1 丹尼的美梦 Danny’s Sweet Dream
2 棒球经理 Baseball Manager
3 丹尼看到的一幕 A Scene Danny Saw
4 丹尼被送进警察局 Danny was Sent to the Police Station
5 丹尼被惩罚后 After Danny was Punished
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6 丹尼坐汽车 Danny in the Car
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7 丹尼的马车 Danny’s Carriage
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8 在农场的生活 Life on the Farm
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9 自然课 Natural Science Class
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10 钓鱼 Fishing
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11 马背上的丹尼 Danny on the Horseback
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12 救援行动 Rescue Efforts
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13 都是爆竹惹的祸 Firecrackers to Blame
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14 草堆上的表演 Performance on the Mow
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15 老母鸡 Old Hen
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16 丹尼的船 Danny’s Boat
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17 摘水果 Fruit Picking
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18 丹尼的生日 Danny’s Birthday
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19 送照片 Photo Presenting
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20 丹尼打架 Fight of Danny
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21 下大雪了 It Snows
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22 都是女人惹的祸 Women to Blame
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23 棒球比赛 Baseball Match
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24 丹尼真勇敢 Brave Danny
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25 戏剧编辑丹尼 Playwright Danny
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26 丹尼,小心 Be Careful Danny
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27 情人节礼物 Valentines Gift
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28 玻璃碎了 Broken Glass
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29 遇到一个坏人 Encounter A Scoundrel
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30 大象 The Elephant
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31 工作 Job
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32 丹尼遇上美女 Danny Met with a Beauty
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33 看马记 Horse Harnessing
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34 愚人节 April Fool’s Day
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35 复活节 Easter Day
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36 观赛 Watch Games
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37 莎莉真可爱 Sally is So Lovely
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38 丹尼赚钱的方法 Danny’s Way to Make Money
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39 外国贵族 A Foreign Noble
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40 丹尼要离开了 Danny is About to Leave
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41 坐火车 Take a Train
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42 橄榄球场 Rugby Field
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43 音乐家 A Musician
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44 新工作 New Job
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45 圣诞节 Christmas Day
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46 新年前夜 New Year’s Eve
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47 催眠术 Hypnotism
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48 献给伟大的歌唱家 To a Great Singer
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49 新年礼物 New Year Gift
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50 艺术梦 The Dream of Art
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51 记者梦 The Dream to Be a Journalist
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52 丹尼在非洲 Danny in Africa
更新时间:2022-10-27 17:41:47