1 不可多得
Hard to Come By
2 大公无私
Just and Selfless
3 独步一时
To Have No Equal in One's Time
4 击缶秦公
King of Qin Playing the Fou
5 布衣之交
Friends in Days of Simple Life
6 毛遂自荐
To Volunteer One's Services
7 一言九鼎
A Word Carrying the Weight of Nine Tripods
8 脱颖而出
Talent Showing Itself
9 因人成事,三寸之舌
To Rely on Others to Succeed in Work; a Silver Tongue
10 漆身吞炭
Lacquering One's Body and Swallowing Charcoals
11 众人国士
A Mediocre Man and a State Talent
12 赵衰举贤
Zhao Shuai Recommending the Wise Man
13 排难解纷
Pouring Oil on Troubled Waters
14 图穷匕见
When the Map Was Unrolled the Dagger Was Revealed
15 坐怀不乱
Keeping His Mind Undisturbed with a Woman in His Bosom
16 程婴杵臼
As Sincere as Cheng Ying and Chujiu
17 汉思李牧
The Emperor Wen of Han Dynasty Missing Li Mu
18 简子谦卑
Jianzi's Humility
19 天经地义
The Principles of Heaven and Earth
20 天下无双
Unparalleled in the World
21 三千剑客
Three Thousand Swordsmen
22 董狐之笔
Dong Hu's Brush Pen
23 一狐之腋
The Armpit Underfur of a Fox
24 一日千里
A Thousand Li a Day
25 一字千金
One Word Worth a Thousand Taels of Gold
26 坚守一心
Serving the Country Wholeheartedly
27 季子裘敝
Jizi in Poor Clothing
28 赤心陈事
To Give an Account Genuinely
29 疾风劲草
Only High Wind Knows the Sturdy Grass
30 乐此不疲
Always Enjoying It
31 鸱衔腐鼠
An Owl Picking Up a Dead Mouse
32 代笔捉刀
Taking a Knife on Behalf of Others
1 按兵不动
Immobilizing the Troops and Not Throwing Them into Battle
2 百发百中
A Hundred Shots a Hundred Bull's-Eyes
3 抱薪救火
Carrying Firewood to Put Out a Fire
4 不可同日而语
No Comparison between the Two
5 出奇制胜
To Defeat the Opponent with a Surprising Action
6 推心置腹
To Repose Full Confidence in People
7 价值连城
A Jade Worth Cities
8 完璧归赵
Returning the Jade Intact to Zhao State
9 窃符救赵
Stealing the Military Tally to Save Zhao State
10 围魏救赵
Besieging Wei to Rescue Zhao
11 两鼠斗穴
Two Rats Fighting in the Hole
12 生报死仇
To Take Revenge after One's Death
13 唇亡齿寒
If the Lips Are Gone the Teeth Will Be Cold
14 退避三舍
To Give Way to Avoid a Conflict
15 前事不忘,后事之师
Past Experience Is a Guide for the Future
16 丛台置酒
Giving a Feast on Congtai
17 独智之虑
Consideration from a Person with Unique Wisdom
18 不翼而飞
Disappearing Without Trace
19 唱筹量沙
To Count Aloud the Chips of Meting Out the Sand
20 奇货可居
Hoard as a Rare Commodity
21 嫁祸于人
Shifting Calamity to Others
22 金城汤池
Being Secure Against Assault
23 挥汗如雨
To Drip with Sweat
24 不绝若绳
As Precarious as a String Which Is Going to Break
25 食不甘味
To Have No Appetite for Food
26 鸡口牛后
Fowl's Beak and Ox Buttocks
27 以卵投石
Knocking an Egg Against a Stone
28 自陈功过
To Manifest One's Merits and Demerits
29 山鸡舞镜
The Pheasant Dancing in Front of the Mirror
30 包藏祸心
To Conceal the Evil Intention
31 反侧自安
FroC:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Temp\pdf2stream\figure_0118_0001.jpgm Tossing about in Bed to Obtaining a Peaceful Mind
32 四分五裂
To Be Split
1 志在四方
Having a Great Ambition
2 取而代之
To Supersede Somebody
3 鹿死谁手
In Whose Hands Will the Deer Die?
4 不让肉食
Not Being Allowed to Eat Meat
5 争先恐后
To Rush on to Be the First
6 青出于蓝,而胜于蓝
Indigo Blue Is Extracted from the Indigo Plant But Bluer than the Plant
7 破釜沉舟
To Break the Cauldrons and Sink the Boats
1 背水一战
To Fight with One's Back to the River
2 拔旗易帜
To C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Temp\pdf2stream\figure_0137_0001.jpgPull the Enemy's Flags and Let One's Own Flags Fly
3 秋风落叶
Autumn Wind Sweeping the Fallen Leaves
4 旷日持久
A Long-Drawn-Out Situation
5 攻难守易
It Is Difficult to Attack but Easy to Defend
6 不遗余力
Sparing No Efforts
7 扬兵戏马
Displaying One's Strength
8 作壁上观
To Stay Behind the Breastworks and Watch Others Fight
9 犹豫不决
To Be in Two Minds
10 乘胜追击
To Pursue Enemy Troops in Retreat
11 釜底抽薪
To Take Away the Firewood from under the Cauldron
1 大儒纵盗
Great Scholar Conniving the Robbers
2 邯郸学步
Learning to Walk in Handan
3 纸上谈兵
An Armchair Strategist
4 铸成大错
To Make a Gross Error
5 割地求和
Ceding Territory for Peace
6 郭开之金
The Bribe Received by Guo Kai
7 中饱私囊
To Line One's Pockets with Public Funds or Other People's Money
8 步履蹒跚
Walking Staggeringly
9 人人自危
Everyone Finds Himself in Danger
10 贪得无厌
To Have an Unlimited Desire for More
11 利令智昏
To Bend One's Principles to One's Interest
12 市道之交
The Fellowship of Opportunists
13 胶柱鼓瑟
Stubbornly Sticking to Old Ways in the Face of Changed Circumstances
14 前倨后恭
Haughty Before and Reverent Afterwards
15 兵破士北
The Defeated Army
16 人心难测
The Human Heart Is a Mystery
1 路不拾遗
No One Picks Up and Pockets Anything Lost on the Road
2 奉公守法
To Be Law-Abiding
3 不教而诛
To Punish Without Prior Warning
4 蔡女没胡
Cai Wenji Fell into the Huns
5 同甘共苦
To Share Pleasures and Pains
6 简子筑台
Jianzi Building a Platform
7 负荆请罪
To Proffer a Birch and Ask for a Flogging
8 梅开二度
The Plums Booming Twice
9 津女棹歌
Ferry Girl's Oaring Songs
1 河伯娶妻
Hebo Getting Married
2 胡服骑射
The Policy of Adopting Hu Tribe's Clothing and Learning Their Cavalry Archery
3 腹心之患
Diseases in One's Vital Organs
4 主父入秦
Zhu Fu Visiting Qin State
1 得心应手
The Hands Respond to the Heart
2 利害唯己,谁贵谁贱
What Is Advantageous and What Is Hurtful Who Is Noble and Who Is Humble All Depend on Yourself
3 穷通自乐
Enjoyment Outside the Dust and Dirt
4 死亦可乐
Even Death Can Be Happy
5 乐极生悲
Extreme Joy Begets Sorrow
6 一枕黄粱
A Golden Millet Dream
7 兼听则明
Listening to All Sides
8 南辕北辙
Diametrically Opposed to Each Other
9 智者千虑,必有一失
Even the Wise Are Not Always Free from Error
10 豚蹄穰田
To Expect Tremendous Return from Meager Investment
11 鹬蚌相争
When the Snipe and the Clam Grapple the Fisherman Profits
12 舍本逐末
To Neglect the Root and Attend to the Tip
13 掩耳盗铃
To Plug One's Ears While Stealing a Bell
14 惊弓之鸟
A Bird Startled by the Mere Twang of a Bow-String
15 望洋兴叹
To Lament One's Littleness Before the Vast Ocean
16 三人成虎
A Repeated Slander Makes Others Believe
17 覆巢毁卵
The Nest Being Overturned No Eggs Staying Undestroyed
18 赵王之爵
The King of Zhao State's Wine Vessel
19 交浅言深
To Have a Hearty Talk with a Slight Acquaintance
20 一言兴邦
A Timely Warning May Avert a National Crisis
21 前功尽弃
All One's Previous Efforts Wasted
22 危于累卵
Hazardous Like a Pile of Eggs
23 败军之将
A Defeated General Cannot Claim to Be Brave
24 强而后可
Promising after Importuning
25 罚不当罪
Punishment Does Not Fit the Crime
更新时间:2019-12-20 16:54:21