- 美国高考核心3000词(附练习册)
- 熊正煜 姚莹 徐静
- 3909字
- 2020-06-25 09:53:48
Word List 6

purse /pɜːrs/
【释】n. 手提包,钱包 (a small case in which women carry coins, paper money, credit cards, etc.)
【释】v. 撅起,皱起 (gather or contract (the lips or brow) into wrinkles or folds)
【例】Martha pursed her lips disapprovingly.
authentic /ɔːˈθentɪk/
【释】adj. 真实的 (genuine)
【例】I don’t know if the painting is authentic.
【释】adj. 可信的 (reliable)
robust /roʊˈbʌst/
【释】adj. 强壮的;坚定的 (strong and healthy)
【例】a robust economy
【近】strong, vigorous, sturdy
【反】frail, weak, fragile, vulnerable
unprecedented /ʌnˈpresɪdentɪd/
【释】adj. 空前的,史无前例的 (unlike anything in the past; unexampled)
【例】This century has witnessed environmental destruction on an unprecedented scale.
【近】novel, revolutionary
saint /seɪnt/
【释】n. 圣徒 (a person acknowledged as holy)
furious /ˈfjʊriəs/
【释】adj. 狂怒的 (very angry)
【例】She’s furious at how slowly the investigation is proceeding.
plague /pleɪɡ/
【释】n. 瘟疫 (a widespread affliction)
【近】disease, sickness
【释】v. 折磨;使苦恼 (cause continual trouble or distress to)
【例】He has been plagued by ill health.
entail /ɪnˈteɪl/
【释】v. 使需要,必需 (have (something) as a part)
【例】A lavish wedding entails extensive planning and often staggering expense.
【近】involve, require, need
portable /ˈpɔːrtəbl/
【释】adj. 便于携带的 (easily carried or moved)
【近】transportable, movable, mobile
embody /ɪmˈbɑːdi/
【释】v. 体现,使具体化 (represent (something) in a clear and obvious way)
【例】The legislature embodied a revenue provision in the new law.
【近】manifest, symbolize, represent, express
abolish /əˈbɑːlɪʃ/
【释】v. 废除 (formally put an end to (a system, practice, or institution))
【例】The governor never fulfilled his promise to abolish the state income tax.
skull /skʌl/
【释】n. 颅骨
discard /dɪsˈkɑːrd/
【释】v. 抛弃,放弃 (get rid of; throw away)
【例】Remove and discard the stems.
fragile /ˈfrædʒl/
【释】adj. 易碎的 (easily broken or damaged)
【近】delicate, vulnerable, flimsy, frail
gorgeous /ˈɡɔːrdʒəs/
【释】adj. 美丽动人的 (very attractive)
【例】Some of the Renaissance buildings are gorgeous.
【近】spectacular, splendid
invoke /ɪnˈvoʊk/
【释】v. 引用,援引 (cite or appeal to)
【例】The government has invoked the Official Secrets Act in having the book banned.
【近】cite, refer to
【释】v. 祈求 (beg for help by praying)
【例】Their sacred dance is performed to invoke ancient gods.
【近】resort to, appeal to
compatible /kəmˈpætəbl/
【释】adj. 兼容的 (existing together in harmony)
【例】two people with compatible personalities
【释】adj. 相符的
【例】Free enterprise, he argued, was compatible with Russian values and traditions.
align /əˈlaɪn/
【释】v. 使结盟 (join a group of people with similar aims)
【例】She is aligning with other senators to oppose his nomination.
【释】v. 排成一行 (arrange in a straight line)
【例】Make sure the shelf is aligned with the top of the cupboard.
【近】line up, straighten
canvas /ˈkænvəs/
【释】n. 帆布
【例】a canvas bag
【释】n. 画布;油画
【例】Turner’s canvases
evoke /ɪˈvoʊk/
【释】v. 引起,唤起 (call forth or up)
【例】The old house evoked memories of his childhood.
【近】elicit, induce
exert /ɪɡˈzɜːrt/
【释】v. 施加 (apply or bring to bear)
【例】His ideas still exert a strong influence on the scientific community.
【释】n. 运用
【用】exert oneself 尽力
splash /splæʃ/
【释】v. 溅起 (cause to strike or fall)
【例】Water splashed onto the floor.
spiral /ˈspaɪrəl/
【形】【释】adj. 螺旋的
heap /hiːp/
【释】n. 堆 (pile)
【例】a heap of old newspapers
endanger /ɪnˈdeɪndʒər/
【释】v. 危害 (put (someone or something) at risk or in danger)
【例】That mistake seriously endangered the future of the company.
vest /vest/
【释】n. 背心,马甲
【例】Businessmen wear three-piece pin-striped suits with vests and neckties.
【释】v. 授予 (confer or bestow on someone)
【例】Executive power is vested in the president.
【近】confer on, bestow on
【用】be vested in/with
skeptical /ˈskeptɪkl/
【释】adj. 怀疑的
【例】The public were deeply skeptical about some of the proposals.
transparent /trænsˈpærənt/
【释】adj. 透明的 (clear; lucid)
【例】a box with a transparent lid
【释】adj. 易懂的 (easy to understand)
【例】We should try to make the instructions more transparent.
【反】opaque, ambiguous, obscure
stab /stæb/
【释】v. 刺,戳 (make a short, aggressive or violent movement with a finger or pointed object)
【例】She stabbed her cigarette into the ashtray.
provincial /prəˈvɪnʃl/
【释】adj. 省的;地方性的 (of or concerning a province)
【例】provincial governments
【反】national, cosmopolitan
【释】adj. 偏狭的 (having narrow or limited concerns)
【近】insular, parochial, sectarian
descent /dɪˈsent/
【释】n. 下降 (an act of going down in location or condition)
【例】The book describes his descent into a deep depression after the death of his wife.
【近】dive, plunge, dip
【释】n. 血统,出身 (a person’s ancestors)
【例】She is of Korean descent.
municipal /mjuːˈnɪsɪpl/
【释】adj. 市政的 (relating to a city or town)
【近】civil, metropolitan, urban
deteriorate /dɪˈtɪriəreɪt/
【释】v. 恶化 (become worse)
【例】Exposure to rain and sun will gradually deteriorate the paint.
【近】decline, regress, degenerate, devolve
hail /heɪl/
【释】v. 致敬;招呼 (greet, welcome)
【例】The town hailed the returning soldiers.
【释】n. 冰雹
intake /ˈɪnteɪk/
【释】n. 摄取量 (consumption)
【例】You’d better reduce your daily intake of salt.
glare /ɡler/
【释】v. 发出(刺眼的)强光 (shine with a strong or dazzling light)
【例】The sunlight glared.
【释】n./v. 怒视 (an angry, unfriendly look)
【例】The old woman glared at him.
foul /faʊl/
【释】v. 犯规 (break the rules)
【例】He was fouled as he attempted the shot.
【释】adj. 邪恶的;污秽的 (very bad or unpleasant)
【例】the foul odor of rotten eggs
【近】disgusting, loathsome, offensive
imperative /ɪmˈperətɪv/
【释】adj. 必要的 (extremely important or urgent)
【例】It is imperative that these claims are dealt with quickly.
【反】unimportant, optional
【释】n. 必要的事 (an essential or urgent thing)
【例】Survival is our first imperative.
consecutive /kənˈsekjətɪv/
【释】adj. 连续的 (successive)
【例】After six consecutive defeats, the team was almost ready to give up.
blaze /bleɪz/
【释】n. 烈火 (a burning fire)
【例】Some 4,000 firefighters are battling the blaze.
【释】n. 光辉 (great brightness and heat)
【例】the blaze of the sun
【近】glare, gleam
【释】v. 公开宣布 (make public or conspicuous)
【例】The news was blazed in headline of the newspaper.
lid /lɪd/
【释】n./v. (盖)盖子;眼睑 (a removable or hinged cover for the top of a container)
【近】cover, top, cap
underestimate /ˌʌndərˈestɪmeɪt/
【释】v. 低估 (estimate (something) to be smaller or less important than it actually is)
【例】We underestimated the time it would take to get there.
drawback /ˈdrɔːbæk/
【释】n. 缺陷 (disadvantage)
【近】limitation, flaw
blur /blɜːr/
【释】v. 模糊 (make or become unclear or less distinct)
【例】Tears blurred her eyes.
landmark /ˈlændmɑːrk/
【释】n. 里程碑 (an event, discovery, or change marking an important stage)
【例】The ceasefire was seen as a major landmark in the fight against terrorism.
【释】n. 地标
patron /ˈpeɪtrən/
【释】n. 资助人 (a person that supports an activity)
【例】The Princess Royal is a well-known patron of several charities.
【近】sponsor, promoter
【释】n. 顾客 (customer)
【例】Most of his customers are regular patrons, many of whom are foreigners.
bulb /bʌlb/
【释】n. 电灯泡
【释】n. 球茎
hatch /hætʃ/
【释】v. 孵 (emerge from its egg)
rib /rɪb/
【释】n. 肋骨
sore /sɔːr/
【释】adj. 感到疼痛的
【例】I always feel stiff and sore after gardening.
【近】painful, hurt, sensitive
【释】n. 疮;痛处 (a raw or painful place on the body)
optimism /ˈɑːptɪmɪzəm/
【释】n. 乐观 (hopefulness and confidence about the future or the successful outcome of something)
【例】They have maintained their optimism in the face of desolating subjugation.
【近】hope, confidence
cargo /ˈkɑːrɡoʊ/
【释】n. 货物,船货 (the goods carried by a ship, airplane, or vehicle)
【例】The ship was carrying a cargo of crude oil.
sparkle /ˈspɑːrkl/
【释】v./n. (发)光 (shine brightly with flashes of light)
【例】Bits of broken glass sparkled in the sunlight.
【近】glitter, twinkle, flash, blink
【释】v. (表现)抢眼 (be brilliant in performance)
【例】a play that sparkles with wit
absurd /əbˈsɜːrd/
【释】adj. 荒唐的 (unreasonable or impossible to believe)
【例】She makes the most absurd claims about her past achievements.
【近】ridiculous, stupid, foolish, silly
【反】reasonable, sensible
successive /səkˈsesɪv/
【释】adj. 连续的 (following one another or following others)
【例】There has been low rainfall for two successive years.
sway /sweɪ/
【释】v. 摇晃 (move or cause to move slowly or rhythmically backward and forward)
【例】The branches were swaying in the wind.
choke /tʃoʊk/
【释】v. 窒息 (keep from breathing in a normal way by cutting off the supply of air)
【例】Many people were choked by thick smoke.
【释】v. 阻塞 (block by clogging)
【例】Leaves choked the sewer.
crisp /krɪsp/
【释】adj. 松脆的
【释】n. 炸薯片
【近】brittle, brisk
envy /ˈenvi/
【释】n./v. 羡慕 (desire to have a desirable attribute belonging to someone else)
【例】He was sure that other drivers looked at him with envy.
【释】n./v. 忌妒 (have the unhappy feeling of wanting to be like someone else)
【例】I envy people who are always confident.
【近】jealousy, bitterness
plow /plaʊ/
【释】v. 耕地
【例】Farmers now use tractors to plow their fields.
【释】n. 犁
cushion /ˈkʊʃn/
【释】v. 保护 (protect)
【例】Powerful shock absorbers cushion our landing.
【释】n. 垫子
expire /ɪkˈspaɪər/
【释】v. 到期;终止 (cease to be valid)
obsession /əbˈseʃn/
【释】n. 痴迷 (fixation)
【例】She would try to forget her obsession with Christopher.
【近】passion, mania, preoccupation
ceramic /səˈræmɪk/
【释】n. 陶瓷
【例】a collection of Chinese ceramics
fertilizer /ˈfɜːrtəlaɪzər/
【释】n. 肥料 (a substance added to soil to make plants grow more successfully)
feasible /ˈfiːzəbl/
【释】adj. 可行的 (possible to do easily)
【近】practical, viable
buffer /ˈbʌfər/
【释】v. 缓冲 (lessen the shock of)
【例】The wall buffers the noise of the traffic.
indulge /ɪnˈdʌldʒ/
【释】v. 纵容,放纵 (allow someone to do what they want or enjoy)
【例】He loves his wife and indulges his sons.
【近】satisfy, yield to
chorus /ˈkɔːrəs/
【释】n. 合唱队
【近】choir, ensemble
revival /rɪˈvaɪvl/
【释】n. 复活;再生 (restoration)
wrestle /ˈresl/
【释】v. 扭打 (take part in a fight)
【例】Armed guards wrestled with the intruder.
excursion /ɪkˈskɜːrʒn/
【释】n. 远足 (a short journey or trip)
【例】They went on a brief excursion to the coast.
【近】jaunt, outing, ramble
disastrous /dɪˈzæstrəs/
【释】adj. 灾难的 (catastrophic)
tablet /ˈtæblət/
【释】n. 刻写板
【释】n. 平板电脑
【近】slab, panel
civic /ˈsɪvɪk/
【释】adj. 城市的 (of or relating to a city)
【例】civic buildings/leaders
【近】municipal, urban
scrape /skreɪp/
【释】n./v. 刮擦
【例】She scraped the mud off her boots.
【释】n. 困境
fuss /fʌs/
【释】n. 激动;大惊小怪 (a display of unnecessary or excessive excitement, activity, or interest)
【用】make a fuss of/over sb./sth. 对某人/某事过于注意
vacant /ˈveɪkənt/
【释】adj. 空着的;空缺的
【例】a vacant house
【近】empty, blank
【释】adj. 心不在焉的;茫然的
【例】a vacant look
recount /rɪˈkaʊnt/
【释】v. 详细叙述 (tell)
【例】They recounted what had happened during those years.
【近】relate, account
mansion /ˈmænʃn/
【释】n. 宅第
【例】a tour of Beverly Hills mansions
【近】home, hall, house
terrain /təˈreɪn/
【释】n. 地形 (natural features of an area of land)
【例】boots designed for rugged terrain
【近】land, ground, topography, landscape
intensify /ɪnˈtensɪfaɪ/
【释】v. 加强 (become or make more intense)
【例】Violence intensified during the night.
【形】intense, intensity
supreme /suːˈpriːm/
【释】adj. 卓越的 (outstanding)
【例】the supreme champion
【近】chief, foremost
denounce /dɪˈnaʊns/
【释】v. 谴责 (strongly criticize somebody/something)
【例】The government called on the group to denounce the use of violence.
【近】condemn, criticize, damn
volatile /ˈvɑːlətl/
【释】adj. 多变的 (changing quickly from one mood to another)
【例】a highly volatile personality
【近】unpredictable, variable, erratic
【反】stable, constant
【释】adj. 易挥发的 (easily changing into a gas)
【例】volatile solvents such as petroleum
elicit /iˈlɪsɪt/
【释】v. 引出 (evoke or draw out)
【例】My question elicited no response.
【近】obtain, extract
prone /proʊn/
【释】adj. 倾向于 (inclined to do; susceptible)
【例】She is prone to fall asleep on long car journeys.
【近】susceptible, subject
【反】resistant, immune
【释】adj. 俯卧的
【例】in a prone position
pirate /ˈpaɪrət/
【释】n. 海盗
【释】v./n. 盗印(物),盗版(物) (make use of or reproduce (another's work) without authorization)
【例】poor quality pirate videos
notorious /noʊˈtɔːriəs/
【释】adj. 臭名昭著的 (infamous)
【例】The company is notorious for paying its bills late.
disperse /dɪˈspɜːrs/
【释】v. 分散;使散开 (spread apart)
【例】Police ordered the crowd to disperse.
【反】assemble, gather
brew /bruː/
【释】v./n. 酿制(啤酒)
【释】v. 冲泡 (make (tea or coffee) by mixing it with hot water)
【释】v. 酝酿(事件)
【例】The crisis had been brewing since the start of the year.
【近】ferment, prepare
prose /proʊz/
【释】n./v. (写)散文
【释】n. 枯燥无味的话 (commonplace, or dull expression)
resent /rɪˈzent/
【释】v. 憎恨 (feel bitterness or indignation at)
【例】She resented being treated like a servant.
【形】resentment, resentful
posture /ˈpɑːstʃər/
【释】n. 姿势 (physical position)
shrine /ʃraɪn/
【释】n. 圣地 (a place for worship)
adhere /ədˈhɪr/
【释】v. 粘附 (stick)
【例】Once in the bloodstream, the bacteria adhere to the surface of the red cells.
debris /dəˈbriː/
【释】n. 碎片,残骸 (remains)
【例】After the earthquake, rescuers began digging through the debris in search of survivors.
【近】rubbish, litter
frown /fraʊn/
【释】v. 皱眉 (furrow one's brow in an expression of disapproval, displeasure, or concentration)
bud /bʌd/
【释】n./v. (发)芽
【例】The tree is in bud already.
【近】sprout, shoot
ensue /ɪnˈsuː/
【释】v. 跟着发生,接着发生 (follow)
【例】The show ended, and a long standing ovation ensued.
【近】result, follow, develop, proceed