L.Improved method of numerical inversion of two-dimensional Laplace transforms for dynamical systems simulation.9th International Conference on Electronics,Circuits and Systems,2002.Volume 1,2002,pp.385-381.Brancik L.Convergence problems and optimal parameter estimation in FFT-based method of numerical inversion of two-dimensional Laplace transforms.The 2004 47th Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems,2004,Volume 1,pp.113-116.Brancik L.Numerical Inversion of Two-Dimensional Laplace Transforms Based on Partial Inversions,International Conference on Radio elektronika,2001.1-4.

定义1.11 一个二维序列xt1t2)的二维拉普拉斯变换定义为


定义1.12 一个二维复序列Xs1s2)的二维拉普拉斯反变换定义为


掌握线性二维连续系统的系统特性需要对系统函数进行分析Lu W S and Lee E B.Stability Analysis for Two-Dimensional Systems.IEEE Trans.Circuits and Systems,vol.CAS-30,pp.455-461,July,1983.。在描述线性二维连续系统的瞬间动态行为上,二维拉普拉斯变换起到了重要的作用。运用二维拉普拉斯变换方法,可以把线性时不变二维系统的时域模型简便地变换到二维复频域(s1s2),经求解再还原为时间函数。







L[c1x1t1t2)+c2x2t1t2)]=c1X1s1s2)+c2X2s1s2) (1.87)







