第一章 管理、管理者与管理系统 Chapter 1 Management Manager and Management System
第一节 什么是管理
Section 1 What Is Management
第二节 管理者
Section 2 Manager
第三节 管理系统
Section 3 Management System
第二章 管理理论的发展 Chapter 2 Development of Management Theory
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第一节 古典管理理论
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Section 1 Classical Management Theory
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第二节 行为科学理论
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Section 2 Behavioral Science Theory
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第三节 现代管理理论
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Section 3 Modern Management Theory
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第四节 管理理论的新发展
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Section 4 New Development of Management Theory
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第三章 管理决策 Chapter 3 Management of Decision-making
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第一节 决策的含义和要素
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Section 1 Definition and Elements of Decision-making
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第二节 决策的类型
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Section 2 Types of Decision-making
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第三节 决策的程序
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Section 3 Procedures of Decision-making
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第四节 决策的方法
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Section 4 Methods of Decision-making
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第四章 计划工作 Chapter 4 Planning Work
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第一节 计划的含义、特征和作用
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Section 1 Meaning,Characteristics and Functions of Plan
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第二节 计划体系
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Section 2 Plan System
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第三节 计划工作的流程与方法
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Section 3 Procedures and Methods of Planning Work
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第四节 目标和目标管理
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Section 4 Objective and Objective Management
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第五节 时间管理
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Section 5 Time Management
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第五章 战略管理 Chapter 5 Strategic Management
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第一节 战略管理及其意义
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Section 1 Strategic Management and Its Significance
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第二节 战略的构成要素与类型
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Section 2 Elements and Types of Strategy
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第三节 组织的共同愿景
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Section 3 Shared Vision of Organization
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第四节 战略管理过程
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Section 4 Process of Strategic Management
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第六章 组织设计 Chapter 6 Organizational Design
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第一节 组织的含义和要素
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Section 1 Definition and Elements of Organization
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第二节 组织设计的任务和原则
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Section 2 Missions and Principles of Organizational Design
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第三节 组织结构设计
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Section 3 Organizational Structure Design
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第四节 组织的部门设计
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Section 4 Department Design of Organization
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第五节 组织的层级设计
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Section 5 Hierarchy Design of Organization
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第七章 组织运行 Chapter 7 Organizational Operation
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第一节 人员配备
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Section 1 Staffing
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第二节 组织制度
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Section 2 Organizational System
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第三节 组织文化
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Section 3 Organizational Culture
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第八章 组织变革 Chapter 8 Organizational Reform
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第一节 组织的生命周期理论
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Section 1 Organizational Life Cycle Theory
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第二节 组织变革的动力与方式
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Section 2 Motive Power and Methods of Organizational Reform
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第三节 组织变革的目标与内容
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Section 3 The Objectives and Contents of Organizational Reform
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第四节 组织变革的实施与管理
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Section 4 The Implementation and Management of Organizational Reform
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第五节 组织变革的途径
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Section 5 The Ways of Organizational Reform
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第九章 领导 Chapter 9 Leadership
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第一节 领导的基本含义
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Section 1 Basic Meaning of Leadership
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第二节 领导方式
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Section 2 Styles of Leadership
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第三节 有关领导的理论
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Section 3 Theories of Leadership
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第四节 领导的素质和艺术
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Section 4 Culture and Art of Leadership
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第十章 激励 Chapter 10 Motivation
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第一节 激励的实质和功能
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Section 1 Essence and Functions of Motivation
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第二节 激励的过程、方式和原则
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Section 2 Process,Methods and Principles of Motivation
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第三节 激励理论
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Section 3 Motivation Theory
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第四节 激励机制
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Section 4 Motivation Mechanism
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第十一章 沟通 Chapter 11 Communication
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第一节 沟通的作用与过程
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Section 1 Function and Process of Communication
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第二节 沟通的类别
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Section 2 Categories of Communication
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第三节 有效沟通
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Section 3 Effective Communication
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第四节 冲突与谈判
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Section 4 Conflict and Negotiation
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第十二章 控制 Chapter 12 Control
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第一节 控制的含义和内容
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Section 1 Meaning and Contents of Control
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第二节 控制的基本过程
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Section 2 Basic Control Process
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第三节 控制的类型、原则和要求
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Section 3 Types,Principles and Requirements of Control
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第四节 管理控制的方法
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Section 4 Methods of Management Control
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第十三章 创新 Chapter 13 Innovation
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第一节 创新概述
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Section 1 Overview of Innovation
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第二节 创新过程与主体
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Section 2 Process and Subjects of Innovation
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第三节 创新的内容与方法
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Section 3 Contents and Methods of Innovation
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更新时间:2023-09-22 10:37:53