张启运 庄鸿寿主编更新时间:2024-08-01 18:52:09
最新章节:附录D 实用钎料的成分和熔程 Appendix D Compositions and Melting Ranges of Probably Used Filler Metals封面
第3版前言 Preface of the Third Edition
第2版前言 Preface of the Second Edition
第1版前言 Preface of the First Edition
第1章 绪论 Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 钎焊方法的原理和特点 Princi-ple and Characteristic of Brazing and Soldering Technique
1.2 熔态钎料对固体母材的润湿和铺展 Wetting and Spreading of Molten Filler Metal on a Solid Base Metal
1.3 熔态钎料与固体母材的相互作用 Reaction of Molten Filler with Solid Base Metal
1.4 钎缝中熔态钎料的凝固和钎缝的金相组织 Solidification of Mol-ten Filler Metal in Clearance and the Micrographic Structure of the Fillet
1.5 钎剂、钎料的选择与搭配 Se-lection and Matching of Fluxes with Filler Metals
1.6 钎焊工艺 Technology of Bra-zing and Soldering
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第2章 铝及铝合金的钎焊 Chapter 2 Brazing and Soldering of Aluminum and its Alloys
2.1 概述 Introduction
2.2 铝及铝合金的编号 Designations of Aluminum and its Alloys
2.3 铝及铝合金的理化性能 Physi-cal and Chemical Properties of Aluminum and its Alloys
2.4 铝氧化膜的本质及其在加热时的变化 Nature of Oxide Film on Alu-minum and its Change during Heating
2.5 铝钎剂 Fluxes for Aluminum Brazing and Soldering
2.6 钎焊时铝氧化膜的脱除机制 Re-moval Mechanism of Oxide Film on Aluminum during Brazing
2.7 铝钎料 Brazing Filler Metals and Solders for AluminumAlloys
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2.8 铝的复合钎焊材料 Composite Fillers for Aluminum Brazing or Soldering
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2.9 铝钎焊中的一些特殊技艺 Some Special Skills in Alumi-num Brazing and Soldering
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2.10 铝钎焊的焊前准备和焊后处理 Pre-brazing Preparations and Post-brazing Operations
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第3章 铜和铜合金的钎焊 Chapter 3 Brazing and Soldering of Copper and Copper Alloys
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3.1 概述 Introduction
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3.2 钎焊性 Brazability and Solder-ability
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3.3 钎焊接头间隙 Clearance of Brazed Joint
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3.4 软钎料 Solders
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3.5 硬钎料 Brazing Filler Metals
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3.6 钎剂 Fluxes
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3.7 软钎剂 Soldering Fluxes
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3.8 硬钎剂 Brazing Fluxes
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3.9 表面准备 Surface Preparation
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3.10 接头设计 Joint Design
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3.11 钎焊方法和工艺 Methods and Technology of Soldering and Brazing
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第4章 电子工业中的软钎焊 Chapter 4 Soldering in Electronic Industry
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4.1 电子制造与软钎焊 Electronic Manufacture and Soldering
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4.2 软钎焊连接的基本原理 Fun-damental of Soldering
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4.3 软钎料合金 Solder Alloys
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4.4 软钎剂 Soldering Fluxes
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4.5 钎料膏与药芯软钎焊丝 Solder Paste and Flux-cored Solder Wire
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4.6 电子组装技术 Electronic As-sembling Technology
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4.7 倒装芯片技术 Flip-chip
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第5章 碳钢、铸铁的钎焊 Chapter 5 Brazing and Soldering of Carbon Steels and Cast Iron
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5.1 碳钢的钎焊性 Brazability and Solderability of Carbon Steels
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5.2 碳钢的表面清理 Surface Prep-aration of Steels
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5.3 碳钢的软钎焊 Soldering of Steels
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5.4 碳钢的硬钎焊 Brazing of Steels
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5.5 钎焊工艺 Technology of Brazing
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5.6 铸铁的钎焊 Brazing of Cast Iron
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第6章 不锈钢的钎焊 Chapter 6 Brazing and Soldering of Stainless Steels
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6.1 概述 Introduction
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6.2 不锈钢的钎焊性 Brazability and Solderability of Stainless Steels
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6.3 表面准备 Surface Preparation
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6.4 不锈钢的软钎焊 Soldering of Stainless Steels
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6.5 不锈钢的硬钎焊 Brazing of Stainless Steels
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第7章 高温合金的钎焊 Chapter 7 Brazing of High Temperature Alloys
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7.1 概述 Introduction
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7.2 钎焊性 Brazability
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7.3 钎料 Brazing Filler Metals
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7.4 钎焊工艺 Brazing Technology of High Temperature Alloys
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7.5 TD-Ni的钎焊 Brazing of TD- Ni
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7.6 瞬态液相连接 Transient Liq-uid Phase Bonding
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7.7 大间隙钎焊 Wide-gap Brazing
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第8章 难熔金属钨、钼、钽、铌的钎焊 Chapter 8 Brazing of Refractory Metals:Tungsten,Molybdenum,Tantalum and Niobium
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8.1 概述 Introduction
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8.2 钨、钼、钽、铌及其合金的性能和牌号 Properties and Desig-nations of Tungsten,Molybde- num,Tantalum,Niobium and its Alloys
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8.3 钨、钼、钽、铌的钎焊性 Brazability of Tungsten,Mo-lybdenum,Tantalum and Nio-bium
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8.4 难熔金属的焊前准备 Surface Preparation for Brazing Refrac- tory Metals
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8.5 难熔金属的钎焊 Brazing of Refractory Metals
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8.6 钨、钼、钽、铌钎焊接头的应用Applications of Brazed Joints of Tungsten,Molybdenum,Tan-talum and Niobium
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第9章 钛、锆及其合金的钎焊 Chapter 9 Brazing of Titanium,Zirconium and Their Alloys
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9.1 概述 Introduction
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9.2 钛、锆及其合金的理化特性及分类 Physical and Chemical Properties and Classifications of Titanium,Zirconium and their Alloys
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9.3 钛、锆及其合金钎焊特点 Bra-zing Characteristics of Titani-um,Zirconium and their Alloys
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9.4 钎料 Filler Metals
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9.5 钎焊方法和设备 Brazing Methods and Equipments
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9.6 钎焊前清理和表面准备 Clean- ing and Surface Preparation for Workpiece to be Brazed
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9.7 钎剂和保护气氛 Fluxes and Protective Atmospheres
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9.8 钛合金与其他材料的钎焊 Brazing of Titanium Alloys to other Materials
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9.9 钛合金钎焊技术的发展 Deve-lopments in Brazing Technique of Titanium Alloys
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9.10 应用 Applications
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第10章 铍、镁合金的钎焊 Chapter 10 Brazing of Beryllium,Magnesium Alloys
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10.1 铍的钎焊 Brazing of Berylli-um
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10.2 镁和镁合金的钎焊 Brazing of Magnesium and its Alloys
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第11章 硬质合金的钎焊 Chapter 11 Brazing of Carbides
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11.1 概述 Introduction
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11.2 硬质合金工具的钎焊 Brazing of Carbide Tools
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11.3 硬质合金的钎焊性 Brazabili-ty of Carbides
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11.4 钎料与钎剂 Filler Metals and Fluxes
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11.5 硬质合金钎焊工艺 Technique for Brazing Carbides
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11.6 钎焊裂纹的产生机理与预防措施 Formation Mechanism of Cracks and Preventing Meas-ures During Brazing Process
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11.7 防止脱焊及提高钎缝强度的措施 Measures for Preventing Brazing Failure and Improving Strength of Brazed Joint
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11.8 硬质合金工具钎焊实例 Exam-ples of Brazing Carbide Tools
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第12章 金刚石工具的钎焊 Chapter 12 Brazing of Diamond Tools
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12.1 概述 Introduction
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12.2 金刚石工具的钎焊特点 Brazing Characteristics of Dia-mond Tools
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12.3 钎料与钎剂 Filler Metals and Fluxes
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12.4 金刚石工具脱焊的机理及应对措施 The Failure Mechanism in Brazing Diamond Tools along with its Improving Measures
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12.5 金刚石的热稳定性 Thermal Stability of Diamond
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12.6 粉状钎料在金刚石工具中的作用 Role of Powder Filler Metal in Brazing Diamond Tools
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12.7 金刚石工具的钎焊举例 Ex-amples of Brazing Diamond Tools
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12.8 石墨及石墨的钎焊 Graphite and its Brazing
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12.9 石墨与其他材料的钎焊 Brazing Graphite to other Ma- terials
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第13章 半导体材料硅、砷化镓的钎焊 Chapter 13 Soldering of Semiconductor Materials:Silicon and GaAs
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13.1 概述 Introduction
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13.2 半导体材料简介 Brief Intro-duction on Semiconductor Ma-terials
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13.3 硅器件的钎焊 Soldering of Silicon Devices
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13.4 砷化镓器件的钎焊 Soldering of GaAs devices
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13.5 其他钎焊方法 Other Solde-ring Processes
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13.6 半导体器件钎焊的可靠性 Re-liability of Soldering Semicon-ductor Devices
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第14章 陶瓷与金属的钎焊 Chapter 14 Brazing of Ceramics to Metal
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14.1 概述 Introduction
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14.2 常用陶瓷与金属的性能与特点 Characteristics of General Ce-ramics and Metals
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14.3 陶瓷与金属钎焊的主要方法及其材料与工艺 Brazing Processes of Ceramics with Metals and Filler Materials
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14.4 陶瓷与金属钎焊接头设计 Design of Ceramics/Metal Joints
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14.5 陶瓷与金属钎焊接头的质量检测 Inspections of Ceram-ics/Metal Brazed Joint
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14.6 陶瓷与金属钎焊结构应用实例 Applications of Ceramics/Me-tal Brazed Structure
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第15章 真空电子器件常用金属的钎焊 Chapter 15 Brazing of Conventional Metals for Vacuum Electronic Devices
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15.1 概述 Introduction
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15.2 真空电子器件钎焊常用金属和钎料 Conventional Metals and Filler Metals for Brazing in Vacuum Electronic Devices
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15.3 钎焊工艺技术 Brazing Tech-niques
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15.4 钎焊接头设计 Design of Joints
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15.5 真空电子器件钎焊接头的气密性检验技术 Leak Testing Techniques for Brazed Joints in Vacuum Electronic Devices
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15.6 真空电子器件钎焊应用实例 Applications of Brazing Tech-nique in Vacuum Electronic Devices
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第16章 贵金属及其合金的钎焊 Chapter 16 Brazing and Soldering of Precious Metals and their Alloys
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16.1 贵金属及其合金的性能和应用 Properties and Applications of Precious Metals and their Alloys
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16.2 贵金属镀层的软钎焊 Solde-ring of Precious Metal Plated on Electronic Devices
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16.3 贵金属厚膜电路的钎焊 Sold-ering of Precious Metal Thick-film Circuits
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16.4 贵金属饰品的钎焊 Brazing of Precious Metal Ornaments
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16.5 贵金属齿科材料的钎焊 Bra-zing of Dental Materials Made from Precious Metals
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16.6 贵金属电接触材料的钎焊 Brazing and Soldering of Pre-cious Metal Contactor Materi-als
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16.7 其他领域贵金属材料的钎焊 Brazing of Precious Metals Ap-plied in Some other Regions
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第17章 复合材料的钎焊 Chapter 17 Brazing and Soldering of Composite Materials
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17.1 概述 Introduction
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17.2 金属基复合材料的钎焊 Bra-zing and Soldering of Metal-matrix Composite Materials
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17.3 碳/碳复合材料的钎焊 Bra-zing of C/C Composite Materi-als
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17.4 陶瓷基复合材料的钎焊 Bra-zing of Ceramic-matrix Com-posites
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第18章 新型特种材料的钎焊 Chapter 18 Brazing of Advanced Materials
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18.1 概述 Introduction
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18.2 超导材料的钎焊 Brazing of Superconductors
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18.3 形状记忆合金的钎焊 Brazing of Shape Memory Alloys
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18.4 粉末冶金合金的钎焊 Brazing of Powder Metallurgy Alloys
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18.5 定向凝固和单晶高温合金的钎焊 Brazing of Directional So-lidification and Single Crystal Superalloys
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18.6 金属间化合物结构材料的钎焊Brazing of Intermetallic Com-pounds
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18.7 铝锂合金的钎焊 Brazing of Al-Li Alloys
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第19章 锌及锌合金的钎焊 Chapter 19 Brazing and Soldering of Zinc and its Alloy
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19.1 概述 Introduction
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19.2 锌及锌合金的物理和化学性能 Physical and Chemical Proper-ties of Zinc and its Alloys
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19.3 锌及锌合金的钎焊 Soldering of Zinc and its Alloys
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第20章 异种金属的钎焊 Chapter 20 Brazing of Dissimilar Metals
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20.1 概述 Introduction
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20.2 铝和铜的钎焊 Brazing of Aluminum with Copper
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20.3 铝和钛的钎焊 Brazing of Aluminum with Titanium
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20.4 铝和不锈钢的钎焊 Brazing of Aluminum Alloy with Stainless Steel
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20.5 钛和不锈钢的钎焊 Brazing of Titanium with Stainless Steel
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第21章 钎涂 Chapter 21 Brazecoating
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21.1 概述 Introduction
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21.2 钎涂原理和钎涂材料 Principle of Brazecoating and Brazecoat-ing Materials
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21.3 加热方法和参数 Heating Methods and Parameters
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21.4 钎涂层的性能 Properties of Brazecoated Layers
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第22章 钎焊技术在工业产品中的应用 Chapter 22 Applications of Brazing Technique in Industrial Products
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22.1 概述 Introduction
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22.2 钎焊技术在航空工业中的应用 Applications of Brazing Technique in Aircraft Industry
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22.3 钎焊技术在航天工业中的应用 Applications of Brazing Technique in Astronautical In-dustry
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22.4 钎焊技术在电子工业中的应用 Applications of Brazing Technique in Electronic Indus-try
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22.5 钎焊技术在核工业中的应用 Applications of Brazing Tech-nique in Nuclear Industry
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22.6 钎焊技术在汽车工业中的应用 Applications of Brazing Technique in Automobile In-dustry
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22.7 钎焊技术在家电工业中的应用 Applications of Brazing Technique in the Industry of Electrical Household Appliances
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22.8 钎焊技术在机械工业中的应用 Applications of Brazing Tech-nique in Machinery Industry
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22.9 钎焊技术在轻工业中的应用 Applications of Brazing Tech-nique in Light Industry
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22.10 钎焊技术在石油和煤炭工业中的应用 Applications of Bra-zing Technique in Petroleum and Coal Industry
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22.11 钎焊技术在电机、电器和仪器仪表工业中的应用 Applica-tions of Brazing Technique in Electric Machine,Electric and Instrument Industry
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22.12 其他应用 Other Applications
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第23章 钎焊方法及设备 Chapter 23 Brazing(Soldering)Methods and Equipments
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23.1 概述 Introduction
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23.2 钎焊方法 Brazing(Solde-ring)Methods
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23.3 钎焊设备 Brazing(Soldering)Equipments
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第24章 钎焊操作中的安全与防护 Chapter 24 Safety and Health Protection in Brazing Operations
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24.1 概述 Introduction
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24.2 火焰钎焊操作安全与防护 Safety and Health Protection in Torch Brazing
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24.3 浸渍钎焊操作安全与防护 Safety and Health Protection in Dip Brazing
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24.4 感应钎焊操作安全与防护 Safety and Health Protection in Induction Brazing
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24.5 炉中钎焊操作安全与防护 Safety and Health Protection in Furnace Brazing
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24.6 特种钎焊操作安全与防护 Safety and Health Protection in the Special Brazing
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24.7 通风和对毒物的防护 Ventila-tion and Protection of Poisons
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24.8 钎剂使用的安全与防护 Safe-ty and Health Protection of Fluxes
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24.9 钎焊安全生产管理 Safety Production Management in Brazing
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第25章 钎焊试验方法及钎焊标准 Chapter 25 Test Procedures and Standards of Brazing and Soldering
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25.1 概述 Introduction
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25.2 钎焊材料试验方法 Test Proce-dures of Filler Metals and Solders
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25.3 钎焊接头试验方法 Methods of the Strength Test for Brazed and Soldered Joints
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25.4 国内外钎焊标准 Standards for Brazing and Soldering at Home and Abroad
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附录 Appendix
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附录A 我国几种常用钎料新旧牌号对照 Appendix A Corresponding New-old Designations of Some Conventional Filler Metals in China
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附录B 美国焊接学会(AWS)硬钎料和钎剂(表B-1~表B-14) Appendix B Specification for Brazing Filler Metal and Fluxes(AWS)
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附录C 国际标准化组织(ISO)钎料(表C-1~表C-9)(ISO 9453:2006;ISO/CD 17672:2007) Appendix C Specification for Filler Metals(ISO)
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附录D 实用钎料的成分和熔程 Appendix D Compositions and Melting Ranges of Probably Used Filler Metals
更新时间:2024-08-01 18:52:09