前言 弘扬古丝路精神,再创更精彩明天
阿联酋(The United Arab Emirates)
阿曼(Sultanate of Oman)
埃及(The Arab Republic of Egypt)
埃塞俄比亚(The Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia)
澳大利亚(The Commonwealth of Australia)
巴林(The Kingdom of Bahrain)
比利时(The Kingdom of Belgium)
德国(The Federal Republic of Germany)
东帝汶(Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste)
法国(The Republic of France)
菲律宾(Republic of the Philippines)
荷兰(The Kingdom of the Netherlands)
柬埔寨(Kingdom of Cambodia)
卡塔尔(The State of Qatar)
科威特(The State of Kuwait)
老挝(Lao People's Democratic Republic)
黎巴嫩(Republic of Lebanon)
马达加斯加(The Republic of Madagascar)
马尔代夫(The Republic of Maldives)
毛里求斯(The Republic of Mauritius)
尼泊尔(Federal Democratic Republic of Nepal)
瑞士(Swiss Confederation)
沙特阿拉伯(Kingdom of Saudi Arabia)
斯里兰卡(The Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka)
泰国(Kingdom of Thailand)
文莱(Brunei Darussalam)
西班牙(The Kingdom of Spain)
新加坡(Republic of Singapore)
新西兰(New Zealand)
也门(The Republic of Yemen)
伊拉克(Republic of Iraq)
以色列(The State of Israel)
意大利(The Republic of Italy)
印度尼西亚(The Republic of Indonesia)
英国(United Kingdom)
越南(Socialist Republic of Vietnam)
更新时间:2018-11-08 18:25:19